Hey Steve,

Welcome to iKC.  I bought this knife on ebay the other day and know very little to nothing about it.  It just seemed too cheap to me:


$34 just sounded cheap.  Anything you could tell me about the knife and its value will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks for the info in advance.

Vance Hinds

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Hey Vance, 

Nice buy, these are actually not as old as you may think, they were made in the early 70's they were probably imported by Gutmann Cutlery, I bought a large group out of Long Island NY. several years back, it was a store that had closed, i got all their remaining inventory and there were about 3 dozen of these knives in that group, we sold them for $49.99...I think you did well...Hope this helps...

Steve Koontz

(Mr. Knife)

Hi Steve,

Maybe you can help me on this as well.  I'm under the impression that not all  the HitlerJugend  knives had the blood oath etched on the blade.  I've heard they stopped having the blade etch in 1938 or 19399 due to the war.

I also thought that after the War ended production of the knives continued for  use by the newly reorganized Boy Scouts in Germany (but obviously without the swastika).   These knives with the Fleur-de-lis were made for the new Boy Scout Organization (Deutscher Pfadfinder) in Germany.

I'm also not sure is the knife predated the Hitler Youth but I thought it did. I was under the impression the knife dated to around 1929 and was hi-jacked by the Nazis when all the various Scouting organizations we're  banned and forced to integrate into the newly formed Hitler Youth in 1934.

Is that about right or have I been mis-informed?

Toby, I'd say you a spot on, I have seen both etched and unetched youth knives, Hitler hijacking the design is also what I have understood to be true...

Thanks for all the info.  I will let you know when I receive it.


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