I originally posted this in the "Knife making Beginners" group, but thought it should be here also.

As I have a keen interest in fixed blade knives and have contacts with raw material dealers. My friend DR Loniak & I have decided to collaborate on a few designs in the tactical arena. I can source the material and he has the CNC machinery to cut every piece exact to tolerance.

The first 2 designs are an amalgamation of some designs I like. Tell me if you can see what they are:

The first has a 5" blade, I call it the "Jarovit":

The 2nd is a smaller version of the "Jarovit" with a 4" blade called the "Zroya". 

These knives will be CNC'd from D2 tool steel, Hollow ground & Heat treated hopefully by Jeff Mutz. Initial production will be for about 15 knives each, of which I would like to offer up 1 of each in separate "pass-a-rounds" here. Feed-back is crucial and I can take criticism, I am no wilting violet.

Tags: D2, Fixed, around, blade, pass, production

Views: 632

Replies to This Discussion

Great to hear about a Future pass around! Always up for that one!

Brad, I'd guess Case Ridgeback inspired the thumb ramp and finger guard.  The hollow grind looks like a Ridgeback, but a lot of knives have a similar grind pattern.

Howard, pleased to meet you.

I had not known of the Case Ridgeback until you mention it.

To clarify, I was inspired by the Schrade 15OT for the thumb ramp. The handle contours were inspired by my Kershaw JYD2. The finger guard design could be from any knife that has one. The Blade style was inspired by my PAUL Protector folder and an Import from Brazil that I did a short review on, the HotSteel. I chose a Hollow grind because you get a keener edge. Most of the people that would be interested in this knife are also hunters and this could be an alternative to their normal hunting implements. The materials are just proven to be exactly what is needed in the field. Although D2 is not a stainless steel, it is more rust resistant than all other carbon steels used in food processing. A blade coating is something we are still discussing.

Alas, no cigar for me.  Hahahahaha.  Great that you are making a knife you designed.

Brad T. said:

Howard, pleased to meet you.

I had not known of the Case Ridgeback until you mention it.

To clarify, I was inspired by the Schrade 15OT for the thumb ramp. The handle contours were inspired by my Kershaw JYD2. The finger guard design could be from any knife that has one. The Blade style was inspired by my PAUL Protector folder and an Import from Brazil that I did a short review on, the HotSteel. The materials are just proven to be exactly what is needed in the field. A blade coating is something we are still discussing.

Looking at the Ridgback, I can understand why you thought so. All these features are common across the spectrum of makers and manufacturers. Put your name on the list for the pass-around. 

Maybe I should have Steve or Jan start a pass-round list as soon as we get these made. I am hoping to get these finished before the new year.

Howard P Reynolds said:

Alas, no cigar for me.  Hahahahaha.  Great that you are making a knife you designed.

Brad T. said:

Howard, pleased to meet you.

I had not known of the Case Ridgeback until you mention it.

To clarify, I was inspired by the Schrade 15OT for the thumb ramp. The handle contours were inspired by my Kershaw JYD2. The finger guard design could be from any knife that has one. The Blade style was inspired by my PAUL Protector folder and an Import from Brazil that I did a short review on, the HotSteel. The materials are just proven to be exactly what is needed in the field. A blade coating is something we are still discussing.

Brad, you let us know when your ready and it is on.  I am so excited for you and for us being able to try them!.  Donnie says he is in on the pass around!  Man O man do I like that design!

Brad - That is a great looking design. I would love to try it out. 

I know this discussion is happening in another area of the site also but for those of you that are fixed blade addicts......This will be one unique knife and I am predicting it will be a line to be watching!

Thanks Jan. I appreciate the support.  I am pushing my machinist partner to get these items cut, but his machines are busy making commercial products and AR lowers. He has got to pay his bills too. These knives are an experiment and I am willing to share the experience of this project with my fellow knifers. As for a "Pass a Round", I think 2 knives on seperate journeys would be about right.

Jan Carter said:

I know this discussion is happening in another area of the site also but for those of you that are fixed blade addicts......This will be one unique knife and I am predicting it will be a line to be watching!

Had a conversation with DR earlier and he is definitely making time for knife fabrication in the new year. He knows it is a relatively easy way to supplement his income and offerings to his AR clientele.

I pressured him into committing to having the prototype done and in my hands by January 18th. After that is figuring out how to nest the material for maximum output, then off to Grind and heat treat. We have figured on having the handle scales done outside, G10 dust is unpleasant to be around.

Still mulling over the sheath. Kydex? Nylon? Kydex/Nylon? Leather?

wooohooo Brad!!!   Cant wait to see the proto!!


You didn't ask, Brad, but I vote for Kydex/Nylon.

Brad T. said:

Had a conversation with DR earlier and he is definitely making time for knife fabrication in the new year. He knows it is a relatively easy way to supplement his income and offerings to his AR clientele.

I pressured him into committing to having the prototype done and in my hands by January 18th. After that is figuring out how to nest the material for maximum output, then off to Grind and heat treat. We have figured on having the handle scales done outside, G10 dust is unpleasant to be around.

Still mulling over the sheath. Kydex? Nylon? Kydex/Nylon? Leather?


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