How Many Knives Do You Buy in a "Normal" Year; How about this Year?

Here we are at the midway point of the year or so. Buy the usual amount of knives this year? Or are the rising prices and the pressing economic crunch just too much. Has it affected you and what has it caused you to do? Buy Smarter, Buy Less, Pick Up Great Bargains?

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Being out of work for a year has defintely put a clamp on me buying new knives for my collection. However, It has helped me develop other avenues of acquiring knives. Estate sales and garage sales and flea markets have yielded some great finds for me. It's been about 10 months since I bought a new knife but I have purchased about 30 knives all for about $100 or less in that time. Looking forward to getting back to working so I can resume buying new pieces for me and my grandson. The only good thing about this unemployment is my grandson and I have spent more time playing with knives and he's learning you can find knives outside of catalogs and stores.

I agree, Chuck many good alternative spots to kind of keep you going until you can get back to regular buying. It is so much fun to be a knife collector, either actively buying or just looking around, you are always right near them!

Chuck Parham said:

Being out of work for a year has defintely put a clamp on me buying new knives for my collection. However, It has helped me develop other avenues of acquiring knives. Estate sales and garage sales and flea markets have yielded some great finds for me. It's been about 10 months since I bought a new knife but I have purchased about 30 knives all for about $100 or less in that time. Looking forward to getting back to working so I can resume buying new pieces for me and my grandson. The only good thing about this unemployment is my grandson and I have spent more time playing with knives and he's learning you can find knives outside of catalogs and stores.

So far this year I think I've only bought 2 knives.

Add to that the iKC2013 knife. And the A.G. Russell 2013 Texas Ranger....and there's a big chance that'll be all I buy this year.

I try and not buy but one knife a month and a few more, when hunting season begins and Chirstmas, to give as presents. Although this year I have really bought more than normal. I thought I might list them and price them, to give you an idea of what I buy. Only it would be about half of this amount.

      ML fixed blade.....$160

      Swamp fox fixed blade.....$150

       Multi-tool  folder.....$15

       Imperial  German  Fixed blade....$35

       Kissing Krane    Fixed blade......$65

       Colonial USA   Fixed blade......$15

       Victorinox   Folder.......$50

        Karesuando   Fixed blade......$125

        Camillus Girl Scout Folder.....$15


        Dexter Kitchen  Fixed blade......$10

         NRA  Folder........Club Dues

         IKC    Folder  Club Knife........$75  ?

         My Wife's Knife   Fixed blade......$Love.


         I forget, exactly what our club knife cost, but that's close. I over spent a little bit this year on knives but not too bad. As long as I can afford them and it doesn't effect my responsibilities to my family. I have always said, "a man with $100 to spend on knives can be just as happy, with his knives as the man that has $1000 to spend on knives. Just enjoy the hobby.

I would say I buy around 16 knives per year.
So far this year it's 3 knives. I would say its caused me to buy less. To look for other ways to raise some cash in order to keep collecting.

I have had to scale-back my buying this year,  2 GECs and I am going to buy a Queen that I have been looking at, and that's about it for now.

Since buying only Case knives my buying has gone up! I'm trying to ramp it back a bit. Trying. 

I have a question.....does Case put some kind of magic dust in the boxes to make you buy more Case knives??????

At the end of THIS year I don't think I want to know how many I bought this year.

Craig after some consideration I'm inclined to believe you're on to something! Lol

I wonder how our club knife is coming along?

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