In reply to Steve Hanner's question: I simply have gotten to many knives, and have stopped buying for awhile (notice I say for awhile) and my interest at present is being divided with other interests. I will be back to posting more but when the time is right. I still have a deep respect and love for IKC.

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Steve, I never thought it was. This is knife home to me with really great people. I do check in here almost every day, although very briefly sometimes. I really have a bunch of different pics to post when I find the time.

Thanks for all you do my friend, I know you have been through some tough times.  I am happy things are more on track and crisis maybe averted. Anything you can do to help going forward is most appreciated.

Ron Dumeah said:

I love it here. I do post in some Facebook pages. I always come home. I do need to do more here, Life was in the way and things are better, I have been trying to get here as much as possible. I have also not really purchased anything new. I will try to post more.    

Billy Thanks, that is what I mean when I say IKC IS the members,  I want iKC to feel like home, comfortable and a happy place to be. I figure folks will come if being here makes them feel good.  LOL now how do I get them to talk.  I swear I do not have bad breathe and I only bite when asked

Just been tied up and busy hard to find the time also on another forum try to keep up there also. I have no complaints with IKC the people are great the site is great. Happy Collecting Randall

Sorry about that Ken.  I don't think that came out the way I meant it.  (I have a bad tendency to do that. LOL)  What I meant to say was I am looking forward to when you are able to get back to posting more.   I really enjoy your posts.  They are very good.

Ken Spielvogel said:

Charles, I have never left. I am on here every day and liking many pics and other posts. I just haven't been real active in responses and discussions. Thanks for your concern. I get better soon. I am looking forward to the Knife show in Wilmington, OH.

I would like to say I'm just lazy, but health is starting to slow me down, and my job doesn't help much as it is rather strenuous. Always a new ache and a new pain to go with my ache and pain collection. Plus three flat disks in my back.

Trying to save more for retirement so haven't been buying any knives lately. 10 years ago I was dead broke, and looking to retire at 62 (five more years) at the latest. So working a lot of overtime and staying busy.

And then there's that lazy thing.

You sure don't sound lazy to me Ron.

Ron James said:

I would like to say I'm just lazy, but health is starting to slow me down, and my job doesn't help much as it is rather strenuous. Always a new ache and a new pain to go with my ache and pain collection. Plus three flat disks in my back.

Trying to save more for retirement so haven't been buying any knives lately. 10 years ago I was dead broke, and looking to retire at 62 (five more years) at the latest. So working a lot of overtime and staying busy.

And then there's that lazy thing.

Thanks, but I sure don't do what I use to. Not going to retire with much, but I want to enjoy my later years and not have to work till I am 70. I plan on a lot of the simple pleasures in life. 

Its a good question Steve I have only been a member here for a short time but I have noticed activity is very slow and often limited to a few of the "Usual Suspects" which is a shame from my perspective. I really feel I have found a "home' here for my Knife collecting activities because most of the folks here seem to have similar interests to me and it would be nice to get more out of the Forum.

I am a member of a couple of other blade forums and enjoy them for the most part but sometimes I wonder why they call them "Blade Forums" it seems a lot of the time "Spyderco Forum" would be more appropriate and I am afraid I just don't get the whole Spyderco thing - but hey each to their own.

One comment re this Forum in particular even though I have interacted here for a few months I do find the layout/format not as user friendly as some. Less intuitive to navigate and the flashing adds are REALLY ANNOYING!!!!ANNOYING>>> ANNOYING  

Just My 2c

Sorry that I don't post more but life sometimes gets in the way! I don't do the chat's because I type so darn slow I can't keep up! I will say that when I do post there are not many comments save for a few. I posted some knives for sale and only got a few posts but would have loved more even if it was to say that I was crazy and that the prices i was asking were too high LOL. I am also a member of 3 other forums and don't post much on them either but I do read mostly every day. 

I will start to be a better member and post more.

I may be missing the point of the original post, if so, I apologize...

I think the spirit of the question is getting a bit muddied up here. "Why" aren't we posting as much? What would encourage you to post more? What would you suggest to drum up more interest to get people to post? Many people are apologizing for not posting, and that's not the point of the question. We need to find various ways to encourage folks and get them interested enough to post. Some of the issue is the people who sign up just to get a value on their knife. Others get confused by the different layout, and can't/won't take the time to learn it. Others use mobile devices a lot, and the inability to post pics and such from mobiles is very frustrating. Let's hear some suggestions on how to change this! What would you, our members, suggest to get more folks participating in our community and family? More contests? Less ads? Different layout? Mobile support? Let's get some ideas rolling, and get some more traffic. We are only as good as our members...let the suggestions flow!

I'm sure it's what I got used to, but I find the various knife groups on Facebook easier to navigate so I gravitated back to my old groups. That's not a putdown of iKnive's mission or any of it's members. I personally just find the FB groups to be simpler.This sight, to me, is more confusing. I hope I haven't offended anyone as that was not my intention.

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