We have a great group "EDC Club" and has a lot of good topics, but no place really to post your EDC. And you have to be a member of that club to post on that group. I have been using a couple of posts in that group for my EDC's but does not relate to the topic.

SO - how about an ongoing Discussion with pictures of what you are carrying today?.

What are your favorite EDC's?   What is your EDC lineup?

This will be for all IKC members, not just members of the EDC group.

So Post those Everyday Carrys and show us what you are carrying today.

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Happy Anniversary Ken & Joyce!

Nice looking carry, Peter.

thanks, trying to get ahead of the game and ready for the next "pocket dump" thread :)

I've got more than a few knives set aside as "EDC's", however I always seem to gravitate back to one.

Difficult predicament, but does anyone else have the same problem?

Yes I have bout 8 or so that I used to switch off with and I always carry at least three of diff. Sizes but it seems lately it's always the same two and switch off the smallest that sits in the front pocket.

I carry the same two over and over again and switch it up only when i remember I haven't in a while. I do gravitate back fairly quickly though

First things first: Happy Anniversary to both of you -- Ken & Joyce! 46 years! Wow! I made it to 10 twice. You guys are incredible. 

And, second: Since you're starting your Christmas shopping today. Remember, I'm an XXL. My favorite color is blue. And, I prefer silver over gold. Now get out there and come back with something that will suprise me on Christmas morning.

Oh, yeah. Nice knife, too! lol

Cheers, my friend!

Ken Spielvogel said:

Today is Joyce and my 46 yrs Anniversary. We are going to town and start Christmas Shopping as is our custom. I will be carrying a Case peanut in my pocket today.


I'm about like you when it comes to changing anything in my EDC. I always have the Black Victorinox Classic on my key ring. I always have the Lakota Teal buried deep in my right front pocket. I always have a Black Victorinox SwissChamp riding horizontally in a pouch on my belt on my right side. And, I ALWAYS have a Spyderco Paramilitary 2 clipped into my right front pocket. The only thing that changes is the color of the Para 2 since I have 4 different colors, each with a different type of steel: S30V Digicam G10 Black Blade ~ S35VN Brown G10 ~ CTS-204P Green G10 ~ CTS-XHP Orange G10. I usually carry the Digicam, though.

One of these is always clipped into my right front pants pocket...

And, it's usually the Digicam Para 2 with its Black Blade and the Lakota Teal that are doing the "Heavy Lifting"... 

The Teal was gifted to me by a friend more than 40 years ago and has been on my person everyday since then. With its steel construction and brass liners it is built like a tank! The only real sign of aging is that the gold fill has long since disappeared from the ducks that can be seen flying on the scales.

I go with what I know. And I see no reason to change something as long as it's still working. I guess I'm just Old School? "If it ain't broke don't fix it!"

Ron Cooper said:

"Remember, I'm an XXL. My favorite color is blue. And, I prefer silver over gold. Now get out there and come back with something that will suprise me on Christmas morning.

Oh, yeah. Nice knife, too! lol"


carrying a CRKT necker today  oi have carried it since bought it...still standing strong... besaides a KISS that i found on the ground...tuis is my only CRKT as i have heard mixed reviews... i can say this o far the steel usd in it i dont like at al;l...not yet anyway... but the cuts in the handle are awesome! sorry for link... i gotta stop and get my cam sety for asy pics!.. http://www.crkt.com/SPEW-Fixed-Blade  <bu t thats what im carying.. 12$ NIB off ebay after discounts...so not bad!

KEN CONGRATS!!!!  and like ron said ill send ya my xmas list!...LOL...hey i hope you and the wife have many more years to come my friend..   also i have in the past between small groups dopne a thing a named a XMAS RT{roundtable} ..with simple rules like trades cant be opened until xxmas day ,{this is so knifers who receive NO KNIVES xmas will have a few boxes under the tree-IE their family just dont buy knives or no what to buy} then only other rule is send XMAS card with knives and all filled out and so forth so you can keep with the knives year after year with trades/gifts!.. i remember being new cllector and hoping every gifty under tree was a knife!!!...THATS WHEN I HAD XMAS RT IDEA!!..and it works!!. family had no clue what to buy knife wise[have been taught since then...LOL} but with the xmas cards and all.its just awesome!!!...  AGAIN--LOLO--HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

Ken Spielvogel said:

Today is Joyce and my 46 yrs Anniversary. We are going to town and start Christmas Shopping as is our custom. I will be carrying a Case peanut in my pocket today.

Carrying out to the farm today: an old Remington Scout

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