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Herder Knives/Don Carlos Knives/Pikas knives/Constant Knives

1623 Jürgen Herder hardens swords during the Thirty Year`s War (1618-1648).
since 1650 Production of knives, mainly for the dutch market.
1727 Pic-AsIn order to make Herder-knives unique, "Pic-As" is beeing registered as the oldest trademark in Solingen.
since 1800 HerderHerder knives are introduced in the Malay Archipelago by the Dutch East India Company.
1802 Trademark "Tjap Garpu" (Fork Brand) still a famous brand in the Near and Far East.

Expansion in South America and Southern Europe.

1925 Developement of a new stainless steel in cooperation with domestic and foreign partners.
1927 Constant

Trademark "Constant" for knives with blades of stainless steel.

1931 Don CarlosTrademark "Don Carlos" for professional knives and scissors made of high carbon steel.

since 1955 Entering of new markets in Europe, Near and Far East and North America.

Move to the new company building.

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    Jan Carter

    A few weeks ago I was contacted by Dennis, he is the US importer of the Herder brand (see catalog above).  He gave us an opportunity to clear up some misconceptions from the information we have seen on line and have listed above.  Stephan Burghaus, the owner at Friedr. Heder Abr. Sohn sent us this essential information on who is who now and how the companies differed previously.  Here is what he sent me
    "If you have any questions about our companies or some "Solingen" history please let me know! unfortunately there are many falsifications out there with the brand of Solingen which are definitely not made here.
    ok lets start with a little "herder" history
    The name HERDER is an old German word and means Hardener (someone who hardendes things)
    this name is still very common here in Solingen as in old days around 1600-1800 many families were working in the knife business.
    Thats why you will find many companies with this name today.
    The most known are:
    Richard Herder Abr. Sohn(today its a part of the Gedore Tool group)
    Friedr. Heder Abr. Sohn (thats our company)
    Robert Herder (todays brand is the Windmill)
    Diogenes Herder & Sohn (we bought this brand a few years ago as the company closed)
    El. Herder (we bought this brand a few years ago as the company closed)
    All these companies have been independent knife producer and in old days there has been a lot of competition and fights about Brand rights all over the world....
    so as you wrote "the young startup Robert herder continued the business" unfortunately is not right.....
    The company robert herder is still run by the herder family
    Friedr. herder Abr´. Sohn  today is run by my family.
    We still have a hugh archive of old documents and there is much much more in the city archive of solingen.
    So if you want any further information about anything please do not hesitate to contact me."
    thank you
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    Do you know how to date a blade?
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    Jan Carter

    which tang stamp?

    Shawn said:

    Do you know how to date a blade?