Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Tom Peterson


    Yes, I have been there three times. It is only about 5-10 miles away. I went last fall for the first time and then returned last month for their once a year sale of unclaimed knives. I picked up my limit of two knives. It's not too fancy but I felt like I was a kid in a candy store. They have a knife museum of older knives of all types that is pretty cool too. Not much new stuff but thousands of classic folders and fixed blades. Very impressive for those of us who like the oldies too. If you are ever in Orlando it is worth spending an hour or two there instead of going to the theme parks. I ran into a guy from Hawaii there that had ditched his family and the theme parks to check out the Randall Made shop.  RMK's are as addictive as GEC's!


  • KnifeMaker

    Dave Taylor

    That's great Tom!
    Sounds like a fun place to spend some time.
    RMK would be my choice of theme parks for sure.
  • Tom Peterson

    RMK is a top notch theme park! Its fun to look but the rides (knives) are pricey and you can only go on two rides! If you want to ride again you have to wait for the next annual sale or 58 months if you place an order. Worth the wait though. Wish they had express pass like Disney and Universal.

    Folks, sorry for clogging up the GEC group with RMK rantings! I apologize, Tom 

  • Jan Carter


    Where are you.  We are in Tampa.  Donnie knew Randall was in Orlando but did not know about the annual sale.

    You will all be happy to know I cut all the peppers but did not cut myself once.  Thats my bragging right because I cut myself on a can yesterday.  Luca, impressive

  • KnifeMaker

    Dave Taylor

    Jan, Congratulations! You win today's Safety Award.
    But, the best part is you can still join your Blood Brothers and Sisters after getting bit by that can yesterday. Opening knives, opening's all relative.

    Hope the allergies are better today.
  • Frank Stennett

    Glad to hear about the progress of our knife. Thanks for the update and all you have done.
  • Tom Peterson

    Jan, RMK has their sale I think it's on the second Tuesday in April every year. It's all of the unclaimed knives that people put deposits on but never paid for. People (other people that is) camp out a day or two in advance to be at the front of the line to choose. This was my first year attending and I was lucky enough to wander in and still get two sweet knives - which you can see on the photos on my page. I may join the ranks of the campers one of these days if the wife and kids will allow it (or after the wife leaves me for a less insane guy)!

  • Tom Peterson


    Congrats on bringing this project to fruition. Very excited to receive my Buffalo #36! We all owe you a big thanks!

  • Jan Carter

    Hey Dave...go up and look at my newest.  Someone put some leather coats in my box
  • Jean-François

    Great news! Thanks again, Luca.
  • Jan Carter

    Well no new sighting of Kate.  Can't wait to see her

  • KnifeMaker

    Dave Taylor

    The new #72 Lockback with the Lumberjack Spear blade was also on the Production Schedule for May. That one should be showing soon as well.

    Some of us are betting that blade will be similar to a Sunfish blade.
    Whaddaya think?????
  • Jan Carter

    I want to ask a favor of those of you are that are on other forums.  Please spread the word about the Wounded Warrior bidding going on right now..See above its listed under GEC genorosity.  PLEASE help us promote this wonderful project to help our Wounded Soldiers.
  • Jan Carter


    I am thinking sunfish type blade also, but GEC never ceases to amaze me.

  • Jan Carter

    Dave asked this yesterday

    The new #72 Lockback with the Lumberjack Spear blade was also on the Production Schedule for May. That one should be showing soon as well.
    Some of us are betting that blade will be similar to a Sunfish blade.
    Whaddaya think?????



  • Jan Carter


    All you Templar fans take note, our plea for a Magnus Eurous poster was effective!!!!!  I should have them available the first of next week. 

    You see, GEC does listen to us!!!!

  • Jan Carter

    This was posted elsewhere on IKC today.  Bruce is one of our own here at the GEC forum and I would like to generate as many thought and prayers for him and his family as possible...

    For all of you that know Bruce Piehl here at iKC. His father is in very bad shape , and in the biggest fight of his life with some serious health issue's. I ask that all you guys here at iKC will pray for him and his family in this time of need, and ask god to bless him and give him strength to deal with the days to follow. Thanks to everyone and have a blessed day!

  • Jan Carter


    Thanks for joining and making yourself available to the good folks in here.  I know you will enjoy it.

  • Tom Peterson


    Great to have you on board here at IKC. We all love GEC knives and the level of craftsmanship that you folks at GEC put into them. Additionally, for me personally it has been great to have access to your staff and look forward to our GEC groups interaction with you. I have spoken with Chris several times and Pat once (since Chris was tied up with another call) and I was floored to get to talk knives with him for a half an hour or so about different models, handle materials and my likes and things that I thought would improve certain models or things that I would like to see more of. I don't know of any other knife company where I could do this. You all are great! Keep up the great work!

  • Jan Carter

    I have no details but I know our Bill Fletcher is having surgery today and wanted to be sure we get all the good thoughts and prayers we can to him.  Bill let us know when your feeling better 
  • johnny twoshoes

    Prayers our being sent here.

    Hope all goes well for everyone.

  • Luca Vignelli

    Heads up my friends! Chris Tucker will be charging everyone's cards and depositing checks this Friday, June 10th, for our special factory order GEC Northfield UN-X-LD #36 Buffalo Horn Sunfish!!! That means they'll be ready to ship!!! Yahoo!!!

    We all owe Chris a big thanks and a hug for making this possible, and all of the great people at GEC from top to bottom as well! There's lots of love out there for this great company and it's their personal touch that sparks it, well, and also the impeccable knives they make...

  • Billy Oneale

    That is really great news, Luca. Thanks for the update.
  • Jean-François

    Great! Thanks a lot, Luca, and thanks a lot, Chris Tucker, and everybody who made it possible.
  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    Thank you Luca, and thanks to Chris. This is much quicker than I expected. I know, coming from Great Eastern they will be every thing we hoped for. Thanks for all of your time and effort in getting this done.


  • Luca Vignelli

    Sorry folks, I jumped the gun! Chris just clarified for me that GEC will be putting our payments through on Friday in order to cover the bills and factory costs for our knives' production which is, "moving along nicely, but not quite ready yet". The knives will not be ready to ship for a couple of weeks still, but hey, exacting and meticulous work takes time. My apologies for getting overly excited, but you know I'm an excitable guy.
  • Jean-François

    Well, we ALL are very excited ;=) !!!
  • Rusty R Halsey

    GEC has the #36 "IKNIFE" with buffalo horn scales on the June production schedule. 
  • Alan

    Buffalo Horn IKC Sunfish now on GEC's production Schedule..Awesome
  • Frank Stennett

    Sound great here. Very fast I think. Thanks to all who kept this alive and moving.


  • johnny twoshoes

    GEC put up a Collect by Pattern Page, I thought that was pretty cool.

    I don't collect a one certain pattern, so I just get to look at the pretty pictures.

  • Jan Carter

    I looked at it also Johhnny, If you did collect by pattern it would sure be the time to be looking those over
  • Jan Carter

    First Natural Disaster Knife Auction Starts TODAY!!!

    Several weeks ago Great Eastern Cutlery generously donated two highly collectible GEC knives to be auctioned off with the proceeds to be donated to the American Red Cross or Salvation Army.  All of you living in the southern half of the country are well aware of the seemingly, never ending chain of natural disasters this Spring.  So with a special thanks to GEC, we're going to kick off the first auction to try and help the recovery process.

    Up for bid is a 563111 Ez Open with gorgeous Lace Wood handles.  The knife is etched "Factory Test" and the tube bears a COA label on the back stating that it is a Factory Test Production Run knife, Serial #02 of just 6


    To place a bid, simply "reply" to this post with your Bid.  Bids will be accepted until 9:00 PM CST Tuesday, June 21, 2011.  100% of the proceeds from the auction will be donated to the American Red Cross or the Salvation Army, whichever organization the auction winner prefers.

    Spread the word to the collectors you know.  This is a great cause and hopefully Great Eastern's generosity will help motivate more people to help out.  And a heads up for everyone, when this auction ends, there will be another auction for a match to this knife starting NEXT week!!!
  • Jan Carter

    I know you all recently received spam about cable vs satalitte.  I apologize, the channels that correct this type of action have been notified.  Here I was all excited that we had another women join and then it's just spam :( 
  • Alan

    Thank you Jan,


    I was just comming here this morning to change my settings.

  • Bob Andrews

    I'd like to invite everybody to come and read,and post at my new blog page.
    We'll be talkin mostly about Great Eastern Cutlery,and their knives. Collecting,using,and just knives in general.Upcoming patterns,upcoming events and shows,and all that kind of stuff. But PLEASE,NO POLITICS! There are a gazillion other places for that.
    Hope you'll join me!
    Bob Andrews Old Hundred Collectibles
  • johnny twoshoes

    Bob, everything looks good to me, I'll have to leave some comments soon.
  • Jan Carter


    Exciting news on the new blog.  I just took a look at it and you have done a fine job.  I hope you will also continue to share here with us.

  • Jan Carter


    My pleasure...we wont be hearing the ad again

  • johnny twoshoes

    Wow, there is a huge difference in the color of the last two #72s released. They almost looks like different scale colors to me, I like them both, but they don't match at all.
  • johnny twoshoes

    The Elk are out and they look great.

    I'm hoping my reserve went through, because these are the bomb!!!!!!

  • johnny twoshoes

    Bob Andrews is THE MAN, I've been blessed with A+ GEC distributors to deal with, but Bob is AAA+. I definitely suggest dealing with Bob, great guy.
  • Luca Vignelli

    It's official! Our special factory order GEC Northfield UN-X-LD #36 Buffalo Horn Sunfish are leaving the factory today! All orders will be shipped out via FedEx and international orders via USPS. Just received confirmation this morning from Chris.

    We did it, all for one and one for all! GEC and Chris Tucker made this possible for us, and a huge thanks out to them. 

    I think this project shows what we can do together as a group here at iKC, and I believe that the possibilities are truly limitless, especially when working in tandem with such an UN-X-LD company as Great Eastern Cutlery. GEC stands alone not only for the quality of their products but equally importantly for their commitment and receptiveness to their customers, a rare quality indeed.

    So, now that we have proven ourselves capable with a special factory order #1, would anybody else like to step up to the plate and try for another sfo with our favorite company? Warning, it ain't easy and it sometimes feels like you're herding cats keeping tabs on everybody and keeping everybody on the same page...

    Let's throw some ideas out there and see which one gains some traction! Maybe we'll even have a vote?

    OK, I'll throw out the first pitch:

    A Northfield #23L Single Blade Long Pull Linerlock w/Black Buffalo Horn or maybe even Snakewood?

    OK, now it's your turn!

  • Jim McLeod

    Well Luca....


    Herding cats ? I thought they simply meow-andered........

    But, here's an idea..a Northfield #53 Single Blade,Pinched and Lined Bolsters ,though slightly taper the end as in a Sleeveboard...and for the bottom bolster  a teardrop style......

  • Luca Vignelli

    Jim, nice proposal, only one problem though. I talked to GEC in the past about making new patterns, or tweaking existing ones, and it's not an easy thing for them to do. The factory set up costs for creating a new pattern, or modified one, would be prohibitive for a small order like one we could cobble together ourselves. Working within the the existing frames and specifying blades, layout, details, materials and finishes is really about all we can do. Of course we can all clamor for a new knife frame, or knife type or model or modification to be introduced and GEC definitely does listen and act on it, but that's a longer term proposition.
  • Jean-François

    Well, maybe a very sober elegant tool like this one :


    ??? ;=)

    But yes, a Northfield #23L Single Blade Long Pull Linerlock with Black Buffalo Horn could be nice (too)...

    Thanks a lot, Luca !

  • Luca Vignelli

    Jean-Francois, that knife is NOT sober! That knife is over the top and out of control and on steroids! Ha ha!
  • Jan Carter


    Is there anything that little gem is missing?

  • Jean-François

    NO iPod...
  • stephen tungate

    i am waiting by the mail box waiting for my ikc club #36 sunfish with buffalo horn's on it's way guy's