Member needs and prayer requests

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Hi guys, I don't often ask for prayers, but I would like to ask for prayers for all the families involved in the Pilchuck High School shooting.  This hits close to home.  It is a very, very sad day.  So many people involved need our prayers.  Thank you all.

Our prayers are with the families of all involved and all the children at the school.  May God help them see through this day to a life of happiness

Certainly I will keep them in my prayers

Data (C Thomas) said:

Hi guys, I don't often ask for prayers, but I would like to ask for prayers for all the families involved in the Pilchuck High School shooting.  This hits close to home.  It is a very, very sad day.  So many people involved need our prayers.  Thank you all.

I'm with you, Data! This shooting has weighed heavily on my heart today as well. I have a close friend whose wife is stationed on the USS Nimitz out of Everett, WA. They live in Marysville where this senseless shooting took place. 

It's getting to where I hate to even listen to the news anymore. Down here in So. Cal. in the last couple of days we've had one young girl shot and killed in her front yard. And, in separate incidents, a young girl and a young boy were run over and killed by hit and run drivers. 

I feel so bad for the parents of all these youngsters. I can't imagine what kind of grief they must be feeling! They'll all be in my thoughts and prayers tonight and in the days to come.


It is so difficult to grasp this type of madness.  My prayers are with everyone who is struggling with this event and the madness that drives people to such forms of violence.

There is a senseless shooting just about everyday in Chicago.  Many of them happen near schools but they go unnoticed and unreported because these kids don't fit the narrative of the politicians.  It is only when a six year old gets shot in the cross fire, or an innocent white kid from the suburbs is killed, or the  poster child for a left leaning cause is killed that the story is reported. 

The unreported deaths and shootings are the poor Black and Hispanic boys and girls that either willingly join or are forced to join gangs.  they do so because they have no hope, opportunity, or guidance. Most figure there life expectency in a gang is better than not in a gang. Most figure they'll be in jail or dead before they can legally drink and many of them are correct.  They are the forgotten youth of the inner city.

Two were killed and 31 wounded over the weekend of September 18-19.   This past week-end had 5 more killed and over 40 wounded.  But the headlines in Chicago was the humiliating loss the Bears suffered.  Nary a peep about the 5 killed and the 40 wounded.

Say a prayer for these boys and girl as well.  Most have no hope, no family, and no future.  They can use your prayers.

Quite a shame and no one does anything.  Certainly part of it is the big city, the closeness of the people and perhaps the heat of unseasonably warm weather.

No matter what its a shame thse kids never even get a chance. Praying for some soulution. 

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the sad news of the passing of my father in law, Anthony J. Smierciak.  Tony was a great father and husband.  He served in the Marines back in 1957.  After leaving the marines he became a draftsman and later a professional Land Surveyor.  He had a major stroke in the summer of 2001 which forced him to retire from the profession he loved.   About a month ago he was in a car accident.  While doing a cat scan to determine if he had internal injuries a life threatening aneurism was discovered.  Due to complications from the accident they were unable to perform emergency surgery.   He was in and out of the ICU while they tried to stabilize his condition.  He was on the mend and on the road to recovery when today without warning the aneurism burst.  It was over in minutes.  Today was his 78 birthday.

Thanks for all the prayers.  Please keep his wife Lillian in your prayers now as she struggles to cope with her the loss of her husband of 55 years.

Thank you.

My deepestbsympathies to the family and to you. All of younare in my prayers as you cope with the loss.

I am so sorry to hear of this news Tobias. I am praying for you and all of the family at this time. I hope that you all can focus on the good memories and make it through this tough time together. 

Tobias I have no words other then what you've heard already. It is hard to loose a loved one. Very hard....

My heart goes out for you and your family.....

Deep sorrow


I am so sorry for your loss.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.  

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