I think it should be law that everyone has to catch at least one fish before they decide to leave this world, I think if they did, this would be a much happier place to live. 



Ever since I was little, my grandfather had a boat, big 14 passenger pontoon boats, little old aluminum boats that would barely float. In his time he had some really big boats, every weekend we'd all head up to Erie Pa, a couple hours worth of driving, but it was always a blast. We would have at least 9 people every time, but when the whole family decided to go it would be a huge mob of friends. Some would fish, while others would stay back at the cabin and swim. We did alright with the fishing, and usually everyone caught a few fish before the trip was over.


But that was never my kind of fishing, I've always enjoyed a quiet stream in a peaceful forrest. That hollow sound of you, and nothing. Sometimes those trout feel like monsters fighting for their lives, and others.... not so much. But, it's more about the surroundings on a trip like this, knowing you can enjoy a visit to the outdoors without harassment. 


But, different strokes, for different folks.

There are people who enjoy a placid lake and a lawn chair, while others, a quiet stream and a stringer full of rainbows. People change fishing everyday, they add their own little twist to things, and it keeps this place interesting.


I'd love for you to share, stories, techniques, secrets, recipes, and just a general love for the sport of fishing. So if you have something to add please don't hold back. 

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OK, i'll wait for one of yours Johnny!!

Love the Eastern Sierra's back country lakes.


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