Kees ( KC ) Mension




Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
31 to 35 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
hard to say... most of the time i fall in love with small hunting knives or nice made edc knives ... i prefer full-tangs and stainess steels ... i also own some stone-age knives that are very old
About Me
outdoor loving fisherman with a lot of interests
nature , nice things made of steel and wood ( guitars ), beautiful women , motorsports ( some ) and many more !
Other Hobbies
animals ( reptiles ), cooking , fishing , my rockband , fotography , history , shooting , my garden , darts and my wife

Comment Wall:

  • Alexander Noot

    Welkom Kees!

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    Welcome to iKC, Kees!

  • J.J. Smith III

  • Jan Carter

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

    Hey there, Kees! Welcome to iKnife! Come on in, kick back and check things out. There's some handy tips on our front page to help you find your way around, and some fantastic people in the Chat room if you have any questions or want to shoot the breeze. Site rules are also on the main page, and if you get creative, you can customise your My Page to suit your own style! Hope you enjoy your stay with us! Great to have you on board!

  • Featured

    Jeremy B. Buchanan

  • Billy Oneale

    Welcome to iKC!

  • Sue OldsWidow

  • Sunil Ram

    Kees, thank you for joining us at the Buck Knives Group.

  • Ken Spielvogel

    Glad to add you as a friend Kees

  • J.J. Smith III

  • Martin Lynx


  • Jan Carter

  • John Bamford

    Hope you are having a great birthday Kees .

  • John Bamford

    That's a great Fontenille Pataud Kees , is it Ram horn handle .  Looks really nicely finished !

  • Torbjörn Andersson

    Thanks Kees. I didn't know that about Keith, but I bet he's in a different League.

  • Christy Lynn Robertson

    Thanks you!
  • J.J. Smith III

  • Jan Carter

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Hey, Dude .. thanks for the friend request !!

    Check out some of the albums @ "mypage" for insight into my cutlery passions. Have a special interest in auto's .. old is good too. I see your into cooking .. same here .. not that I'm good @ it .. I just enjoy it. What genre is the band ??

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Ganzo G707 .. godfather clone .. $ 20.05 .....

    ..... have given 3 away .. son .. bother .. co-worker .. etc. It's a good build & a good deal for the $.

  • Anthony Moat

    Many thanks KC. Sounds like a good bunch of guys you got soon.


  • Brian Jones

    Thanks for Welcoming me, i look forward to sharing ideas & knowledge here as well as getting them from members.

  • Lee Schechter

    Thanks again all!!!  Its like a great place to hang out and share the knife obsession...  I mean collecting LOL.....  now to find my way around here ;-)))


  • John Bamford

    Kees ,

    What do you think of Viper knives , I have been looking at the Odino and it looks like a nice design . It's funny but I would only look at traditional knives a while ago but I am getting into the more modern stuff these day's !

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    Kees, I have both Chinese and US made Bucks.  My last Buck purchase was a Chinese made fish knife a year and a half ago.  My first Buck purchase was a Buck Omni Hunter probably six or seven years ago.  It is US made.  It is the only one of my Bucks that I have actually used.  All the rest went unused into my collection.  I have used the Omni Hunter to field dress deer including splitting the pelvic bone on one.  I have never sharpened it and it will still shave hair.  All the others in just handling and looking at them I can't see anything wrong with any of them.

    What is wrong with your 547?

  • John Bamford

    Yes that Ten is a nice looking knife Kees , still like the Odino though . I see what you mean about the thick blade but I guess I just like Scandinavian designed knives . The first time I saw a Finnish Puukot I thought it was the best looking knife I had ever seen . The Odino shares little with a Puukot but these Nordic types sure do know how to design a knife , The Birk has rarely been out of my pocket since I got it and you are right about the thumb studs they are much better .

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    Kees, sorry about your bad luck with the 547.  I hope Buck gets their quality back up.  You have got me to thinking that I will get my Bucks out that just went into my collection and see if they are sharp.

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    I checked my Bucks Kees.  They were all sharp enough to shave hair and slice paper.  Some were Chinese made but the majority were US made.  All were good solid knives with good snap.  There were no stickers for US market.  The boxes were all marked as US or Chinese made.  I am wondering if your 547 was an anomaly.  I wouldn't think they would make one grade of quality for the US market and a much lower grade for the rest of the world.  It certainly wouldn't be very good for business.  The rest of the world must be a larger market than just the US.

  • John Bamford

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Kees .

  • John Bamford

    Hi Kees ,

    Glad to hear you like the Viper , I am definitely going to have to try that Odino as I do think it is a knife that I will like .

    After I got the Fallkniven PXL I was so impressed with it that I didn't feel like buying another one for a while . Am getting over that now and have a viper on order a GEC Viper though in Snakewood due in January . 

    I am very glad to hear your opinion on the Vipers as there is a video on You Tube which is a little less than complimentary about the quality . Mind you there is a video on You Tube that is complaining about near everything if you look hard enough !!

    I hope you have a great Christmas my friend and as soon as I find a few pounds I will let you know how I get on with that Odino .

  • John Bamford

    Great choice in the EnZo Kees !!

    I carry my Birk every day , it is just the most practical knife I have . Never tried a neck knife yet but I like the idea of curly birch though .

  • J.J. Smith III

  • Featured

    Jeremy B. Buchanan

    Congrats KC!

  • John Bamford

    Have yourself a great birthday Kees , hope you get something sharp !!

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    !!! .. Enjoy your day .. !!!


    May it include new sharp pointy things.



    D ale

  • Steve Scheuerman (Manx)

  • Jan Carter

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    Happy Birthday Kees!

  • John Bamford

    I will look forward to seeing the Hemathingy Kees .

  • J.J. Smith III

  • In Memoriam

    D ale


    Looks like we both made the "Featured Members" list.

    !! . Congrats . !!

    One thing I much appreciate about iKC is the international aspect.

    I now have very genuine friendships with people in countries I've never even (unfortunately) visited.

    Sincerely .. Thank you .. for being part of that !!

    D ale

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    Happy Birthday Kees!

  • Jan Carter

  • Kees ( KC ) Mension

    thanks folks !