Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Don "Grump01" Hunter

    I ignored a pre-order for Beer Scouts, even though I want a caplifter badly.  Now, I don't know if I'll be able to get one............

  • Jan Carter


    Check with Blue Creek Cutlery and see if he can get you one 

  • Jan Carter

    Also I just looked and there is one at Old Hundred

  • Don "Grump01" Hunter

    Looked at Old Hundred and that tortoise shown said out of stock. Maybe I'll get luck at CK
  • Jan Carter

    Mike has these on pre order but Greg at TSA says he has some on order also

  • Don "Grump01" Hunter

    Jan.  For now I'll sweat it out with CK with a sure commitment on one and maybe on 3 other Beers and 2 Sodas until I know for sure there.  Mostly just mad at myself for not going with a reservation from the get go because I knew I would have to have one someday.

  • Don "Grump01" Hunter

    First, not sure if there is a rule about which Dealers can be named in comments, so I'll leave names out.  I did get a notification on a Chestnut Sawn Bone Beer Scout and thought they were available now to purchase and ship and placed an order with the invoice saying preorder.  Then today I found a Sunbrite available at another dealer who doesn't do reservations or preorders, so now eventually I'll have 2 different ones, 1 EDC & 1 Special Occasions.  Hopefully 1 this week and the other ????.

  • Don "Grump01" Hunter

    Jan Carter: Those "Beer Scout Glass Sets aren't a good idea for me.  According to my other half, I'm not getting any more knives.  

  • Jan Carter

    But they are not knives Grump!  They are kitchen implements, thats why they have bottle openers 

  • Don "Grump01" Hunter

    Jan Carter: That would only fly the day when "The Pigs Fly". LOL

  • Don "Grump01" Hunter

    YEA!! I've got 2 Beer Scouts heading my way TODAY!!
  • Jan Carter

    Woohoo!  Congrats Grump01!!!

  • Don "Grump01" Hunter

    Turns out the 2 notifications were from just my "Sunbrite" order.  Received it in the mail today.  Looks like the "Chestnut" will be mailed from that dealer after he receives them possibly next Monday.

    A side question, how many that have received Beer or Soda Scouts have or plan on removing the bail from their's??  I am thinking I'm leaning toward removing the bail from mine.  Thanks in advance for your opinions.

  • Jan Carter

    SOOOOOO!  What do you think of the sunbrite????

  • Don "Grump01" Hunter

    I loves it.  Similar to the Case Yellow Delrin, but somewhat transparent or translucent, whichever is the proper term.  Quality.

  • Jan Carter


    First I thought I had answered the question on what dealers can be named but apparently I did not.  My thoughts:  We all buy from dealers, they are folks we become attached to.  I have no problem with them being mentioned in comments, we just dont allow active selling.  (LOL, I prefer the iKC supporters)

    I am glad your first impression of this knife is great!  Will one of them be a user??

  • Jan Carter

    Greg at TSA Knives has announced this

    Just got a shipment of the GEC Beer Scout Glasses and came up with a fund raiser idea for the Wounded Warrior Project.  It’s been a while since I did anything through the storefront and gave everyone a chance to help out, so here’s your chance.  Ya can’t lose!!!

    Beer Scout Glasses ~ WWP Fund RaiserBeer Scout Glasses ~ WWP Fund Raiser

    GEC says these glasses should retail for $7.25 each.  Well, while my supply lasts, for a grand total of $15 (including shipping), you can buy a pair of the Beer Scout Glassesand…….

    $10 of that $15 will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project!!!

    Now consider the glasses alone should sell for at least $14.50.  AND, the shipping cost is roughly $6-$8.  The way I figure it, you just got a value worth over $20 for just $15,  AND….you just made a $10 contribution to the Wounded Warrior Project in the process!!!

    Just so there’s no misunderstanding, GEC did NOT donate these glasses for this fund raiser.  I’ve only got a couple dozen of the glasses so it’s first come, first served.  Really sorry, but I can’t ship these overseas due to the shipping cost and risk of breakage.

  • Jan Carter



    2015 DRAWING


    #462111 NORTHFIELD UN-X-LD


    Sambar Stag

    1 OF 2 EVER MADE

    Tickets are $1.00 each


    Minimum of 10 tickets if using a credit card

    To purchase tickets contact Chris in Sales:

    814-827-3411 or email:


  • Jan Carter

  • Don "Grump01" Hunter

    Jan Carter

    To answer your earlier question on the Beer Scouts, the chestnut will be edc and the Sunbrite for special days.  I don't really go for "safe queens", but can't carry all, but I at least handle and enjoy all.  If they just stay in a safe out of sight they aren't enjoyable.

  • Graeme

    Can't believe I missed the pre-orders for the Ancient Barlows!!  Can anyone help me get my hands on one or all three of the variants? They all look amazing!  

  • jeff

    me too Graeme ! I want one too,and missed my normal place because of work schedule..the pre-orders didnt last  but a few hours I believe.

  • Jan Carter

    Graeme and Jeff,

    My suggestion?  Contact Charlie, he is a member here  

  • Don "Grump01" Hunter

    Received a Tidioute #83 Purple Sage Jigged Bone Satin Drop Point (Triple P) today.  Couldn't be more pleased with a knife.

  • Jan Carter

    OH!  Thats the little lockback!  I bet it is sweet!

  • Derek Wells

    Turn Your Radio On..............
    Got It!!! I have been after one of these for over a year. The search & chase are good fun but the real enjoyment comes from finally having that elusive piece in your hand.
    Where I grew up in rural New Zealand we didn’t get TV coverage until I was about to leave high school, so Radio was well entrenched from an early age as my go-to entertainment from listening to The Lone Ranger, Hopalong Cassidy ... Early Elvis & Beatles plus many others on a scratchy old AM Radio.
    Scroll ahead a couple of years and I scored what was my dream job as an announcer/disc jockey at 4LM Mount Isa in Australia and I spent the next 30 years in broadcasting – mostly Radio here in Aussie. 
    So you can see when I discovered Charlie Campagna’s Northfield SFO Radio Jack … I just had to have one. Plus coincidently, my Dad was ‘John’ but was always called “Jack”.

    Then disappointment after disappointment…. on the odd occasion one came up for sale in the US it was “will ship to the USA only” (Why you folks think it is too hard to post outside the US I have no idea???)

    Then I finally tracked one down, and yes the Guy was happy to post to Australia.
    Did I pay 'overs' for it.... yep  .... do I care .... Nope!

  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter

    #15 Lone Star Knives Sailors Knife

    Damascus Steel Blades and Deck Wood Handles from the Tall Ship Barque Elissa

    SFO: American Fighting Ship Knives

    Great Eastern Cutlery's photo.
  • Ron Cooper


    Is that YOUR knife? That knife is just flat-out fantastic! I love the Damascus pattern. And the fact that the wood scales came from the deck of a Tall Ship just make it that much more special. Just, wow!

  • Clint Thompson

    I knew I should not have looked at these knives. At Christmas time....this is not good. LOL!

  • Jan Carter

    Ron, Not mine and not at the dealer yet either LOL

    This knife, being part of the ships series is an SFO.  I can only assume it is at the same dealer that commissioned the other ships knives.  That would be Docs Knives

  • John Bamford

    I think this site may be of help in finding one of these knives .

  • Ron Cooper

    Thanks, Jan!

    Regardless of who owns that knife, I think that we can agree that it is just flat-out beautiful. An amazing group of different elements all come together to create a stunning end result. Santa, if you're listening...*nudge~nudge, wink~wink*

  • Jan Carter

    Docs Knives fighting ships

    Hmmm, cant wait to see who gets this one LOL

  • Alan

    wow, that's real nice.

  • John Bamford

    Just spotted this , looks rather nice I would say,

  • Jan Carter

    Now that is looking rather nice !!

  • Derek Wells

    I know even for you folks in the USA it is difficult at times to add specific GEC patterns/knives to your collection. It is doubly difficult here in Australia. Many US dealers will not post to Aussie so very few GEC's find their way to our shores.

    So was very happy last week when I was able to pick these two up on the secondary market #56 Dogleg Jack & TC Barlow  (Not my Pics these were from the vendor)

  • Clint Thompson


    Well all States allow these two knives. Many States now allow automatic knives as well. Great looking patterns. Good to hear from down under.

  • Ron Cooper

    I can see why you'd be happy to get your paws on those two knives, Derek! I would be pleased as punch to have either one of those beauties! I especially like that Tidioute Barlow with the embossed bolsters! But I like stag, too! And there ain't nothin' shabby about that Northfield, either! Great score, mate!

  • Graeme

    I don't suppose that anyone has a 25 with Snakewood that they would sell?

    Favourite combo of pattern and scale material and I would really love to get my hands on one. 


  • John Bamford

    I see the GEC #18 Beagle is available in Oil Sucker Rod Wood , sounds different !

  • Derek Wells

    I took the 'Bait' John having never heard of Oils Sucker Rod Wood 

    I thought Rod Wood was a guitarist with the Rolling Stones but no that's Ronnie. Now having Googled it I now know why it is called "Sucker Rod" wood. 

    Now can you expand my knowledge please? Is the wood used on the knives actually from used Sucker Rods and perhaps infused with oil? And what is the actual wood?  

  • Andrew Cutler

    A sucker rod is what connects the downhole pump with the pumpjack on an oil well.Prior to about 1890 or so, sucker rods were made of wood. I'm assuming GEC got ahold of some old wooden rods from old wells in the area.

  • Jan Carter

    Andrew you are correct!  GEC got ahold of some old wooden rods from old wells in the area

  • Cory Hess

    From what I understand, the first oil field in America was in Titusville, PA.  GEC got their hands on some of the old oil sucker rods and used the wood on their Rendezvous knives in 2014 as a tribute to this history.  I believe that Titusville was holding an Oil Festival the same weekend that GEC had their Rendezvous that year.  As far as I know, that wood hasn't been used since.  Somebody reported that Chris at GEC thought that the wood was ash, but that's not certain.

  • John Bamford

    I didn't know what this wood was either when I first heard of it last year . Someone on iKC educated me though I can't remember exactly what type of wood these rods are made of though it looks a little like ash on the photo below that I found on the web .

  • Derek Wells

    I suspect you are correct John with that olive-brown on the knife pictured it looks like Ash to me. Plus as a Timber it would have been very suitable to use in those Sucker Rods where they would have needed a tough durable wood.

  • John Bamford

    I do like the look of this new #98 from GEC,

    Especially the Texas cattle knife ,

  • John Bamford

    Or then again the Camp Knife is nice ,