Member needs and prayer requests

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I am seeking prayer warriors for some friends of ours. A young boy named Hunter, who is about 10, has just found out that his cancer has returned. The doctors have not given him much hope. I know that God hears prayers and I know that you are some great friends of mine. Thank you in advance!

in my prayers Jeremy.

Lord God,

I praise you for your compassion and your goodness.

Marvelous are your healing mercies.  Lord, as sickness has invaded Hunter's world, I stand by feeling helpless. But Lord, I am reminded that I am not helpless but powerful in prayer.  Lord, you are the healer of weaknesses, colds, flu, fevers, viruses, chronic conditions, tumors, cancer and other diseases, and you are the healer of this child.  In your name we pray...Amen

Lord, I pray for healing for Hunter.  Please comfort and uplift him and his family.

Praying for Hunter and his family.

Hunter is in my Prayers

My prayers are with Hunter and his family.

Our hearts and prayers are with the family of Joe Kious. I had heard the news last night and see it has reached fb now.  The world has lost a good man and maker

Thoughts and prayers for Joe's family.

I am saddened to hear of Joe's passing. My most sincere condolences to Joe's family and friends. 

We'll be praying for Joe and his loved ones

Joe was a great maker, what a legacy in the works of art he left us. Our prayers our with Joe's family.

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