Jan Carter

Hiawassee, GA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
From a dear friend
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
56 to 60 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Queen, Case Classic, GEC, Custom...heck I like 'em all
About Me
My Husband Donnie and I live in Hiawassee GA. I was Blessed to have found iKC and became the owner in October of 2012. I believe all knife collectors are created equal, no matter what type they collect. iKC brings a different direction to knife collecting in my opinion, you may not personally like something or have an issue with a particular company. But respect is a substantial aspect of what we are about. I have a strong faith and believe everyone is entitled to theirs.
History, fishing, Diving, knife collecting and about a billion other things LOL. My main interest these days is iKC and bringing the future generations into knife collecting.
Other Hobbies
there are other hobbies? OK, I found one! Watching my husband learn to build knives

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  • KnifeMaker

    Carl Rechsteiner

    Hey Jan, hope recovery is going well. Tell Donnie that Capn Randy and I are working on his forge as time permits and might get to test run it before the end of the month.

    I'm guilty as anyone about not posting here on iKC. Barely have time to read a few of the posts that catch my eye. I moderate on a couple of other forums and by the time I finish duties there I need to be in the shop not sitting here. It's not due to lack of interest. I have noticed the traffic on many of the other forums has slowed a bit as well. Guess a lot of us are just too busy.

    Hope things will pick up a bit as winter sets in and outdoor activities slow.

  • Phil Ladwig

    Hi Jan. Still love the site but my job situation has changed and I don't have the spare time to sit at the computer these days like I used to. Still check in once in a while. Hope all is well with you.

  • Richard Whittington

    I just read the post on the drop in the number of posts. I am a new member and can't figure out how to post on my own page. I can comment on someone else's post but can't make a new post. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Ted. Bobo

    I enjoyed meeting U & I learned a lot. THANKS!!!
  • Lori Bowers

    Thank you very much sis for the birthday wishes.  Love ya

  • Flint Bone

    Thanks Jan.


  • Lori Bowers

    Oh Jan, your oldest great-nephew was wondering if his Uncle could make him a hunting knife for his first hunt? He passed the hunter safety class and has his license. When they move to Arkansas he will get to go on his first deer hunt, for now he is going to try small game around here.
  • mark causey

    thank you i have a small collection but i use almost every knife i have.  my dad was a butcher by trade a sharp knife was a must. breaking down a deer or fillet a fish was my main interest in blade needs. 

  • Jim Thompson

    Thanks Jan for the comment on my Camillus Muskrat. While it is used, it and the other one I have also, have been well taken care of for their age. I have been collecting for a long time but I cannot recall seeing any old Stainless Camillus Rats. Is it possible that Camillus was the first maker to use stainless steel in a pocketknife??? I do not recall in any knife history I have read who the first maker was that used stainless.

  • Joe Mendoza

    thank you every body 4 that warm welcome... every one have a great thanks giving...

  • David L. Packham

    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am really enjoying this site. I've been a knife aficionado for nearly 4 decades, with Buck being one of my favorite knife companies.

  • Ron Cooper

    Yeppers! It just wouldn't be Christmas without an iKC Santa Claus...

    Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!

  • Jim Thompson

    Thanks for the comment on the Hawbaker Muskrat. I have been looking for one of these for several years. Matter of fact the last few weeks I have scored well on muskrats. So far the wife has kept silent.

  • Jim Thompson

    Thanks for the comment on the DU muskrat that I got Tom to file work. He did a super job. Will also post tonight a pix of a Prototype of the Whittler that Queen issued for the acquisition of the company by the Daniels family that I recently acquired. Not sure of how many protos' that may have been made but it should be somewhat of a rarity.   

  • Ken Ward

    Thanks for the welcome Jan.
  • Gina Sargent Smith

    Thank you!!

  • larry

    Jan thank you for your help. Can you recommend a good price guide or a website I can use to research some of the knives I have in my collection.
    Thank you,
  • Bradford N. Goodwin

    Thanks for the BD wish!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Happy Birthday, I hope it's a good one. Thanks for everything.

  • J.J. Smith III

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    Happy Birthday Jan!

  • John Bamford

    Happy Birthday Jan.

  • KnifeMaker

    Andrew Yates

    Happy birthday! Hopefully Georgia is treating you well!

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

    Happy Birthday, Jan! After the hectic end-of-year that you and Donnie have had, you should just throw the feet up on the couch, kick back, and do some serious relaxing! Take a day to breathe and take a break! I think we can handle things here for a day while you take a break. Enjoy your day!

  • In Memoriam

    Terry Ray

    Thank You Jan and Donnie for a warm B-Day wish!!!

  • Alan Huntress

    Thanks for the welcome Jan.  Al

  • William Bernstein

    Thanks for the friend request Jan - cant never have enough friends!  - Bill

  • Featured


    Thank you, Jan!  It's good to be here!  With the holidays behind us now & winter in full gear, I hope the day finds you & all of your family well.

  • Andrew Forsythe

    Thanks, Jan!


  • Cache Valley Prepper

    Thanks Jan

  • Michael A. Smith

    Hi, thanks for the friend request! :)

  • KnifeMaker

    James counsellor

    Thanx Jan. Think I'm going to like it hear. Seems like a lot of great people. Just have to learn how to navigate around a bit
  • Paul Churcher

    Thank you for the welcome Jan ! I'm looking forward to learning lots from a lot of good folk.

  • Bob Robinson

    Thanks for your comments on my Otter knife. Still want to thank you for all of your knowledge and time that you share with everyone at iKC. My regards and hope Donnie and yourself are well and enjoying the winter months in your new residence.

  • Terry Pitts

      Jan where do we stand with the 2015 club knife?

  • David Konopinski

    Hi Jan

    Nice to know i'm not the only mug here. 

    Thanks for the tip.


  • Terry Pitts

      Hi Jan and thanks for the reply. You can put me down for a 2015 club knife no matter what pattern or maker it is but I hope its a Barlow.


  • Darrell Miller

    Thank you for the birthday wishes.  I love knives but just don't have the time and money to collect anymore.  I often wish I hadn't sold all the knives I had in the past.  Thanks again.

  • Lars Ray

    Nice! But does it come with a pound of coffee?  :-)

  • Adam Wohl

    Hi Jan,

    Happy to be here!

    Thank you for the warm reception and info.



  • Mike Botts

    Hey there Jan.  Hope you're well.  You communicate with a lot of members, and I wondered if you might know who I should be contacting about putting new handles on nice old folders.  I've made my interests and questions known in the Knife Repair and Modification group, but haven't received a response yet.  I'm sure you must know who might help me learn about the tools and techniques of handle replacement.  I'm anxious to get started, but need a little direction from an expert.  So far, I'm enjoying this site.  Hope to hear from you soon.

  • Mike Botts

       Thanks for the Quick response Jan.  Just to clarify, I'm wanting to do the work myself, rather than have someone do it for me.  I need help with finding some of the tools needed, like one of those stepped anvils, or "stiddys", slackners, peening hammers, etc, Also I need some tips from others who have done this re-handling work.  How can I contact Muskrat Man?  I don't see him in the members list, or in the Repair & Modification group.  If you read my posts in that group, or on my page, you'll get more of an idea of what I'm after, and what my interests are.  Thanks again.

  • Mike Botts

       Thanks Jan.  If you tell me his name, Maybe I can friend him and pick his brain a little.  I'll look at his site too.

  • Danilo Naoe

    Thank you for the pointers and warm welcome Jan.

  • tim payne

    My 1910 Robeson Shuredge Straight Razor

  • tim payne

    did you recognize this 83 Queen Gunstock from your NKCA collection jan?  think I saw 3 of my knives, under display glass while visiting NKCA Collection at SMKW.  made me feel mighty pround too.

  • Edward Angel

    Thank You!

  • Carl Bradshaw

    Thanks Jan!

  • John Christopher Compton

    Thanks Jan like your coffee cup

  • Lars Ray

    Quick Question Jan - please help me understand why some threads have the latest posting on page 1 and work to the oldest on page 6, while others have the latest comments on page 6 and the oldest on page 1? Very confusing...and frustrating. 

    Is this just to keep Poles busy guessing all the time?  :-)
