In Memoriam

Scott King

Rainbow City, AL

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
11- 15 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Old Elephant Toenails/Sunfish knives
About Me
I'm a multi-tasking father of 4, husband of one, real estate auctioneer and one who enjoys our hobby & nice knife folks.
Knife shows; KNIFE AUCTIONS; observing social changes brought on by technology and specifically its impact on our daily lives....and of course, all things Mac.
Other Hobbies
Vintage Mac computers and tennis

Comment Wall:

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  • Gary Kennedy

    tell Mark hello for me . I want be there see you in Dalton
  • J.J. Smith III

    " Running to Atlanta and back. "...
    Why don't you drive, the weather stinks!
  • kenneth noob

    hi scott, pick up any new tactical folders? :)
  • Andre de villiers

    Hey Scott
    Thanks for the really great web site, its a big assett to us knifemakers to all say in touch.If I place an add in a knife mag, may I include a link to get to this site?
  • Anthony G.

    Hey Scott, just wanted to let you know that RAT Cutlery has officially changed its name to ESEE Knives. There is a pdf file of the official announcement here. Jeff Randall has also started a thread about this on Bladeforums.

    I'm not sure if you want to change the name of the RAT Cutlery Aficionados group or not. Something to consider.

  • Henri Abraham Bielawski

    Thanks Scott for the warm welcome! I appreciate your interest in the engraved knives. I dont have a website right now but I am currently working on a body of work that I can put together as a portfolio. But a website is a great idea. I'll get right on that! :) To tell you a little bit about the engraving, I start with a brand new knife and engrave them by hand - it isnt milled, pantographed, ,cast or computer driven. I sketch a design on paper and either transfer it or draw it on by hand and begin relieving the metal with a hand graver assisted with compressed air. The knives I have posted are just scratching the surface as to what can be done with engraving. Sculpting, inlaying metals, and photographic realism can be achieved, too Since I am studying as an apprentice to a jeweler, and many of those techniques can be applied also. Techniques like stone setting, piercing, and filework are possibilities for example. If you ever have a knife that you want embellished with a custom design dont hesitate to ask. Thank you for the welcome to the forum and I hope to see you around here soon :)

  • Jill Klies

    Thanks buddy...I do not get out much now at all due to this disabilty but I went to the gun shows as they were here so often..If there was a knife show I would definately go check it out! I just like knives & guns so I thought - if I'm going to be stuck in the house then I might find others to chat with about the things in my life that I like....LOL
  • J.J. Smith III

    I realize that you've spent a fair sized chumk of your own cash on ads for iKC in the knife mags.
    Got a limited time offer on ad space that's out of this world. Not cheap but these spots are ending later this year.
  • J.J. Smith III

    'Bout forgot this.

  • Peter DeChant

    Thanks Scott.
  • Peter DeChant

    Forgot to say. If you are going to the Wolverine show I wanted to let you know I was a member of that club when I lived in MI. It is a great club. I trade alot of knives for whittler patterns there. i had a Winchester folding hunter untouched that i traded for some older XX and Tested Case whittlers! It was a great time collecting then.
  • J.J. Smith III

    I don't know. NASA saw E.T. in the Hubble Telescope last month.

  • wolfenburger

    Hey Scott! Thank's, looking forward to spending lots of time in here. Great to be part of a world wide knife community.

    Wolfenburger aka Espen Hagerup/Oslo Norway
  • Glenn K

    Hi Scott, Thanks for the welcome. Seems I replied to some welcome messages on my own page. Guess I will learn to navigate this site in time. And yes indeed to the knife images , will break out the cam soon look forward to sharing ! Glenn
  • kenneth noob

    this is insane, scott. IKC really increased in members. last i remember, there was just a little over 400 members!
  • J.J. Smith III

    Pretty sorry lot of 5 million dollar a minute commercials, if you ask me.

    Figured I'd spread a ray of sunshine your way though,
    How do you like this -

    Figure that the main'll be used to cut the peaches and spread the preserves on toast, while I can carve with the secondary.

  • Matthew Plank

    Scott, great site.
  • J.J. Smith III

  • All Vericio

    Thank you!
  • Jeff Lilja

    Thank you, and thank you for all you've done to make IKC such a great place.
  • leonard leach

    Thank you for welcome message. Its a nice personal touch, and encourages me to talk to talk to everyone. Having dislexia most of my life has not helped me to write, as much as i would have liked to. But i am going to make much more of effort than i have been used to. As i feel so welcome here, as this is such a fantastic site. In fact there is so much see and learn, i feel like a boy in a toy shop, full of excitement and eager anticipation. Thanks for making me welcome.
  • John Woodcock

    Hello Scott,
    Thanks for the welcome. this seems a friendly, interesting community. glad i found it to tell you the truth. I will update my profile , add pics etc etc as soon as i get the time. My internet acccess is somewhat limited at the mo, but thats gonna change very very soon :) I look forward to getting to know you and all of the people here. Once again thanks,
  • Nate

    Thanks. Glad to be back.
  • Darrell Miller

    Scott, thank you for the birthday greeting. It's nice to know that people you don't even know, sometimes think of you. Hope you have a great day!
  • Terry Waldele

    OOOOPS! It worked! First, it inserted a long string of computer code. Then, it embedded this picture by Frazetta. Where IT came from, I can't imagine. Hope you're not offended by Frazetta's art. Personally, I idolize Frazetta. His art is awesome.
  • Ross Tyser

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes Scott, I appreciate it.
  • Alex Rakotz

    Thanks a lot for the warm welcome. Ill definitely be posting some pics that I have soon.
  • Terry Waldele

    No offense taken, Scott. Thanks for reminding me that there are younger members to think of.
  • Jack Crook


    Talked with Lisa last week and she told me, going up next friday , my birthday to look over the restaurant for the Forum Dinner,,,We want you to attend, have so much going on we are going to do a silent auction for most items but may do a live one or two... we'll talk soon...
  • Peter Vizi


    The site looks realy helpful, i can't wait to soak up all the knowledge of all the professionals.

    One comment I would have about the layout od the site: I'm browsing now from my ipod and there are some parts that are unreadable bc of the color scheme. This includes the main menu bar, and on the list of forum topics. The grey text on this dark red background is unreadable, alighter color might be better.

  • lg&m

    Thanks for the request and the help with the thread.
  • Bruce Piehl

    You do have good tast.
  • Glenn K

    Hiya Scott, All in good fun, would not trade her for the world LOL ! Wifey is the reason I have this new blade incomming. I had on my watch list on Ebay the Manix 2 Sprint Run from Spyderco. Since smitten with the new P'Kal, she went and ordered me up a Spyderco C101GPBL2 Manix 2, Blue G-10, Limited to 500. Guess this will be a closet queen unless I want to depreciate the value by carry, but thrilled to be able to add it to the ever growing collection. I will post some pics once in hand. GK
  • Glenn K

    Stock image

  • Glenn K

    Scott, I dought I will end up using this as a EDC, If I really like the knife, I can buy the Manix 2 Black G10 scaled version. The only differance is the blade is not a flat grind. I already carry 3 knifes daily so would have to make room for another or swap one out.
  • J.J. Smith III

    The girls down at the diner think you've been working too hard.
    They had this made up, at the Gift Shop, so you'll always have a cup handy.

  • Mike Smith

    Great site you have Scott!
  • Mike Smith

    Thanks Scott, do you mind if I put up a banner over at my place of here? I have a link on the left of my homepage with places. This would be easy for my existing members to just hop over here.
  • Drinoczi Gyorgy

    I am glad that I may be between you very much. Big honour.
  • Anthony G.

    Hey Scott. I checked out your CutleryBlog recently and saw the announcement for your new online knife magazine. I wish you the best of luck and am eager to check it out.

    Oh, here's some cool info that might help the magazine. Spyderco has released a number of prototype pictures for 2010. Check it out here.
  • STEVE C.

    Hi scott...........Thanks for the comment matey....
    Yes LOVE THE STRIDERS.....Very hard to get in the uk.... Its a right pain.... !!! You got many STRIDERS yourself bud....

    Kindest Regards Steve C.
  • Glenn K

    Hope you had a great time at the show Steve. Look forward to and pics or video you may have grabbed . Glenn
  • Daniel R Altgilbers Jr.

    hey thanks's a newer hobby for me, but I think I have a good start aleady :)
  • Trent Rock

    The iBlade Phone
  • Andrew Davis

    Thank you mr. King. I will be working up a blog post soon! Thanks for checking out our site also, we are looking to get associated with collectors and makers to give us feedback on what they would like to see if the future. We will be coming up with a production line soon, and we want the public to dictate what it is. We will be having several weeks of "design room" style discussion, and we will be making around 10 or so pieces of whatever people choose. I would love to involve IKnifeCollector in this if you think that this might something people would enjoy. maybe we could just start blogging with what we come up with.

    Thank you for your support, and i hope to stay up to date with everything that goes on around here.

    -Mad Dwarf Workshop-
  • Derek Smith

    Thanks man,
    Looking forward to seeing the new magazine,...
  • Trent Rock

    It's funny..I use my home page as my "test" html page
    1st thing you gotta do is sign up for
    Then you add "your" RSS feeds
    Then you can do some really cool stuff
    I use Google READER to read my feeds
    At least I know how it works now

    Scott King's Latest Activity on iKnife Collector
    I was always wondering what the big deal about RSS feeds was! :)
  • Jeffrey Thomas Skinner

    Thanks Scott. I haven't put any knives on my website, so it's kind of bare, except for my work stuff (writings).

    I have been lusting for a Strider RC; do you think they're worth the money? I have a R CC and an SNG, and I love them, and carry the SNG more than any of my other knives.

  • KnifeMaker

    Dave Taylor

    Thank you very much for the welcome Scott.
    Much appreciated and good to be here.
    I am not knowledgeable enough to add photographs as yet but hopefully that will come with experience.

    All the best to you.

  • J.J. Smith III

    I saw where you were on the coast in SC. Waved at all the westerly flying aircraft around the time of your return.
    Did you see me? LOL