In Memoriam

A. G. Russell

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
71 to 75 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
I never met a knife I didn't like
About Me
I founded A. G. Russell Knives in 1964. Along with Bob Loveless and Dan Dennehy I founded the Knifemakers Guild in 1970, the same year I founded The Knife Collector's Club, Inc. In 1968 I started The A. G. Russell List of knives for Immediate Delivery, the very first aftermarket for knives, in 1990 this became The Cutting Edge® now
I am interested in designing great knives and maki8ng them so everybody loves the fit and finish and pricing them so anybody can afford them.
Other Hobbies
what else is there?

Comment Wall:

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Mr. Russell.
    I'm glad you joined us here. I wanted to invite you yesterday.
    If I can help you in anyway, as you get settled in, please let me know. iKC is still a young network of collectors, only starting a little over 4 months ago, so jump in and help us build it out for all collectors for years to come.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    I have a suggestion for you. Make us elephant toenail collectors a JUMBO..can't get anyone else to do it...

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Fine. Order me up one. I'll be happy to be your first customer since you joined iKC. I'll send you an email following up on this to complete my order.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Mr. Russell.
    Check your InBox (you'll find it in the up right hand corner of your My Page. I have 3 emails into you and just want to make sure they are coming in.

  • Jim Prather

    Hey, A.G.
    After our conversation awhile back, I talked to Leonard Leibowitz. He spoke highly of you and we had a lively conversation. He is back in New York and re-married.
    I really appreciate your help. It helped me clear up several things for our WR Case historian.
    Love to Goldie...
    Jim Prather

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    In case you aren't getting the emails I sending you here is the link to the leaders group.
  • Dave White

    Happy Birthday Mr. Russell!...Enjoy your day.
  • David Hawkins

    Happy Birthday.

  • In Memoriam

    A. G. Russell

    Thank you to all who have wished me a happy birthday.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    A. G.
    Look at the upper right-hand side for "Inbox" there are the private messages and otherwise from iKC.
  • Frank Evans

  • C.B. Clement

    Are these pictures okay?
  • Frank Evans

    I hope this was the picture you meant for me to send. - Below

  • In Memoriam

    A. G. Russell

    yes, thanks
  • Brian Davis

    Hey I wish I could of made it to the class that yall gave.
    It sounds like a good time for all who came.
    Well maybe next year!!!
  • lg&m

    Hello I just found your page here, Yesterday I received my Hunters scalpel from you. Neat little knife. Mostly I want to thank you for continuing to send out a print catalog in the computer age. I look forward to it and would hate to see it stop. My next order I am going to get a pink Dozer folder for my 10 year old daughter.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Happy B'day AG!

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Enjoy your day AG !!! Happy birthday !!!

  • In Memoriam

    A. G. Russell

    thank you all for the birthday wishes. God bless you all
  • Billy Oneale

    Happy Birthday, A.G.
  • Jan Carter

    Mr. Russell,

    May you have a blessed Birthday

  • Bill Fletcher

    Thank you for your friendship.  Your web site is an excellent knife reference and I have thoroughly enjoyed my very solid "Beak" knife.   Best regards

  • In Memoriam

    A. G. Russell

    I want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday.

    A. G.

  • Ron Cooper

    Have a great day, Mr Russell -- and thank you for all of your contributions to the culture and community of knife collectors everywhere! You, sir, are truly an icon in the world of knives! Stay sharp and have a terrific birthday!

  • Josh Wills

    Happy Birthday Mr Russell!
  • Bill Fletcher

    I hope you have a wonderful Birthday Mr. Russell!!!  Best regards !

  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday Mr. Russell!!!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Happy Birthday, I hope you have a great day, Mr. Russell.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Happy Birthday, Mr. AG. I hope you spend a great day. You have been, one of my knife designer idols, for a long time. Sorta a living legend. Bless your heart and Miss Goldies, too. Ole Rob.

  • Ron Cooper

    Can you believe that another year has come and gone already! Hard to believe, eh? I guess the old saying really is true? ~ "Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer to the end you get, the faster it goes."

    Here's wishing you a wonderful day and an even better year, Mr. Russell! Cheers, my friend!

  • Alexander Noot

    Happy Birthday A.G. And many returns!

  • Jan Carter

  • Max McGruder

    Happy Birthday!

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

  • In Memoriam

    A. G. Russell

    I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to wish me a happy birthday on this my 80th.  I am the most blessed of men, I have Goldie and work that I do pretty well, my health is better than I have any right to, and I more friends than anyone I know.  God bless you all!

  • Jan Carter


    I sent you a private chat but really, your getting ready is just saying hi in the chat.  Thanks for being here with us

  • Featured

    Jeremy B. Buchanan

    Thank you for adding me as a friend! 

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

    Happy Birthday Mr. Russell! Hope it's a wonderful one...and thanks for being with us.

  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday AG.  I hope your day is Blessed with joy!


  • tim payne

    thank you much for your response sir. and thanks for the correction.  i am learning as i go.  that's how i learn, by asking questions.

    did you see the pictures i had posted earlier, that is where my question came from.  it's a pleasure to spoken with someone of your stature.  feel free to correct me at any time.


    tim payne

  • tim payne

    well, live and learn i say!  sounds like i have learned from one from one of the very best too.  we all make mistakes, and hopefully i have learned from mine.  look forward to any of your wisdom you can pass along to me my friend.

    thanks tim

  • KnifeMaker

    Sergi C. Heideman

    Yes, appreciate the information on the steel. Will pass it on.

    Beautiful facility you have there in Rogers, AR. Mr. Russell. Stopped in your store. Really nice people. Tried to get a tour of your facility as I do short videos for a TV station where I come from [KLHU TV 45 Lake Havasu City, AZ.]; possibly next time on our return trip from the Atlanta show. Pictures/videos of yours and one of your competitors businesses in eastern TN. will be shown locally to the knife collectors who watch our station. They seem to appreciate candid views of popular "far away" knife businesses.

    One thing for sure: CAN NOT MISS, from the freeway, that A.G. Russell sign on your building! Just sorry I could not get a picture of it when I came upon it.

    Thanks again
