Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • johnny twoshoes


  • johnny twoshoes

    Well, I didn't actually sneak them out I got caught in the act, so I had to put them
    back. :(
    But they let me keep the pics.:)
  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter

    80 members woohoo!!!!!!
  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter

    Is everyone done Holiday Shopping?

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Jan/Ken .. it'd be great if a link to GEC's hm pg  were in the opening Group Discussion "Information" section. I know I have it under favorites .. somewhere. Or I could certainly google it again. Just came here quick thinking I'd find it .. & didn't .. just a thought.

  • Jan Carter

    Dale let me get with Ken/Scott and see if there is a way to embed it here.  Great Idea
  • Jan Carter


    Scott added the link right under the Video.  Thanks for the suggestion

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Cool .. Supercool !!!


    It just seemed like a right nice place to have a link direct to their (GEC's) homepage.


    I really knew very little about GEC before iKC. I still don't own one .. but .. that will be rectified soon. Hopefully, the link & where it's @ will turn a few more member's on to GEC.

  • Jan Carter

    What will be your first purchase?  Do you have a favorite pattern or handle type?

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Oh yeah .. but don't think GEC's makin' one @ the moment.


    I'm rather fond of modified mini-copperlocks .. small unique quality locking folders in the more general sense.


    My current EDC is a Queen's  06L Teardrop in honey amber bone. I'm rather fond of their buttonlock version of the 41L  too.


    I've been looking more & more @ GEC's product & there's certainly a purchase in my future !!!



  • Jan Carter

    Fond of the teardrops myself!!  Take a look at the 72 mini lockback, nice knife

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    .. Tidioute's 260210 is sweet .. so's Northfield's ..


    .. and Northfields #890310 certainly caught my eye !!!

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Whoah .. you're right Jan .. those Wharncliffe lockbacks (720110LB) are sweet .. I'll be taking a much closer look @ those :)
  • Jan Carter

    I hope you all have a happy and safe new year!!
  • Jan Carter

    86 Members today.  Welcome to Michael Bolen
  • Jan Carter

    8 members today.  Welcome to Luca Vignelli
  • Jan Carter

    Sorry that was 87 members

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Congratulations for your continued growth- GEC! Keep it up- plus you've got a good knife company here too!
  • Jan Carter


    Thanks, we are steadily seeing more people interested in this amazing USA made knife..

  • Jan Carter

    88 members, welcome to Mr. Robert Burris
  • Jan Carter



  • Bob Andrews

    Take a look at the rules Gary,specifically rule #3.A lot of us have stuff for sale,but this isn't the place to do it.

    Bob Andrews

  • Jan Carter

    If you have not read this entry in the blog by Scott King, you should.  It will make every collector laugh and feel the pains of what we thought our collections would be and what they really are.

    Pages from a knife collector's journal- It is time to re-define my ...

  • Gary Kennedy

  • Jan Carter


    Those are sure gorgeous.  Is the third one down a toe nail?

  • Gary Kennedy

     Yes Jan very nice Toe Nail or Sun Fish  Thanks they make some great knives
  • Jan Carter


    Are you going to list them for sale in the Sale or Trades?  I was going to start a discussion for everyone to put their notice that they have GEC's in that blog for sale, but think it would be more effective for those folks to put their notice right here on the comment wall.  What do you think?

  • Gary Kennedy

    I would think putting them in the group would make it easier  Gary
  • Jan Carter

    Also if there is anyone out there looking for a particular GEC, like the older ones, Tell us. someone may have one
  • Gary Kennedy

    I put a 2009 Antique Walnut Bone Toe Nail in the for sale
  • Vince Roberts

    Jan - speaking of older GEC's.   I'm looking for a 735208 in Burnt Grizzly.   I remember more than a year ago Doug Scearce told me that there were only 5 pcs serialized and 7 nos in 2008.  I know it's a long shot but I doubt there is anywhere else on the web that I would any more luck than here. 
  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter

  • Vince Roberts

    Thanks Jan.  I sent the owner an email.    Now I will have to start my research to see if I can figure out all the models that have been produced with the Burnt Grizzly bone.  I would like to have a complete set.... but finding them is half the fun! 


    Thanks again

  • Jan Carter

    Your welcome.  Good refernce (pics) of the older models

    Be careful because it will make you want them all

  • Luca Vignelli

    Anybody out there have a Great Eastern Northfield UN-X-LD #362210STL in Ebony wood from the 11/23/10 release date that they want to sell? Please?
  • Luca Vignelli

    I just spoke with Chris Tucker the other day, she's the sales director at GEC, about special ordering custom spec knives. Their minimum order for a custom knife production is 50 pieces and they have a three to four month turnaround time. We have 88 memebers here so far, so we could use our numbers to order ourselves a very special knife and we could do so 3 or 4 times a year too. The way it works is that we spec the knife, from their existing patterns, choose materials, blades and details, and a mimimum order of 50 pieces (if not more) and they come back to us with a price. If the price works for us, we just sign the papers, give them the go ahead, and the money, and wait for our special packages in the mail! We'll get to talking about commissioning new patterns from them later, like a real repro of the C. Platts Jumbo Swell Center, although I did see the one the club made last year. Anyway, let me cut to the chase: I propose that we ask GEC to price out a Northfield #36 Sunfish all steel with smooth shiny all deep black buffalo horn handles (big black and shiny like a grand piano!). Anyone interested??? If I hear back from fifty of you out there we CAN do this! And then do it again and again!

    I'm in!!
  • Luca Vignelli

    Great! Craig and JJ are the first two to sign up for the "Grand Piano" Northfield #36 Sunfish! Can we get another 47 members? Yes we can! Spread the word folks!
  • Jan Carter

    Count us in


  • Ray Wylie

    I'm keen
  • Jack Crook

    Ok I'm in ,,,,
  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    You can count me in.
  • Luca Vignelli

    This is terrific! We have 9 people so far, 8 here, and one from the ETTC group! And it's only the first full day of this posting. To those of you who have expressed interest in this project, I will not waver until we hit that magic number of 50 orders so that we can work with GEC on making this knife a reality. Tell your friends, spread the word among groups and members.

    I just want to make one thing clear here. I will never ask anybody to send me any money, down payment or anything for anything ever. All purchases, once we get the final price from GEC, will be made directly through GEC and I will set that up for us for this knife. What am I getting out of this effort? The knife I want from a company whose work I admire at a price I can afford and some friends to share the experience with.

    I'm really excited about this and as soon as we get this first one done, lets talk about a second special knife order!

    Best to you all!


  • Alan

    Luca, You can me in In on any special Sunfish From GEC
  • Luca Vignelli

    OK, we're beginning to build some momentum here, we're now up to 11 interested members. To keep that momentum building now, I will call Chris Tucker at GEC this coming week and have them formally prepare an estimate for the production of a first set of fifty knives with the following specs:

    GE Northfield UN-X-LD Sunfish #36 all Steel, two blade polished 1095 Carbon spear point with the UN-X-LD stamped into the main blade and a double pull, with pure black (no lighter inclusions) buffalo horn handles and the "cloud" shaped plain shield.

    I'll also ask them to price out a production run of 100 and even 150 knives, so we can see how the price may drop and since some members may want more than one.

    While I have GEC on the phone, I will also formalize a payment method that works best for both GEC and our club members so that we can send payment for our knives directly to GEC. I will not consolidate our payments myself nor can I fund the production myself.

    I'll keep you all posted and please feel free to contact me with any comments.


  • Luca Vignelli

    A special thanks to Jan and Ken, and all of the other GEC group and iKC members who have expressed interest, for supporting my efforts in getting this project started.
  • Jan Carter


    To distinguish it as an IKC/GEC I would like it if the shield said just that