Whenever I'm deciding which of my EDC blades to take with me for the day I always have a hard time choosing. I always end up carrying more than one, Five to be exact. Does anyone else have a hard time deciding which knife to carry so you end up taking more than one? If so which two do you have the most trouble with deciding on?

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Always two. A SAK on my keyring; at work it's a Case Cheetah Cub swing guard folder, on my own time it's something a little bigger - Case or Queen large toothpick, AG Russell Arkansas Toothpick split bolster folder...I'm getting ready to go to town now and I'll have AG's Sowbelly Wharncliffe riding in my right hip pocket. I have carried knives in that manner for years...my right front pocket carries "something else" and once you get into the habit of knowing "what is where" you are far less apt to fumble around when things happen...   Works for me!

try to carry 2 knives as my EDCs, the fact that I deal with the public makes me keep my BIG blade in my pocket or sheath most of the time....the "tiny" one is the most used....that one tends to be a peanut, or one about the same size

I always have at least three.  I carry a Tac Folder, either a Benchmade Grip (most often,) an Emerson Mini Commander (next most often,) or a CRKT M1 (least often,) sometimes one of my others, also my Leatherman Juice CS4, and a traditional folder, (a Case Mid Folding Hunter right now, sometimes a Case Mini Copperlock or full size stockman, or another.)  I also have a Vic clasic on my key ring.  Sometimes I also hang my ESSE Izula around my neck to wear under my shirt. 

I tried to adheard to the policy of small, medium and large knives, and the right tool for the job.

Always a bare minimum of 3 knives - usually 4. My primary knife is a Spyderco Paramilitary 2. It is clipped in my right front pocket. Next in order of importance is a 91mm Victorinox Swiss Army Knife - usually a 4 to 6 layer version with plus scales. That goes into a nylon sheath and slides onto my belt and sits above my right front pocket, directly above the Para 2. Next is my constant companion for nearly 40 years, my Lakota Teal. It is a small single blade lock-back and a real workhorse for its size. It falls to the bottom of my right front pants pocket, below the Para 2. And last but certainly not least is a Victorinox Classic that rides on my key-chain in my left front pants pocket. And that sums up usual my EDC.

I always have multiple blades/tools on my person.The blade I have trouble deciding on is usually a fixed blade.This is an old choice for my EDC knives,I have since updated this selection.

Yes. I carry a minimum of 2.
Always at least 2.

I carry two

I never have a hard time deciding which knife to carry.  The problem comes when deciding on the second or third knife I'm gonna carry that day.

I almost always have two knives with me.  Sometimes three or four.

I usually have one of my Case/Bose Norfolks on my days off.  During my work week I change things up a bit, usually with a Case Sway Back Jack, Humpback Half Whittler, or wharncliffe mini trapper.  I use a modified Sod Buster Jr daily at work.

I always carry at least two knives. I carry a smaller pocketknife in my left front pocket that I use for most cutting purposes. I carry a larger Tactical style knife clipped in my right front pocket ready for heavier use, a practice I started in LE. I change around the knives based upon activities and environment. Sometimes I even carry one of my dad's knives that he left me. 

I normally carry a small gerber multi tool, a Kershaw(can't remember the model), and a CRKT M16...If i'm going fishing i usually leave the kershaw and carry a gerber paraframe...the clip is REALLY stiff so if i get in the water i know it won't fall out.

I usually have a medium size quick release tactical and a traditional folder. Sometimes I may carry a 3rd one to show but not to use. On Sundays I usually have 3-5 different handles and patterns in case someone at church was to show an interest! Lol


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