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Reply by Leopold Lacrimosa on February 5, 2014 at 21:01

Hey guys, Here is a very old PUMA knife pre- 1964 possible 1950's I just got and wanted to share

Reply by Joe Bushee on August 3, 2014 at 7:05

White Hunter is probably the most collected, because it was the most popular.  A collectible I'd like to find is the Rudemann :)

I like the older fixed blades.  Have added a couple since, but here's a recent snapshot:

Reply by Jan Carter on August 3, 2014 at 8:07

The Rüdemann is on the four hunting side arms produced by PUMA.  The name Rüdemann is old German word for “Dog Man”.  Puma developed this knife in collarboration with  Swiss Hound Leader Tassius.  This is a very heavy duty knife and was designed for heavy work such as clearing brush  while following dogs in thickets as well as quartering game to be packed out of the woods. Regarding the four hunting side arms this is the second most rare with the Nimrod being to most rare. classic Pumas.com

Hunter becomes hunted, uses knife to survive attack by wounded grizzly

Posted by Steve Hanner on November 5, 2013 at 12:17

Alberta man with licence to hunt black bears could face charges


By Jamie Komarnicki, Calgary Herald November 1, 2013

Hunter becomes hunted, uses knife to survive attack by wounded grizzly

A hunter was attacked recently by a wounded grizzly in the Chain Lakes area.

Photograph by: Herald files , Getty Images

From about 100 metres away, the hunter took aim at the bear, squeezed the trigger and fired.

Then he began to track the hulking animal, tramping through the snow in an area near Chain Lakes in southwest Alberta.

That’s when it was the bear’s turn to become the hunter.

Emerging from the snowstorm, the animal surprised the man, knocked him down, then started attacking.Brendan Cox, a spokesman with the Solicitor General, described the hunter’s remarkable Oct. 27 escape.

With the animal mauling his arm, the hunter managed to pull out his knife. Cox said, and stab the bear several times.

He walked away from the harrowing experience, leaving behind the bear’s carcass, got in his vehicle and drove himself to Nanton, where an ambulance took him to a Calgary hospital for treatment.

However, the hunter’s tale of survival isn’t over — he is now being investigated under the provincial wildlife act.

While he is licensed to hunt black bears, the animal he shot was a 200-pound female grizzly, said Cox.

The Alberta government suspended the grizzly hunt in 2006 and declared them a threatened species in 2010.

“We do encourage hunters to make sure they do their due diligence before shooting anything, so they’re certain they’re aiming at the species they intend to be aiming at,” said Cox.

“There have been cases of mistaken identity in the past. It is under investigation. We don’t know whether charges will be laid against this hunter or not at this point in time.”

The hunter faces a maximum penalty of $100,000 and two years in jail.

Staff at the Nanton Flying J said the hunter arrived the truck stop Sunday wounded and dazed. A staff member called an ambulance, which transported him to hospital.

“I just want to forget about it, forget it ever happened,” the hunter told the Nanton News this week.

Reply by ken benson on January 24, 2012 at 16:43

Mr Newton  has more White Hunters than  I have ever seen.  If they start crowding you let me know.

Puma on sale from some of the mail order places might have the bestest  knife per dollar ratio I am aware of.

 I bought several of these Bowie's when Cheaper than Dirt had them on sale for under 60 bucks IIRC. They all got bogarted by the kids and grand kids. The bottom is a Spaniard hunter or something I was given by a well meaning girl friend who knew I liked the White Hunter. When you want a top line Mercedes, a spanish Acura is good , but not the same.

Comment by Carl Newton on February 11, 2012 at 8:42

Hey Hog, check out the link {below} to U tube on EDC. Let me know what you think.

Comment by Carl Newton on February 7, 2012 

Puma Fighting Knife Custom,Pre 64. Both sides of blade are  sharp, all the way around.More Pic's, on My Page.

Comment by Carl Newton on November 28, 2011 

Four copies of Puma White Hunter.From Rt. 1. Auto messer Puma 2.Safari Hunter,manf.,by Romo,Japan. 3.BUND,handmade byHirschkrone,solingen,Germany 4.Wildcat,handmade ,Solingen,Germany.

Comment by Stewart Holmes on October 21, 2013

Cambridge-20131021-01239.jpg Cambridge-20131021-01240.jpg

Here are both knifes

Hello, I have two very special Puma knifes. White Hunter and Game W

arden. Both are boxed and never been used. I was given them by Puma in 1983.

Comment by Gregory.J on May 3, 2012 at 5:34

Hello PUMA collectors,Thanks for having me on board.PUMAS are my first love and  I collect mainly Guttmann green box and definitely pre  1990's -  call me elitist but the earlier knives do  have the edge (pardon the corny pun)...I really appreciate the knife photography on this site and over the coming weeks I hope to contribute some of my own PUMA pix. Cheers from Gregory in OZ.....

Comment by Clint Thompson on April 29, 2012 at 21:51

Here is my latest PUMA pocket knife.  It is the PUMA Medici 210563 and is made in Germany.  It is a swing guard...I love the swing guard knives....don't know why....but I bought this knife at the right price.  Here are the stats:

Handmade in Solingen, Germany

Folding lockback

Blade length: 2.8'"

Closed length: 4.1"

Steel: 440C German Stainless steel

Rockwell Hardness Test: 57-60

Design: PUMA

Genuine staghorn scales

Comment by Steve Hanner on February 21, 2012 

Jaco if none of ken's ideas work, I am emailing you the name of guy who is a wholesaler. It might help.

Comment by ken benson on February 21, 2012 at 15:46

Message to Jaco

  I tried to respond to your email, but failed. If my posting this on the forum is improper in anyway, please remember I had little parental guidance, no respect for authority, but I am kind to animals and friends.

Dear Jaco   I am not in the business , so my  amatuer suggestions might just be stupid.  Have you talked with anyone from Smoky Mouintain knife works? If it is knife business , and they can make a buck with you, I would be very surprised if they could not either work with you or point you in the right direction.   I also have had good experience buying Puma from "Cheaper than Dirt". The low low prices on their Pumas indicates to this amatuer they might be a step closer to the manufacturer than most.   Have you considered the Buck brand? I would think the near industructabilty of some of the Buck line would be very marketable  there.  If my suggestions make you rich beyond your dreams, you can send me an airline ticket to visit.    Good luck and God Bless you.    Kirk

Comment by Patrik Ilijev on August 4, 2014

Thanks Steve

Comment by Steve Hanner on August 3, 2014 at 21:54

That is a nice one Patrik!


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