Any other vintage collectors of Parkers, American Blade, Taylor, United Boker, Frost, or STAR brands out there? 

Am far from an expert on these brands, but I do own a few!  I typically have gone "straight to the horses mouth", with many of my questions answered by Buzz Parker.  Have another friend, who I would consider experienced with '80s SEKI produced brands.  Drop me  line, or a question anytime please!  Thanks.


Tags: pocketknives, seki, vintage

Views: 10979


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Great looking knives.  I loved how you took the pictures!

I'm learning so much.


Is this the knife that you were talking about?  SEKI Japan


Nope...the Al Mar knife that was in dispute with the Blackjack was a fixed blade knife.


I know I am a little tired and achy today BUT I dont remember American Blade.  Is that Parker's eagle on the blade?  The whale is great!!hi

"American Blade Knives were produced by Parker Cutlery for approximately 1 year in the early eighties. Parker came out with this line to place in department and hardware stores intending to differentiate it from his regular line. These knives feature the American Blade tang stamp and an eagle logo on the master blade. They were manufactured in Seki Japan in 1984."

link to source

further down in same thread


American Blade Knife company was Designed and started by THE DEACON of Knives Bob Ernst and me the National Sales Manager Dan Maldet both of us formally with the Imperial Knife CO.aka Schrade Cutlery.Parker was the money behind the Company and wanted us to set up a Marketing Plan for Distrubition.Parker ruined our plan as he did with the Parker Frost Line that he and Frost started.We used Bone and Buffalo Horn Handles, Hollow Ground Blades for maximum Sharpness. We taught Seki Japan HOW to make Quality Cutlery.To bad Parker was so Greedy and ruin the last Knife line to be introduce by The Deacon.I wished there was a Hall of Fame for American Cutlers in the USA Bob should be there as well as many in Ellenville NY.and Providence RI.

thanks for your input dale. guess my description was a bit scrambled. what I have read, and what I remember aint always the same.  do have quite a few American blades knives in my collection. I like them, they are impressive knives.

FYI.  Wanted to share Dale's outstanding descriptive history of the Parker American Blade Brand.  "Thanks Dale."

I am re-posting dale's comment which is spot-on-accurate.

American Blade Knives were produced by Parker Cutlery for approximately 1 year in the early eighties. Parker came out with this line to place in department and hardware stores intending to differentiate it from his regular line. These knives feature the American Blade tang stamp and an eagle logo on the master blade. They were manufactured in Seki Japan in 1984."

link to source

American Blade Knife company was Designed and started by THE DEACON of Knives Bob Ernst and me the National Sales Manager Dan Maldet both of us formally with the Imperial Knife CO.aka Schrade Cutlery.Parker was the money behind the Company and wanted us to set up a Marketing Plan for Distrubition.Parker ruined our plan as he did with the Parker Frost Line that he and Frost started.We used Bone and Buffalo Horn Handles, Hollow Ground Blades for maximum Sharpness. We taught Seki Japan HOW to make Quality Cutlery.To bad Parker was so Greedy and ruin the last Knife line to be introduce by The Deacon.I wished there was a Hall of Fame for American Cutlers in the USA Bob should be there as well as many in Ellenville NY.and Providence RI.

Have a lot of Taylor Elk Horn Knives, But I have one I have been searching for, It's a large Folding Hunter in Stag with Prairie Chickens etched on the blade, Any help from the group? Someone have one, Or know where to look,



What about the Coleman Seki knives made in the early nineties I think? I sold these knives when they came out, and recently found renewed interest. I started collecting these well made knives about two years ago. This picture is the five blade Stag Sowbelly.



That is one pretty sow!  I did not know the Colemans were made in Seki !

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