Wilma Slicer (Lynsie)

37, Female

Amarillo, TX

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
1-2 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Spyderco, KaBar, Cold Steel, Byrd, Benchmade, CRKT, Kershaw...EDC and survival knives-but I mostly just admire Lee's huge survival knives.
About Me
I do knife reviews on youtube along with my wonderful husband-to-be Lee , WilliamCutting08 (check him out too!) We have been together for going on 7 years!

I haven't been able to buy a new knife in a while because I am struggling financially. It has been really hard. I miss doing my reviews.

I am a long time college student. I have been in school for 6 years and will not be done for another two! gaw!

I am also an Advertising/PR major. I LOVE it.

I rent cars right now for Avis Rent-a-car and I love that too! I think this is why I want to be in Advertising! because all i do is sell sell sell! I'm good at it too!
I have four goofy-a** cats and I love them more than anything! I am addicted to cats, knives, outdoors, mountain biking, rock climbing, photography, spelunking...
Other Hobbies
See interests? lol I don't have time for other hobbies!

Comment Wall:

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Lynsie
    Great to have you join our community here. When you get settled in, I'd love for you to link/load to some of your reviews.

    Check out the new Tactical Group. Keelen started it last night. Nice guy and very enthusiastic about knives and reviews.
  • Keelen Grimm

    Glad to see you here! Enjoy the community and have fun!

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Keelen and I talked about that with your vid's. We don't know. Let me ask you a few Q's.
    Did you pull them by URL or embed?

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Let me try to grab another one of mine from my channel and talk to Keelen...then I'll respond on this. We'll figure it out.
  • Thomas Vogt

    Nice to meet you Lynsie, and thanks for the warm welcome. I'm already really enjoying the discussions here
  • Andrew Thornton

    I know. Well since you tell me about all these things, I just figured I had to check it out.
  • Andrew Thornton

    I sure hope so. Or else I'll be blaming you for bringing me into this mess.
  • Andrew Thornton

    Oh yeah? I haven't seen his page yet. And I will be telling him about that comment you made about his skills.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Excellent. Glad you fixed it.

    I found several more ladies who are iKC members and I emailed them. I don't know if they all indicated "Female" on their My Page profile, but you may can do a general search and locate them. I left a note for them. You might want to consider it too.
  • William Cutting

    I didn't have a lot of time when I signed up to update my profile but now it's up to par because you helped me...
  • William Cutting

  • Wilma Slicer (Lynsie)

    I changed my name to Wilma Slicer so my youtubers can find me easier!
  • Lisa Sebenick

    Hey Lynsie, Thanks for the invitation, I'll check it out!
  • Alden Rowe

    Yeah they are amazing. They re-sparked my interest in knives and they also have great forums. Here is a video of one of the reasons why they are so neat. I love not having to wory about damaging it.

  • Anthony (ChanceToFade)

    Woah you and williamcutting08 are together? Imagine that, it makes total sense! I subscribed to yours and his channel on youtube!
  • Anthony (ChanceToFade)

    Thanks for checking out my channel

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    So you liked the kid eating cake, did ya? LOL! I did too :)
  • Seamus McGuinness

    As a poor college student, I know what you mean about the lack of funds to buy any new knives.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Because of you (and your pink knife thing), I bought my college age daughter a pink syperdco the other day. Had her name engraved on the blade too. It will be her hiking, mountain biking, camping knife.
    It is her first knife. See liked it too.

    Funny thing, she actually asked me "Now, can I carry this around in my pocket....like all the time?" Of course, I said of course :)

    Thanks for helping me make the decision which knife to get.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Did you get my birthday wish to you? Hope you did. Glad to see you poking your head in here. We missed you.
    Hang in there. Don't know if you know but as a result of you, Lee and Keelen, I've gone tactical :)
    See ya 'round
  • Doug Scearce

    From A Friend!!
  • Keqing Song

    Hey Lynsie! I just want to say that it is because of you that I joined this awesome community! Keep making great video reviews!
    and btw, you should check out the Spyderco Cat. I absolutely love it!
  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday