Bulldog Elephant Toenail KCA 1 of 50 Circa '01

This Elephant Toenail is a 25th Kentucy Knife Collectors #49 of 50 made of this patern. This is photo #2 posted. I recently started using SMKW Exclusive Product Coon P. Developed by NASA and endorsed by NKCM, it is a unique product especially good with ET and the larger knives that are typically yough to open. It's a clean enviromentally safe product and leaves a small residue but not a the greasy was your hands kind. Do not use on light color bone or contrasting JB scales (that's my experiance) if you do, do so very very sparingly. On older knives it's tops, much better overall than REM OIL. On MOP, derlin, and composits it's tops to. But it does seem to acelerate the oxidation of brass and knicle silver but that could just be my imagination....

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Comment by Godzilla Unchained on June 16, 2013 at 6:12

Hi Frank, Since these pictures and comments regarding your MOP elephant toe are 4 years old now, I'm guessing you've had time to run a few tests with the Coon P lubricant that you also mentioned.  In retrospect, has the Coon P proven to be the best fix you have found for nail breaker tough opening knives, (like many elephant toes can be), or you have found anything better since your post here. 

Looking forward to your response, GZ.

Comment by falah gumilar on October 29, 2010 at 21:16

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on October 26, 2009 at 13:26
Now you talking my language there Kell! You like toes, I got a couple you mght just like- check 'em out in my Toenail Photo Album

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