I'll start with an easy one- You probably all have seen this tang stamp or a variation there of on a Remington knife- What does UMC stand for??

 A little tougher one- What famous author mentioned a particular style knife in two of his most famous works and helped make the knife famous ?? Name the author and / or the knife ??

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Okay this one is easy, especially for those who follow "the Real Movie Stars"

1) The Actor

2) The Knife

3) The Movie

4) What does the actor do with the knife near the end of the movie

Kurt Russell

Gerber Mark 1?

Big Trouble in Little China

Can't remember...need to watch it again.

Kurt Russell

Gerber Tac-II

Big Trouble in Little China

He  throws the knife at  the villain Lo pan and misses- Lo Pan  throws it at Kurt- Kurt catches the thrown knife, throws it back and buries it in Lo Pan's forehead--

It's all in the reflexes.

John McCain said:

New knife trivia challenge-- This is an easy one--- What is the most expensive modern knife sold, who made it, and what did it sell for ??


I know this one!   The Sasquatch Slasher, made by me and you can have it for one million, billion dollars.

Jump on this deal...it's his 50% off sale!

Bruce McLain said:

A new challenge

who invented the first folding knife? 

The oldest pocket knife (or “jackknife”) ever discovered dates back to around 600-500 BC. It was unearthed in Hallstatt, Austria, and it features a single blade with a bone handle. 

wow!  Thats pretty interesting

 I repeat my latest trivia challenge-- C'mon guys and gals -This is an easy one-- LOL

New knife trivia challenge-- -- What is the most expensive modern knife sold, who made it, and what did it sell for ??


The world’s most expensive modern knife was originally sold for $1.2 million. The buyer, in turn, put "Gem of the Orient" up for sale for $2.1 million. made by Warenski

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