Don't you just love getting those phone calls from Market Research around dinner time asking you questions about things you really aren't interested in?  Sure you do!

The other day, within one of the groups I asked a question about BB guns.  and thought it would be nice if there was a poll about it.  I couldn't find a place on iKC for creating polls so I figured I'd see if I could  find a way to set up a poll.   Well one thing led to another.

Hopefully it isn't your dinner time, and I think it is safe to assume that if you are member here, you're interested in knives.  If you wish to answer a few questions on knives check out: The Gully Cat Cutlery Polling Booth  at http://gullycat.hegewisch.net/poll/.    I plan on loading more polls in the future depending on the responses.

Tags: gullycat, knife, poll

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Nice Tobias, I will try that out.

We have in the past conducted some "inhouse" polls. The problem there is you have to manually calculate all your percentages, which can take a while if you ask a lot of questions. It has been a while since we have done a poll. At one time we considered using a third party called Poll Daddy, but never implemented that.

But I am happy to participate and hope you can publish the results of the poll!

By the way here is the link on the iKC Forum Category called iKC Community Surveys and Polls :http://www.iknifecollector.com/forum/categories/ikc-community-surve...

You can get an idea on some of what we have done the last few years

Also would appreciate if you Vote in the poll just type in Voted here or something like that so we know.

I had more on the page but they seemed to interfere with each other so I took them off.  I think it was due to the way I had prepared them.  I will try to load one or two a week as time and imagination permits.



I plan on updating the poll page frequently.  The plan is to ADD new polls to the already existing polls  As I add a poll i will post the topic here so you can decide if you wish to participate. The plan is to leave a poll up for at least a month or so.  I'll also give updates to how the results are going. 

The polls currently on the site are:

Posted: November 19:

When it comes to Red Jigged Bone I:

Posted: November 19:

When it comes to the Standard 4 1/8 inch Trapper

Posted November 18:

Which BB gun is better

To answer the questions go to:  http://gullycat.hegewisch.net/poll/

Of course, I also encourage you to discuss these  topics here or elsewhere on i Knife Collector!

I voted but didn't want to wait around for the results!

very very nice TOBIAS!   VOTED!!!


this is a tool i can se being used for a few things..   and hey NICE IKC LINK!!!-LOL!

It would appear so far the the red jigged bone and the Trapper are holding there own.  Today's question is: 

"Among the traditional patterns listed below which is your favorite? (if not your favorite, which one would you choose over the others?)"

(options include:  Barlow, Canoe, Congress, Stockman, Scout/Camp, Trapper, Whittler)

I'm curious to see if Stockman trumps Trapper!

You can post your answer at  http://gullycat.hegewisch.net/poll/


me too voted!

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