Okay, I can't wait. I HAD to start this now. I just got a Northfield #56 Reverse Dog Leg in stag! All I've got to say is; OH MY GOSH! 


Lighting was bad today for pictures, but I'll try to get pictures and a little review tomorrow. 

GEC, what have you done to me?? I TRY to not get too hooked on just one brand. But now I'm thinking about getting a GEC tattoo just above my bathing suit line in back. It'll be cool.

Thanks to Gary Norton from Northwest Knife Company for the opportunity to get this knife.


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You will have to come to the rendevous this year and share LOL

The #56 Reverse Dog Leg. One fantastic knife! It feels good in the hand, it looks good, and it's made by Great Eastern Cutlery. What more could you want?


I always say nothing is "perfect". But.....I can be VERY nit picking about things. Try as I can, I'm having an impossible time finding a nit on this knife! Perfect? Probably not if you compare it to a custom made knife. But as far as "factory made" knives go, this might well be the holy grail; perfect (?) build, GREAT classic traditional looks, and can be a user if one wants.

*Blade pull, snap, play, everything, perfect

*Fit and finish perfect

*Feel in the hand perfect

*Feelings that it give me, perfect

*Pride of ownership (LOL!) perfect

*Sharp, perfect

I need more #56s!

That Serpentine Dogleg sure is a looker, that's fersure! I like that pattern a bunch, too!

You'll have to do a group shot of JUST the GEC knives you've added to your collection here recently. I've lost track of all these beauties that you've acquired recently. I do believe I'm turning green with envy!

Thanks Ron! 

I wish GEC would do another production run of these too. It's one cool knife! I hate little production runs....then down the road you want something and then the dealers don't have much left!

Actually I haven't bought that many GECs. It just seems like it. LOL!  It's slower going for me because of the cost. But, I'd rather have one of these than have five or ten cheaper knives.

I'll try to remember to do a group shot.

Beautiful knife for sure, the #56 is an all around winner.

Nice ones Johnny! Is that first one a Yellow Rose? 

Bob, I've been called a lot of names (mostly by my wife), but I've never been called a tramp.....yet.

nice shootin iron jts,nice knife also!

Wow guys, now I want to go look at doglegs again!  Those are sure some good lookin photo's, knives, guns...I love being part of this group!

The #56 sure is sexy....look at all those curves!

Great photos, Craig.  Congrats on the new 56.  GECs dogleg is one of my favorite patterns. 


If anyone want to sell me their eggs & hot sauce acylic 56, please get in touch.


I will let you know if I run across one looking for a home

I wish they'd do another production of them!


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