Hunter Eads's Comments

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At 20:18 on April 11, 2022, Ken Mundhenk said…

Hunter Welcome to the Great Eastern Cutlery Group.

At 17:34 on March 8, 2022, Lars Ray said…

Hi Hunter - welcome to iKC! We're glad you're here.

I have to admit - you are the first I have seen to hear about and join because of a post card - how cool is that?

Feel free to explore all the various groups, join a few (if you haven't already), and post some pic's. And if you haven't figured it out yet - there is always room to show off your favorite knife along side your other favorite hobby. We all do it all the time! let's see one of your knives along side your fly rod, any flies you might tie, of better still - that fish you caught with them!

Feel free to ask any questions you may have - someone is always arond to lend a hand or point you to someone who can.

Cheers to you!

At 21:35 on March 7, 2022, J.J. Smith III said…

Howdy Hunter.  Welcome to iKC.

It's great to have you here.

At 13:50 on March 7, 2022, Jan Carter said…

The 5 top things to do when you join iKnifeCollector!

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White River Knives

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