Jefferson Spivey Sabertooth Knife

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    WOW!  Haven't seen one of these in a WHILE!  I actually became briefly obsessed over the Sabertooth and had even decided to finally pick one up -- but it was just a little too late.  Which is fine, I've missed more than one knife that way.  But I can still appreciate how cool this is for you to own.  Glad you posted a photo of it!!!!

  • Kevin D

    Well crud!  I was trying to edit the spelling of a word and managed to delete the whole bloody thing.  Let's try to recreate it.

    VERY cool!

    This is about as authentic of a piece of American History as we can really get now a days.  It was conceived on Jefferson's trek across the US in 1968.  It was named after a smilodon skull that he saw in 1965,  I have not been able to discover what steel was used in its manufacture, but many high-profile folks have one of these knives in their collection.

    That you were able to acquire one is a feat in and of itself.  Congrats!