Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Ken Mundhenk

    The next new pattern for them will be a congress, later this week or next week.
  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    I hope it is a large congress. Stag, or pearl handles with the Northfield logo.

  • KnifeMaker

    Joan Mae Howard

    Go to and click on the new release page to see the first pictures of the congress that was released Thursday.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    I'll help out here

  • KnifeMaker

    Joan Mae Howard

    Thank you Scott, I did not know how to move the picture over here so thanks for doing it.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Had meeting with a GE exec after the Blade Show today. Word is they like what we have going here and plans to step up their involment!
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Great News Scott, Thanks

  • KnifeMaker

    Joan Mae Howard

    If you go to and click on the new release page you will see the next pictures of the congress and our new blade keys.
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Pics of Tortosie Shell Acrylic and River Blue Jigged Bone Congress and GEC 01 Blade Key
  • Robert Spring

    Nice looking congress any of the blades have half stops and hows the snap on these. Robert
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Robert I'm sorry it took so long to respond, I've been working on a project and haven't been on here for a few days. Yes they have half stops and have good snap on them.
  • Joe Ball

    Scott, Joe Ball here...finally. It was great to meet and chat with you at the Blade show and I am impressed with this whole e-community you have provided. Fantastic work. Also grateful for this space devoted to those like me who love GE knives. Hi Chris!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Interesting family history and all about being from PA. Pretty cool. And you have relatives working for knife companies now too? You do fit right in here.

    So you were attracted to GE because of their factory's location? I see you met GE Group's host- Ken, good.
  • Joe Ball

    its all good Scott!
  • Joe Ball

    I am amazed at the new congress stag. It is a very elegant design and feels light and very pocketable, one of my new favorites! A very classy addition to the collection.
  • Joe Ball

    just got the congress abalone .......................... WOW
    i think im still blinded from the shine and dizzy from the unreal 3 D effects.
    I could not be more impressed.
    Even more classy an addition.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    They do good quality work, don't they Joe? I like my two toenails- bone and stag too.
  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    Thanks to Scott King, founder of this site and Lisa, an old NKCA friend I discovered the Great Eastern Knife Co. I have been involved heavily in knife collecting since 1969, but have not been very active for the last four years. Since being made aware of this site I have purchased a Northfield Sunfish, A Northfield moose, and a Northfield whittler all with beautiful burnt stag handles. I also purchased a Bulldog muskrat with burnt stag handles. They are all beautiful knives and among the highest quality knives I have ever seen. Thanks much Scott and Lisa.
  • Joe Ball

    Scott.... the ETs are on a different plane of existence... my three GE ETs are still bomb, I agree...even the acrylic which I normally can take or leave.
    Richard... I think you are onto something!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Dick, I am glad you like them. The folks behind the company are good folks who care about quality knife making.

    And for you other older knife guys/gals here- when Josh (Joe) says "my three GE ETs are still bomb...." translated- it means he likes them :) Josh if I missed your meaning let me know.
  • Roger Cunningham

    Scott,I never would have known that.I `m sure glad you can speak New American. .........oh yeah,I like those GE ETs too!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King know I only speak Southern.....ain't 'ver even hear'd of that New American lang'ge anyhow.
  • Roger Cunningham

    I`m bilingual,I can speak American and Hill Jack.
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Take it from me, Roger does speak hill jack!. In any language GEC are putting out mighty fine knives.
  • Joe Ball

    yall be kikin it old school
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Pic of Tidioute Barlow, single blade with Exotic Mexican Bocote
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Tidioute single blade barlow, standard orange jigged bone
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Tidioute barlow, clip and spey blades, standard jigged orange bone
  • Joe Ball

    those barlows are nice. I like the single blade.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Welcome Perry. Glad you joined us.
  • Perry Miller

    Really like the way this site is coming on! Hopefully I will be able to contribute in the near future.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Ryan. Glad to see you join your knife company's fan club here! Gotta open house coming up this weekend, eh? Wish I could get there....but I can't. Ken is going and try to get some video so I can edit it and put it up here. Hope you will give him permission to video the factory.
  • Danny Allen

    I'm wondering if the Schrade made by Great Eastern would make a good collectable? Not a bad price

  • KnifeMaker

    Joan Mae Howard

    For all of you that are coming to our open house this weekend we will be raffling off a prototype of our newest knife, the toothpick. Tickets will be $2.00 each and the drawing will be held at the end of the open house on Saturday. You need not be present to win, we will ship you the knife and all the money collected (100%) will be donated to the Make A Wish Foundation.
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Wanted to let everyone know, Roger and I made it back from Titusville. We had a qreat time at the Great Eastern Cutlery open house. They not only produce GREAT knives, but the folks at GEC are great also, Bill, Ken, Ryan,Chris and Pat are real nice folks. They permitted us to video our tour of the factory, I've sent it to Scott and he's going to post it on here if it turned out.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Well......did you get a new knife or two???

    I'll let you know when the vid comes in (I guess I better get to figuring out how to get it into my Mac!)
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Hey Scott
    I posted pic's of the knives we got. The event knife was a sleeveboard in Abalone with matching key holder. There were 30 available, 10 each day. They were serialized, Roger got #2 and mine was #3. The blade is itched with "Great Eastern Cutlery Annual Knife Rendezous". Got to see the new Toothpick in River Blue Jigged Bone. I hope the video turned out and you can get it on here.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Open House video update: Ken sent me the tape with the video on it. I'm having to learn some new tricks to convert an analog video to digital, so I can then edit it. I won't bore you GE fans with the details, other than to say, I think I found a piece of equipment that will work and just clicked the buy it with "One Click" on Amazon. I hope this one works. Hopefully, when the UPS man comes later this week, I'll be able to update again that this one works, the last thing I bought to do it didn't. So, stay tuned. Don't worry bout me and all these investments, I'll just send the bill to Ryan at GE :)

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    I got the new equipment in only to find out it ain't the equipment that's the problem, it's the tape (the recording is just too pixilated to work). Sorry folks we all tried. Thanks Ken for giving this a hearty go. I can pull the audio off, but don't figure anyone will want to "listen" to an Open House :)
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Sorry about that, I appreciate you trying, maybe if I had modern equipment it would have been ok. Thanks again for trying
  • Joe Ball

    the toothpicks feel AMAZING in my palm! and the ETs are not too shabby either!
  • Ken Mundhenk

    The toothpicks are mighty fine, just got the Northfield burnt stag toothpick real nice stag
  • Michael D Sabol

    hey this is michael sabol and yes i am the same person as the other michael sabol..i had to make a new account because when i went to sign in it wouldn't take my email address i'm guessing i typed it wrong the first don't wonder why there are two michael sabols because there is only 1...thanks
  • Bruce Piehl

    Hey Guys, Am I the only one that thinks that the new handle on the new Northfield Toothpick, Jigged Blood Red bone is nice enough to be a standard on more types of frames, like the #23 #73 and #54. It might even like great in a yellow & black, green & black or blue?
  • Mike Bryant

    I admit it, I am a Sucker for Horn & Stag in the Jumbo Bullet Type Frame or Mountain Man Lockback, I can't resist bidding. I couldn't let this one go for less than what I thought was a good Deal on the one I bought from Doc's knives so I bought it on ebay.

  • Ken Mundhenk

    Great looking knife Mike!
  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    Great looking knife and I love Great Eastern's quality.
  • Danny Allen

    Mike you have a winner !!! Love those handles
  • Frank Evans

    Recently discoverd the quality of GEC... hae not looked back.
  • Frank Evans