Our November contest is brought to you by Mr. Robert Burris



 "I was just thinking of a way to promote our club, a little, and thought how about a knife contest that does just that."


Promote iKnifeCollector.com your way

Promote the site somewhere and just put a link in this discussion for us all to see!  

What if it is done not online?  Just put in a pic showing us what you have done!

Every time you promote us you will get a ticket in the drawing…How many tickets will you have?


We will have a giveaway to anyone promoting our community, by pictures or words.

The most creative will receive 3 extra tickets

The drawing will be on Thanksgiving.


Prizes, will be mailed to Miss Jan, next week so she can post up some pictures. There's one real surprise for you Survivalist out there. I won't say anymore, just start promoting IKC. 

Tags: Knife, contest, giveaway, iKnifeCollector, promotion

Views: 1423

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Thanks everyone for ya'll participation thus far. Our own members promoting our club has got to help, Miss Jan in her negotiations with advertisers, that help pay the bills on here. The more involved we are in promoting our club the more advertisers,  will want to place adds. I hope I have explained, this right....lol Any way keep up the promoting and a big Thank You.

And Greg Holmes has secured a ticket also.  Check out the wonderful things they have to say about iKC



Max there is another ticket for the link on your site.  Nice site!!!!!

Max McGruder said:

I have a link on my website and if you click on it it brings you to iKC!


also just had a friend join and he said in his profile that he heard bout it from me, Tim Bollinger New Member!

right now their is prbably not a day that when im not on FB i dont PLU IKC..whther by link or in a chat or message. i know for a fact that ONE-ON-ONES tend to make a better ,longer active member.they enter alrweady feeling at home since they have talked with you.

 i have a Fb page that has over 1200 members.i plug on their constantly ...sometimes my own homepage but most dont know what it is their.

the page was started way back before their were pages for every single knife company!now its everyone,everywhere.i put IKC link their all the time. is that the stuff you would like to see..where i link the site to.... i can link the site here and show yo9u the IKC links.

speaking of promos.. i have seen GREG talking about IKC!!! on TSAKNIVES!!!! i have been shopping with him since 2008!


jan also.if you want to send me them you can..but if you want..and dont mind..i can always run off about 100 copies of the IKC biz card i have and pass them out wherever i go as well i also have 2 knfeshops onne within 10 minutes the otehr within 40 minutes.if you have smething for the countertops.ley me call and see if they will mind.i doubt they will. its worthj a shot! 

i talk with neighbors but most are not collectors and see one knife as opplenty!{ugh},,,LOL....


all in all ..im not sure what the ticket thing is i really didnt read it yet. but i just wanted to let you know i PLUG IKC LOTS..

also i tell folks that "IKC IS MY NEW ONLINE KNIFE HOME"...  that line has had a few folks check it out. keep in mind that probably aomot everyone im chatting with online i slip the iKC lnk....LOL!..  i think with the real local knife shops i have and even flea markets. i didnt thnk of that FLIERS would work well.


























This is a lets have fun, promote our knife home and share the word about iKC contest!  Peter Thanks for all you do and you are in the drawing!  

Hi Jan.  does this count:  http://apg2k.hegewisch.net/where-to.html?

It does indeed!!!!   Thank you Tobias

I received an email from Michael Kelly today and he is not in the contest.  We will have a good many postcards flying around California with his generosity!

I talked to Miss Jan and she will try get some pictures up and running. Busy..busy...Lady. Just, keep promoting, our little club.

hey so this ad will reach over 1000 folks daily.. i actually am the "owner" of thiis FB page and it has almost 1100 members ...and about 10-30+ more daily!!!.. anyway im sure this nabs me a very nice entry!..LOL!!


TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT THIS IS..its not just a random posts all over FB with IKC links..THIS IS MUCH BETTER......what you can do if you own the page..is called PIN!... so no matter how many other posts ARE POSTED AFTR THE PINNED POST..they dont come beforre th PINNED IKC POST WILL REMAIN AT THE TOP OF MY KNIFEWERKS PAGE!!..i have PINNED THE IKC POST and message and LINK.. at the top of the page.


tommorrow i will do it on my my smaler FB page. KNIFEWERKS for some has gotten out of hand due to a lot of foreign knives and so forth...but we are INTERANTIONAL!!!

THE PIN THING IS WHAT WILL WORK im hoping very well!

https://www.facebook.com/groups/knifewerks/#!/groups/knifewerks/   how many entries into this contest will this one post add up to.since i will have to keep it monitored..daily!... LOL!!... anyway im just glad i have a place with so many members to show the link.. i will add it to a few more places including my other KNIFE FB PAGE!... -hope this helps-...i should get an almost direct number of how may noty 100% join bu i will know how many at least used the link! hey please feel free to join KNIFEWERKS as well.lots and lots of production knife sellers,makers,ectect. and it would not at all defeat the purpose of joioning IKC becuase once on their you can hlp spread the woprd if you want!!

hey jan iof you look at my post shortlly before yours on the same day...LOL.. i also mentioned GREG at TSA-cahtting it up about IKC...i read lots of his blogs and posts and lots of my GEC has come from GREG..he is a great bro in the knife world!

Jan Carter said:

And Greg Holmes has secured a ticket also.  Check out the wonderful things they have to say about iKC



OK I WENT AHEAD AND DID IT... here is my much smaller group on FB called KNIFE KARMA... "what goes around comes around" is the rooms MOTTO!... its smal but its got some great folks...!  another 100+folks reached thoough!...and i   PINNED LINK AGAIN!!! so its not goig anywhere.https://www.facebook.com/groups/304766682893653/    i dont do many conetsts but i already like helping to "plug:sites i like..and i love IKC so its fun!...im off to bed..but ill have a ton more for ya toomorrow...also i calld the knfe shop..FLIERS JAN or SOETHIG like it is a go... also my ole barber said he would put one in his window...LOL!...he collects straights! i know JENN COFFEY os on knife karma...she is awesome...i dunno just hit me!


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