Those are some beautiful knives. The pics of the shows makes me want to start getting out and renting a booth. Just need to build my collection first, lol.
Thanks for the welcome, I have many German (Puma, Boker, real Hen & Rooster, etc.) plus lots of US made. Lately I have been collecting Western, Buck and Case. This seems like a great site to take my collecting to the next level.
Well, the Dalton show is a 4 hour drive, for us, so it's a much anticipated trip. Don't have too many, nearby, so once a year we tend to get spring fever.
hey coulnt get the message,i have several case knives in the boxs you may be intersted in,i am trying to find a queen or s&m 99 single spear with ebony covers,had one packed it about 6 months and let a friend talk me out of it a couple weeks ago,now i miss it something awful,see if you can find me one i will take a used one as long as its not beat up to bad,thanks ..steve
Ellis H. Roberson's Comments
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Ellis, did you see the case green and black micarta Sowbelly with the
diamond shield?
Hi Rob,
Those are some beautiful knives. The pics of the shows makes me want to start getting out and renting a booth. Just need to build my collection first, lol.
check out Collectors-of-schrades-r-us website
Happy Happy Happy 30th my friend...go have some Chinese and bring the baby home a treat
Thanks for the welcome, I have many German (Puma, Boker, real Hen & Rooster, etc.) plus lots of US made. Lately I have been collecting Western, Buck and Case. This seems like a great site to take my collecting to the next level.
KnifeMakerGlenn "Oz" Osborne said…
Thanks Ellis ! checked out your pics. Very nice.....
KnifeMakerGlenn "Oz" Osborne said…
Thank You Ellis .
Thanks for joining the Buck Knives Group. Welcome to the group, Ellis.
Boss lady said that McDs will kill ya.
She baked me a game hen along with a message of Lima beans and stuffing.
Bout well at the upcoming show.
Well, the Dalton show is a 4 hour drive, for us, so it's a much anticipated trip. Don't have too many, nearby, so once a year we tend to get spring fever.
Happy Birthday, ya ol' fart! :-) Have an awesome day, my friend!
Hopefully I'll be around for a bit more.
hey coulnt get the message,i have several case knives in the boxs you may be intersted in,i am trying to find a queen or s&m 99 single spear with ebony covers,had one packed it about 6 months and let a friend talk me out of it a couple weeks ago,now i miss it something awful,see if you can find me one i will take a used one as long as its not beat up to bad,thanks ..steve
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