Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12367

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Folks -

I just bought my first GEC - and it will not be my last (actually, I just bought my second GEC, but I have not received it yet).


I got in on the 2011 bladeforums traditional knife - a GEC Easy Open candle tip (bullet end) jack. The second blade is a cap-lifter. This one is a picture of one of my friends copy of this fine knife.


I am doing the shipping for the 2011 project, so I have a few of these on my bench....


best regards 




Taking on that shipping was a large project in itself.  Having that many tubes on your desk, priceless.....

Thanks for sharing and what is your second GEC going to be?

Yeah, thats a great pic.

Congrats on your first and I'm glad to here he won't be alone for long. The second is almost as great as the first, but there should be a special connection with that first. For me, I owe it to the first GEC for getting me into this mess.

I've got one of those coming.  These 85s look great with the easy open feature.  Appreciate the work you're putting into this, Andy.

Handsome bone scales on that project knife. Great looking knife all around. Thanks for your efforts on this project.

Hi Jan - Thanks - yes, it is cool to have all those tubes in one place!

My second GEC is a cocobolo bullet-end jack from Bob at oldhundredcollectibles.

I will post pictures when I get it in the mail.

Glenn - I will send yours out on Friday. :^)

Tom - this knife looks like a brand-new hundred-year-old knife. Just right!

best -



Andy Moon said:

Glenn - I will send yours out on Friday. :^)


Fantastic.  Thanks.


Hi folks - I just ordered another GEC! I  ordered a Bullet Tip Harness Jack in Ebony. Pictures to follow when I get these great new knives!





way to go,got to get a new one soon ,

Thanks Andy, it's great to see another collectors pics. For me it's a great way to appreciate a knife.

I'm glad to see somebody is enjoying this new patter, I have not yet taken this leap. 

Just got in my second Yellow Rose - a #53 Cattle Baron. It is a fairly big knife but not too big to pocket. I would have preferred this in a smooth bone but it will only get better with pocket time.

Thats one looks good Tom, I agree that the smooth is the way to go. I love that shield though, I have nothing to do with Texas, but I love this knife.



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