

Findlay, OH

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
11- 15 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
My favorite knife that I own overall would have to be my Mora. It probably is the least expensive knife that I own, but it is an outstanding knife. My favorite EDC knife right now is my Spyderco Persistence.
About Me
I am an Eagle Scout so I spent alot of time outdoors and I still continue to even after completing the Scouting program. So from an early age I have always carried a knife in my pocket.
I have always collected knives but lately I have become more interested in them and collecting different types for different purposes.

Comment Wall:

  • J.J. Smith III

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Ben .. welcome to iKC .. take a look around & have some fun !!! Repairs .. cool .. check out the repair/mod grp .. see ya there !!!
  • Michael D Sabol

    welcome fellow ohioan!..i live down by the river...your profile info is pretty interesting!...check out my knives if you get a chance and tell me i you like em"
  • J.J. Smith III

    Check out the page options under the manage "mypage" button.
  • J.J. Smith III

    It is a great place. Be sure to check the members help button, at the top of the page, for questions about most anything on the site.

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Nice job on the borders, Ben !!!

    Welcome Aboard...

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    yuppers .. friendly crowd here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Trent Rock

    I like the orange and blue fonts....trippy sand pattern man!! :)

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Ben
    Thanks for joining our collector community. I think you'll like it here as you spend time getting to know us. Gotta great group of knife folks of all ages and knife interests.
    If you have questions as you get settled in, let me know.

    Thanks man. You're gonna love that Cold Steel Delta's very versatile. I hope you ordered more than one.
    I bought several since they're so inexpensive. When my boy Yoshi lost one I didn't realy care.

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Ben..might want to change you setting's for your pics .. when set to slide show .. the replay screen comes up right away when I visit your pg ..

    I agree w/ Trent .. nice borders !!

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Hey Ben .. that did it .. now I see the pic you've posted right away & it stays displayed .. noticed you've a knife in need of repair .. we've a discussion started along those lines where we can share info .. check it out .. might find something useful !!
    see ya there perhaps ...

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Ben .. nice job on the video .. cool .. way cool !!

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Ben .. that "outdoor living" is a nice grp you started .. make sure ya pack a small dig cam next time out :) !!
  • Jeremi Lett

    Glad you enjoy pics.It is a collection I am highly proud of and take much care for.I have been at it since 1993 and i will be 30 this year.I dont plan to stop.
  • Alex Rakotz

    Hey, yea that knife was the first knife I got back in the cub scout years. The snowy pics are from the Adirondack High Peaks in New York. It was pretty damn cold up there. At night it dropped down to -10F with 40mph gusts. The views were well worth it though.

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Hey hey .. I see you've a b'day listed tomorrow .. enjoy your day !!!!
  • Justin Dunn

    Yes it is i've carried that thig forever it feels like, but now i carry a black victorinox camper and my main edc whatever that is for the day.
  • Richard Reed

    Hi ben sorry i havent replyed back sooner , the camo pattern i really dont know what kind it is ... i got it in like an army supply store here that closed down long time ago got a good deal for it . was wondering what kind of camera do u use when u go take those sweet outdoor pictures wich are very sweet im planning on getting a camera and im kinda leaning foward for a cannon rebel xsi . let me know what you think
    God Bless
  • Chris Stookey

    Hi there Ben!

    Nope....I haven't had a chance to test the Gen II SP yet. I've only had for a little over a week. Looking forward to trying it out this weekend though!

    Be wel!


  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Ben .. thanks for joining the grp .. see ya there !!!!
  • stephen tungate

  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday