OK guy's - The time has come for all you Rough Rider buyers to come out of the "Closet". With just about every major knife company having all or part of their knives built in China it is OK to say - "Yes" I have Rough Riders in my collection. I was hammered pretty hard when i added Rough Rider to my line-up of knives that i engrave.
So tell us the what you have aquired from RR. If you have any Rough Riders you have customized, send me a pic & i will feature them on mjy web page - tom
Tom Hudson
OK guy's - The time has come for all you Rough Rider buyers to come out of the "Closet". With just about every major knife company having all or part of their knives built in China it is OK to say - "Yes" I have Rough Riders in my collection. I was hammered pretty hard when i added Rough Rider to my line-up of knives that i engrave.
So tell us the what you have aquired from RR. If you have any Rough Riders you have customized, send me a pic & i will feature them on mjy web page - tom
Mar 28, 2011
J.J. Smith III
Howdy Tom,
Don't customize them like you do, but I do try to make them more "useful"...
Mar 28, 2011
Tom Hudson
Mar 28, 2011