Our Contest this month is easy, like the page, share it out to somewhere and show us your favorite GREEN knife.

Up for Grabs?

DMT Mini-Sharp Portable Folding Diamond Knife Sharpener - Extra-Fine

Green Shamrock Classic SD

AND our newest Ikc mug, sporting the Family Forged in Steel

Tags: Irish, Luck, contest, knife, of, the

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Thank you TC Knife Shop for spreading the word!

tobias gibson,
Your Tweet got retweeted!
  tobias gibson
tobias gibson tobias gibson
Checking out "Luck of the Irish...March 2015 Contest" on iKnife Collector: iknifecollector.com/forum/topics/l…
02:52 AM - 02 Mar 15
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TC Knife Shop TC Knife Shop @tcknives
To 412 followers.

you know, I'm not sure if I ever posted a picture of my "Ducks Unlimited" Victorinox Classic SD.   But it definitely fits the bill for this thread!

Yes it does.  The more I see the classic the more I like it.  nice and simple

Luck of the IRISH....

How about a green Spyderco Paramilitary 2...

Okay I only have two green knives and they are both little Victorinox Classics - like the one in the prize package - without the shamrock of course. The one on the bottom right is so dark that it looks black in the photo, but it is actually dark green.

I included my green Gorilla Grip wrenches in the photo so that the little Classics wouldn't be so lonely...

and then there is my Boker Magnum   Thing is built like a tank.  Great knife for the $25 I spent!


That Boker is a Beast! What are the scales made out of? That blade looks wicked!

Ron, this was a purchase I made  from the old Knives Live TV show.   The scales are G-10.  While not assisted opening it opens really smooth with the thumb stud and wrist flick.  The liner lock is also very strong.

Did I mention that green is my favorite color? 

My Victorinox 111mm Hunter comes in red or green. While many traditionalist brad the red model, I spent  a little more and went for the Green.  Not only is it a fine looking knife, it is an excellent tool!  It is also one of the few 111mm knives with the combo tool and might be the only one with the small gutting blade.  Definitely one of my favorites!

The Saw blade is excellent!  The main blade has a slide lock mechanism.

And then you have the deer on the green background! 

Yikes! I can see that this is getting serious...

kbar union jackhere is a green kabar jack

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