The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Time: October 28, 2016 to October 30, 2016
Location: Trackrock Campgrounds
Street: Trackrock Gap Church Road
City/Town: Blairsville, GA
Website or Map:
Event Type: hammer, in
Organized By: Carl Rechsteiner
Latest Activity: Nov 2, 2016
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#31 Trackrock Hammer-in Fall 2016
Date: Weekend of Octobr 28th & 29th Best News: Open to all & no admission fees >Can’t beat that!/p>
Location: Trackrock Campground, Blairsville, GA
Directions: WWW.TRACKROCK.COM 706-745-2420
Activities: Bladesmithing, Hawk forging, Leather Crafting, Anything Knife Related
Who: Anyone interested in knives, knife making, hawks, leather work, collecting, trading, etc. Watch, meet and talk talented bladesmiths, master leather craftsmen, collectors, etc.
See old discarded steel, scrap metal, wood and bone transformed into functional works of art.
General: Craftsmen from several states, finished knives on display, collections on display, etc.
Family oriented event.
No unsafe or reckless behavior will be tolerated.
Additional: “Iron in the Hat” event Saturday to help fund event. Please bring usable item for this event. A chance to pick up valuable plunder - knifemaking materials, parts and pieces. Strictly voluntary, participation encouraged.
Charity Knife Raffle: Custom knife will be on display during the event and drawing will be Saturday pm. Proceeds go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital or Scottish Rite (here in Atlanta)
Accommodations: Full hook-up & primitive camping available (check web site), Trackrock is an excellent campground and very well maintained. Several motels near: Blairsville and Young Harris.
Catered BBQ plate on site Saturday lunch – Pricing subject to caterer’s expenses.
Please contact me if you wish to participate, or need any further information.
Carl Rechsteiner
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These Kids had a lot of fun and showed determination in completing their knives. The two girls came all the way from Bolivia to attend the event and participate. Made their knives from a very old monkey wrench - one used the handle and one the jaw. Turned out very nice for both of them.
This young fella forged a hunting blade from an old Nicholson file.
With help from some of my long term support group participants we were able to get most everyones' blades barnyard heattreated so they could take home a finished blade - Think I processed 8 or 9 blades through heattreating. And as Jan mentioned Andy Roy helped out greatly by doing both initial grinds and finishing grinds on most of these as well as handling other requests.
then some more knives I was privileged to get to see and hold starting with Rock Solid Knives
And a W.I.P. Sword
A W.A.Surls original
and one of my favorites. Andy at Fiddleback forge brings his grinder and some work with him. He also will grind anyones knife made there, I caught him giving a few lessons also! Way to Go Fiddleback Forge!
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