Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Andy King

    In case you are interested in options

    Clerk (Tidioute- Smooth Laser Bone or Ivory Micarta); (Northfield - Gabon Ebony or Stag)

    Speaker Jack & Whip (Tidioute- Rust Red Jig Bone or Ivory Micarta); (Northfield- Gabon Ebony or Stag)

  • Jan Carter

    Andy that was some darn good choices of handles for the congress set.  Cant wait to see them when they get home

  • Andy King

    Two of my three Congress set are now in

    AWESOME knives
    I am totally stoked by these great works of art and function
    The quality is outrageous
    Added pics today
  • Jan Carter

     Andy, i am on the tablet but tomorrow i will get a good look!

  • In Memoriam

    Doug Webber

    I posted some pics but thought I'd put them here as well. I had 3 Ben Hogans that I thought could be improved. The Primitive bone was not to my liking at all...If If it's not going to be dyed them I like it bleached. The Black Gold was just to dark of an acrylic...didn't set it of in my display at all and it had a spear blade. Nothing wrong with sear blades, just don't like them on my Ben Hogans...I already had one and that's enough. The Red River acrylic was too dark as well. These 3 knives fell into that group of not really knowing if you'll like them until you get to hold them. I sent them to Herman Williams to be re-handled. Plus a little file work on one.

  • Tim

    Wow, that's some nice file work.

  • In Memoriam

    Doug Webber

    Thanks Tim, Herman has been a huge influence on my knife collection. It's just boggles my mind that at 80 he is still turning out work like this.


  • Tim

    That's impressive at age 80. It's great that he is still pursuing a passion though.

    I"ll be blessed just to bend over & tie my shoes at that age.

  • Jan Carter


    The rehandles all look great.  Your correct that he still does stunning work.  Not being an acrylic fan, for the most part, I can understand having them changed out.  When Donnie collected seahorses we did the same thing.  The G10 did nothing for me but the rams horn replacement did LOL.

    Good work on making your collections what you want it to be !

  • Bryon Banks

    I happened to be in the neighborhood of GEC today so I stopped by to visit with Mr. Howard and Ms. Tucker and browse a bit. We had a nice discussion on my favorite handle material and the future of it. He showed me some of the stag hunks that they start with. Snapped a couple pics and bagged a couple fine pieces of cutlery and got back on the road.

  • In Memoriam

    Doug Webber

    I'm looking for a GEC Tidioute #651112 LB in Spring Green jig bone. This is the clip blade lockback. If anyone has a line on one, I'd appreciate a heads up.

  • Jan Carter

    Greg just posted that he found a stash of early GEC protos!!!  Prices look very reasonable to me

  • Jan Carter

    An interesting discussion here

    Here is the first paragraph

    I received an email from Chris at GEC this afternoon regarding the upcoming Single Blade 78 American Jacks.  These aren’t expected to ship until mid to late December and just Friday they were asking for early order commitments.  Today, five days later, GEC is committing to building 1800 Tidioute and Northfields PLUS…….. 1000 SFO’s.   That’s almost 3000 single blade 78’s.

    Now I know how I feel about a low run company stepping up to 3K production of a single pattern but I am interested to hear how you feel about it?

  • Clint Thompson

    This is a good many single blade knives. I hope the marketing did their due diligence. I personally like the 78 pattern. It will be interesting to see the final products in each of the three classes.

  • Tim

    Looking at GEC's production totals for last year, it is apparent they are stepping up production of each release. That is a good thing since demand is growing for their product. The numbers seem very high however for the #78 if correct. There are a lot more SFO's going on now too. Just have to wait & see how this all shakes out I guess.

  • In Memoriam

    Doug Webber

    I don't collect for investment reasons but for enjoyment. One thing you could pretty much count on though, was that a GEC knife would hold it's original value and generally increase in value which is a rare thing in today's traditional knife market. With GEC ramping up production numbers, on the new 78's at least, I doubt this will still be true. As long as the quality of their knives does not suffer from this increase in production I will still collect GEC's when a particular model appeals to me, but that thrill of having one of only maybe 50 made will certainly be gone. That in itself will certainly make their knives much less appealing to me as a collector.

  • Jan Carter

    I agree about waiting to see how this bold move plays out.  Like you Doug we dont collect for investments LOL, I would have started collecting gold 40 years ago if that was my intent.  Your statement that historically they do NOT lose value was a factor in the collectible pieces though.  Since what we have are the first 7 years of production and nothing more than a run of 25 we should still be ok on holding value.  Heck this move may actually make the value increase

  • Gary Kifer

    Hello All,

    Website is up and running, 2 full pages of GEC knives ;)

    if I can help anyone with something new or used please let me know


  • Gary Kifer

    Well were working on filling page # 3 of knives for sale, new and older :)

  • greg weber

    my favorite knives to collect. especially since i grew up in that area

  • KnifeMaker

    Robert Stadtlander

    Queen Cutlery made folding woodcarving knives for my business.  I need to find a new source so if anyone or any company is interested in providing knives, please contact me ASAP.

  • Jan Carter

  • Brian H Bentley

    I wondered if I would ever own a GEC stockman pattern knife - especially in Sambar Stag. Today my GEC #66 in Sambar Stag arrived. (Purchased from Very happy guy.

  • Jan Carter


    That is a winner!  I know your happy to have one, how are you liking the knife itself?

  • Billy Oneale

    Nice one, Brian.

  • Ron Cooper

    That sure is a super sweet looking Stockman ya got there, Brian! Kudos, mate! Enjoy that beauty in good health, my friend.

  • Syd Carr

    Oh dang, now I want one! (Thanks Brian, that's a real beauty!).

  • Brian H Bentley

    Thanks, everyone.

    Jan, I'm very happy with the knife and I feel fortunate to geta GEC in stag.

  • Clint Thompson

    Great knife and knife company.

  • Brian H Bentley

    Last year there was a Knife Show just outside Titusville on the Rendezvous weekend that started at noon on Friday. Does anyone know if there's one this year?

    Thanks, Brian

  • Jan Carter

    Brian I dont know but I do know that Chris at GEC would be able to answer that for you

  • Jack Haskins, Jr.

    Last year I got a Tidioute Calf Roper (661317) with gabon ebony handle and a Tidioute Churchill (351217) with gabon ebony handle.  Since then I've carried both and loved each one.  Right now I have the Calf roper in my pocket.  They are both users with no concern for keeping them scratch free.  I gave up trying to decide which one is my favorite.


  • Jan Carter

    I find myself searching for a #15 with a cap lifter for a friend, no glow in the dark :)

    any help is appreciated

  • Tim

    I have seen a Crown Lifter, and some Beer Scouts on another exchange, but they disappear faster then I can get a notification out.

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    Great Eastern Cutlery Rendezvous Event   August 8th ,9th , & 10th 2019

  • Jan Carter

  • Paul Evans

    Has anybody noticed how much Whalers are selling for on evil bay?

  • Jan Carter

    Paul I have not looked but I know someone that got 1000 each for 2 of the originals

  • jack walker

    Great Eastern is doing things right. The prices show it. I hope they continue. 

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    Why chase Great Eastern Cutlery knives on EBAY or pay crazy inflated prices.  The GEC dealers have many nice NOS GEC knives for sale.  Two things men hate,"NO" and "You Can't" !  Don't be a sucker when you buy a knife.  GEC is making great knives in May 2019 and beyond.  I have 3 GEC pre-orders , right now.  I am excited too.  GEC# is making a #93 knife , no photos or drawings have been released yet.  "Ram's Foot" blade , I never seen one.  Those should be released in June. 

  • Tim

    The #93 Ram's Foot should be a big hit. Something totally new for GEC.

    Charlie Campagna's #93 Lamb's foot is also very interesting. It will be different from the Ram's Foot as being like the European blade shape.

  • Jeff Chung

    I'm excited for the 93 too.

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    I sent in an email to Old Town Cutlery.  I want that GEC#93 royal blue camel bone with boot shield.  Sounds like a winner to me. I have 3 toothpicks on pre-order too. This is going to be a great year for GEC collecting for me.  

  • Jan Carter

    I like that GEC is going back to some mystery in the releases.  I cant wait to see this

    GEC# is making a #93 knife , no photos or drawings have been released yet.  "Ram's Foot" blade , I never seen one.  Those should be released in June. 

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    I received this from Frank's yesterday.   I am on the list .

  • jack walker

    #93 saw a picture of it. Looks great, nice shape handle and blade.

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    If anyone spots the new GEC#93 Ram's Foot knife designs or photos , please save it and post it for  the rest of the class.  Thank You 

  • In Memoriam

    Doug Webber