Boys don't carry pocket knives anymore- in fact they will get in trouble if they do. In the big cities, guys carry a Blackberry or an iPhones. A lot of guys hardly ever have anything in their pockets- not even coins.

Here we proudly proclaim to be a bona fide, card carrying member of the EDC Club.

Now let's lay the cards on the table for a Show and Tell. What's your knife? Do you swap out or keep the same one day after day? How about a picture added to your reply-

Tags: Club, EDC, knife, pocket

Views: 6274

Replies to This Discussion

Nice pair of EDC knives Steven. I need to get me something like one of those....that will take wear and tear.
Justin....going to show my ignorance here. The little blade in your pic with the ring...does it have a sheath? Or how do you carry it so it doesn't cut the stew out of you?
Understand, my fav knives to date are 100 year old pocket knives, ok?
I'm always switching it up, just depends on my mood or what time of day I'm reaching for a knife to put in my pocket--- or where I'm going:)
That is a great looking spyderco. The fenix pd20 is awesome, I bought one and absolutely love it!
I carry my Kershaw Mini-Cyclone(which i have a review vid on), Fenix pd-20, Glock30sf (which i know is irrelevant to this site) and of course my wallet and keys.

Hey man, how do you like that Mini Barrage? Ive been thinking about buying one.
I was wondering the same thing.....awesome looking knife.
Just got a new Knife today. Ontario RAT-1 Folder. Absolutely beautiful knife. Fast Deploying, insanely sharp, and very very comfortable in the hand.

Right now i carry a Kershaw Ace and a victorinox tinker. I usually carry the tinker most of the time and occasionally switch the Ace with another knife. Depending on the situation i might change the tinker for aheavier knife like a Leatherman Wave.
I carry a Chris Reeve Sebenza most of the time, unless I'm at work, there I usually carry my Zero Tolerance 0400 or my new Cold Steel Recon-1 partially serrated. They all work out well if you dont mind a little bit of weight!
I carry a 53047 XX in my pocket ( stag stockman 1940-64) and a 6265 XX Red Bone on my belt.
i carry either my d2 para or sng. working on picking up a small sebby, though.


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