This morning I wet down to visit with my grandfather a little before getting started on the yard work. He was showing me a couple new BB guns he just got. He's always been a gun guy, but I guess your never too old for BB guns. :)


My grandfather has played a huge role into my knife addiction, he's always had a display case with all kind of knives in it, so I was never far from a good pocket knife when i was little. He's 75 now, so he's slowed down in his knife collecting, but if he sees a good one at a garage sale he'll pick it up. 


He was just watching the field when I took the red wine from my pocket, I handed it and to him to see what he though, it's been kind of a tradition, it doesn't matter if it's a used workhorse or a safe queen, if I get a new knife I take it down and show him. When he took the knife out of my hand he was surprised by how light it was, I was too when I first got it. When he looked at the knife, and the shield, and the beautiful scales, I think he too was taken by it's beauty.

He's always had a soft spot in his heart for single blade knives, so I asked him about it once, and he said, "Even when I had a knife with a couple blades in it I only got around to using one, I figured why have a heavy knife when a light single blade will do everything I want". Made sense to me, so now when I see a "one Blade" I think of him. He looked at the knife for a long time before opening the blade, I think he liked that shield... a lot. It was just about perfect for him, one long, sharp, clip point blade. He even spent a few seconds checking out the etch, which I think he liked that too. 


I'm always afraid he's gonna get cut by one of my knives, I like to have them really sharp and this GEC took a wonderful edge. Before he fully opened the blade I made mention that it was a lockback, okay, now he really likes it. It clicked open and he looked at me, "I'll say it's a lockback, did you hear it snap"? I just smiled and shook my head, I heard it all right, thats my GEC, I was one proud knife poppa.


It took him a while to read the tang stamp, but he got it, " Great Eastern", "Did ya get that online"? "Yes sir", I shook my head. I gave him a little history on the company and I think he was interested. You'll never see him spending that much money for a knife though, but He knows their worth it.


So it passed the Pappy test, he liked it, so I like it even more. He's always liked the GECs I've showed him, it kinda makes me laugh when I hear someone complain about the backsprings strength, because my grandfather opens, and closes them with ease. 

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YUM, strawberries done up with the perfect knives.  The elk will definatley be making the trip along withthe primative bone collection.  BTW, these were added to that today

Beautiful knives.

Kate's leg is looking better I think, but it's all in the Barlow for me. Great knives, I'd be proud to call them mine.

I just sent a bunch (9 total) of my #72's back to their birthplace for a tune up. I am hoping that our dear friends at GEC can tweak them a bit to get rid of that troublesome vertical walk/wobble. At least my #72's may be there for the GEC Rendezvous if I can't be there (I'm jealous already!!!). I sent back my GEC Red Wine, and Elk clip blades, my Ruby Red, Elk and Stag GEC Wharncliffes - my Burnt Stag Clip was nice and tight from the factory. I also sent back a Antique Amber Northfield clip #72, a Genuine Stag Northfield Clip and Genuine Stag NF Wharncliffe and a Primitive Bone Lumberjack Spear NF #72. I was sad to see them all go but if absence makes the heart grow fonder I will be super happy to see them come back! I did take some pictures (not enough or good enough) of the new GEC #72's to tide me over until they come back and I posted these pictures on my page if anyone is interested. I just love the American Elk on these and also the Red Wine Bone. The Stag on my GEC Wharncliffe is pretty fat too and I think it is sweet!!!

Wow Tom, thats a whole stampede of #72s headed back.

I'm sorry to hear they all had a problem, it wasn't until after I ordered my Red Wine that I heard the #72s had a problem with blade play. I fell in love with the knife as soon as I got it, so I knew it was gonna stay, but after a quick trip back home that is. And thats all it took, she's perfect now, and in the pocket. I'm hoping to keep that love with this Knife and EDC it for quite some time. I'll be waiting to hear how things turn out, sorry about the problem. :(

Thanks Johnny,

I love the #72's too. I've got a PPP Tidioute lockback in Ruby Red bone that just fits in the hand so well. It was one of the ones that I have that don't have the vertical walk problem. Because it was a PPP I didn't want to use it though but I keep pulling it out and thinking why not? I've got a nice sheath and lanyard for it too. I was looking at  GEC's web page on Collect By Pattern and they show a #72 in Red Stag. I guess that was a short run or went to some lucky folks. That was a pretty handsome knife!

I am hoping that GEC can make the #72's that I sent back lock up nice and tight. In talking with Chris and Pat, the folks at GEC seem to be great people and from what I hear from the rest of the GEC collectors, they really stand behind their products. I know that GEC will be busy for awhile with the Rendezvous coming up but I will sure look forward to getting my #72's back! I will let you know how it all works out.


We will be sure to stop by your knives and let them know you miss them and they will be coming home soon


You're the best! I do miss them!!! Tell them to bring some new friends home with them!!! Like a Whaler and a few End of Day beauties! Have fun up at the Rendezvous in Titusville! All of us that can't make it will be thinking of you (albeit a little enviously). I told my wife and kids that we might have to make the pilgrimage next summer.  We have friends nearby in the 'burgh and in WV and I went to college just south of there at WVU in Morgantown (Go Mountaineers!).I am hopeful that we can make it happen next year and there will be something for everyone to see and do. I need to look into other things to do in the Titusville area for those of us who aren't cutlery afficionados.

Drive safely and come back to our Sunshine State with lots of new GEC toys, pictures and stories/memories!

Well we got back from a week long vacation at my dad's out in the San Francisco area and I was quite happy to find a box with Christine Tucker's name on it and a return address in Titusville, PA - my (9) #72's and the one Ben Hogan are also back from their vacation! We didn't get home until after 1 a.m. but of course I had to pull out all of my old friends and check them out. GEC did a "Great" job in adjusting the vertical walk on the #72's and re-etched my Hogan. The locking mechanisms are a little tight on a few of them but that's ok. There is not one bit of walk on them any more! Some of them previously had a bit of walk, some had even more than that. They fixed all of them and they all lock up tight now. I am really impressed!!! Pretty quick turnaround too! Thanks GEC!!!!

YAHOO, it was sure nice of them to meet you back at the house after vacation.  I can just see you at 1am, "Honey I just want to look real quick"


Glad they did it up right Tom, had no doubt they would.  Always nice to work with a company that cares

Tom, I know it's great to have them back, I know when the package arrives and it says: Great Eastern Cutlery, good things are at hand. I've only waited on the return a few times, and each time I was pleasantly surprised by the quickness and efficiency in their work.


I'm currently waiting the arrival of my #73L, it needed a new backspring, but they didn't have any for the #73Ls until now. Since they brought out the new #73Ls, I should get mine soon. : )


I'll bet your wait for your 73L wont be long. GEC is, as you said, pretty quick and efficient. Besides my guess is that they will expedite the repair for one of their best field tester's and spokesmen! Best of luck!

Jan, you are so right! My wife was saying - "I'm going to bed, it's 1:45 a.m." I was like - "I'll be there in a minute, gotta check the vertical walk on my 72's, won't take but a few minutes". I missed my GEC's. I even like the smell of them. I almost wanted to shop for some knives on vacation but I knew that I'd have to mail them back since they frown on carrying them on the plane. Glad to be back home in that regard. Yes, GEC took good care of my 72's and my Hogan and got them back to me quickly. They really do stand behind their product and are great people too!


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