I admit it.  I currently belong to 16 groups in iKC.  To my surprise I had only clicked the "like" button in 10 of those groups.  I've belonged to the Swiss Army Knife Group for well over a year and never clicked the "like" button.  Shame on me!.  I have rectified that problem.  I have now clicked the Like Button in every group I've joined. Why did I do?  Simply to let the owner of the group know I appreciate that he was willing enough to create and maintain a group!

If you join a group, please consider clicking the like button.  It's fast, it's easy, it's free.  And let the the person who created the group know that even if you're not going to contribute with a multitude of posts you are thankful that someone was thoughtful enough to create such a group.

And if you're the administrator of a group, consider sending out a friend request to any members who join your group. It's a nice way of saying thank you for taking the time to join my group and being part of the iKC community.  This is also fast, easy, and free!

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Toby said;
"I've belonged to or am a current member of AAPK, Blades Forum, SharpFans and a couple other non-knife groups. Quite frankly I prefer spending my time here simply because I find this place the easiest place to communicate and the easiest place to focus in on a topic of discussion."
While folks say "we're differant", I too find it easier to stay on track with a discussion. Other forums tend to stay on a liniar thread.

Actually I am very impressed with this conversation and am  pleased that Tobias kept it intact. We were actually called the FB of Knife Collectors in a magazine a couple of years ago LOL.

I do not go to the other forums as much as I should.  I belong to them, to be accurate I have belonged to most of them longer than here.  I chose here for the atmosphere and work to preserve that.

The like button and the views and the comments all help drive better content, getting to know our neighbors better and brought us this great conversation!


I agree with J.J., i use the like button when i do not have a good comment, or time to make a comment. It lets the person know I saw their post and I enjoyed what I saw.

Steve if that was what you call a "rant" then you need to go back to "rant boot camp!"  That was a polite disagreement!

Good point, Jan.  There are worse things to be compared to than Facebook.  MySpace comes to mind.  And then there's alt.fans.knives (a text based listserv)  Imagine a knife group where no pictures are posted!

If you really like something, why not share the content also.

we've also got the ability to share with Twitter, Google+1 and Facebook.

I just "liked" your discussion....oops now I am contributing to it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good points, J.J.

J.J. Smith III said:

If you really like something, why not share the content also.

we've also got the ability to share with Twitter, Google+1 and Facebook.

I too, must confess I have not had much use for the" like" button- It is just too generic other than noting someone read your post or discussion- Did they like the topic, the content, the picture, or just the fact that you posted "something" ??-Better than nothing, but not by much IMHO- Onto the subject of the forums who "diss" our so called Facebook format-I have also either formally or currently been a member of other knife forums- Try viewing a photo on an old thread in these other forums- Odds are, that photo no longer exists as they rely on photo hosting services- I research a lot of knives, and get aggravated when I try to find a photo of knife from a few years back, even when I know who posted it and where- Happened to me too many times to count- Here at IKC, if you post a photo, it is here for the duration, which is a good thing !! Ok, I'll climb off my soapbox now--LOL

You know...yer right, Tobias. I guess iKC has mellowed me. My rants used to leave behind property damage and orphans! I don't know what's come over me! Oh the humanity!

I for one would be happy to see the FB influence vanish from here, but that is all just aesthetics. Our layout certainly didn't create the family we have here now. Too bad there isn't a way to exclude one's self from FB exposure. I know of a few members that would be back as regulars if that were possible. I love what we have here, but if I wanted to be on FB, well...I would be on FB...lol. Other forums just seem so impersonal and sterile with their "forum format" and rampant negativity...I am truly grateful for what Jan and Scott have made for us here, but if I were asked, I'd say let people go to Facebook if they want a Facebook layout. I am hoping the new layout with 3.0 allows us to gravitate away from it as a whole, but leaves options for those that wish to use it. For some of us, it just feels like Facebook is constantly being rammed down our throats with no choice or option to avoid it. (I tried to rant, Tobias...I really did.)

That being said...I think between all the options we have here, some kind of feedback is available to all, no matter what your preferences or time constraints, or literary shortcomings. I know for me personally, if feels good when someone takes the time to appreciate what I've done or said with some form of acknowledgement. A little encouragement goes a long way!

I'm still trying to grasp how this is like Facebook.  Is it the layout?  There are plenty of CMS programs that use a format similar to this.  Is it the ease of posting?  If that the case, then bring it on!  

Is it the constant invites to play Candy Crush Saga?  Wait that doesn't happen here.  Is it the continuous bombardment of political rants?  Wait that doesn't happen here, either!  Maybe it's the annoy advertisements?  Well yeah, there are ads here but they aren't annoying! 

To me the format is simply familiar and easy to follow.

Heyyyy...we need knife games that we can spam invites for!! LOL. Just kidding. The format is not so much "like facebook"  as it is showing many Facebook aspects and attributes. Some don't like their content being put on FB, Tweeter or whatever other Social Media crazes there are. A lot of older folks still fear those things, for lack of a better word, and will avoid the site because they have no control over what of their posts and content gets Shared, regardless of whether they want it shared or not. Some folks would feel better if they could choose *not* to have random people put their stuff up on social media sites. I think we could salvage many people if we had a setting you could set to not allow your content to be shared socially. Personal preference and all. We spend a lot of time making this site acceptable to the younger crowd and adding all these links and such...maybe we should see if we can appeal to those folks who want at least an option whether or not they want Facebook, Tweet or whatever exposure. A slider switch on your My Page giving you a choice on sharing your content would be a great idea, in my opinion. Most would not use it, but there are those who would, and at least that gives them a choice and a bit of control over their content.

Just throwing out some ideas here. 

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