I went to PM you through iKC's Fb presence & discovered I've had to re-apply for Fb iKC. I've also noticed I am no longer able to PM through the iKC site. A member was able to PM me through our site ..but.. I could not respond. Then, I tried to PM you through our site to no avail.
Note: I've recently changed my browser & search engine .. for increased security reasons. I now use Opera as a Browser & DuckDuckGo as my search engine. However, I made that change 6+ months ago & was recently able to PM members through this site w/o any issues. I noticed the PM problems yesterday.
??????????????????? ... Any suggestions ... ???????????????????? .
Jan I don't get to the site much but I have always appreciated this fine forum and the good people here. Thanks for the birthday shout, much appreciated!
Thanks for the add! Been collecting knives (or as my other half puts it, "sharp, pointy things") for a long time. No specialization, just whatever strikes my fancy. I have an L77 that belonged to my late granduncle, a WWII Army Air Corps veteran, and a number of switchblades (been collecting more of those since they were legalized in Michigan 2 years ago). Thinking of building a Mikov 241 "predator" switchblade from a kit in the near future, too.
i fill sure you will find some far out knife for the club knife like last years knife that was out of this world so i will be waiting to see keep up the great work
jan here we are again ready for the next club knife of 2019 what do you have up your sleeve for use this year ,and by the way put me in for one,I need to ask have you came across a first year knife for sale I'm looking for one
Jan Carter's Comments
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Thank you Jan.
In MemoriamD ale said…
!!! .. IT WORKED .. !!!
I included details in the PM to you.
Thank You
In MemoriamD ale said…
Jan, This is what I observe .. no matter how long I wait.
In MemoriamD ale said…
Jan, I'd PM you ..but.. I'm unable.
I went to PM you through iKC's Fb presence & discovered I've had to re-apply for Fb iKC. I've also noticed I am no longer able to PM through the iKC site. A member was able to PM me through our site ..but.. I could not respond. Then, I tried to PM you through our site to no avail.
Note: I've recently changed my browser & search engine .. for increased security reasons. I now use Opera as a Browser & DuckDuckGo as my search engine. However, I made that change 6+ months ago & was recently able to PM members through this site w/o any issues. I noticed the PM problems yesterday.
??????????????????? ... Any suggestions ... ????????????????????
Thanks Jan
Jan, This may sound funny but I can't find the rest of your post past 3rd line.
KnifeMakerSamuel Brinkley said…
Thank you for the birthday wishes! :-)
Thank You, Jan!
Thanks for the welcome Jan.
Jan I don't get to the site much but I have always appreciated this fine forum and the good people here. Thanks for the birthday shout, much appreciated!
Thanks, Miss Jan!
I may be 73 but I don't feel a day over 95.
I'm beginning to think that these "Golden Years" are overrated?
Thanks for the cool birthday card!
In MemoriamD ale said…
Jan .. What book(s) did you read your grandson ?
Thanks, Jan. Craig (the seller) and I were acquainted online some years ago when we found our mutual passion for Pat's knives.
Thank you for the link to a great starting spot with the knifemaking for beginners! Good tip.
Thanks Jan, Hope you're doing well
Thanks for the add! Been collecting knives (or as my other half puts it, "sharp, pointy things") for a long time. No specialization, just whatever strikes my fancy. I have an L77 that belonged to my late granduncle, a WWII Army Air Corps veteran, and a number of switchblades (been collecting more of those since they were legalized in Michigan 2 years ago). Thinking of building a Mikov 241 "predator" switchblade from a kit in the near future, too.
Jan, thanks for the happy birthday! Had a great day with family. Fred
i fill sure you will find some far out knife for the club knife like last years knife that was out of this world so i will be waiting to see keep up the great work
jan here we are again ready for the next club knife of 2019 what do you have up your sleeve for use this year ,and by the way put me in for one,I need to ask have you came across a first year knife for sale I'm looking for one
Thanks I will take a long look at the whole picture.
Steven Knight
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