Twice a year this group of Bladesmiths get together and share the knowledge and the fun.  You can look back at my previous writings about them, I admire them all!

Having been unable to go to a knife show this year has effected me, I hate it.  So when the discussion came up about can we do this, my answer was Heck YES!  So we all went to working out plans for social distancing and making it as safe as possible.  Only about 50% of the Bladesmiths came to set up and a few of the vendors chose not to come. Spreading out became a little easier.  Trackrock Campground was full so we knew there would be visitors...ALL SET

As I head out on day one I am reminded of how beautiful our area is

When I first got there a cut off tool was being made from some roun...

Tags: 2020, Fall, Hammer, In, Trackrock

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Then it was time for knife making

As a smaller Hammer In with fewer attendees, we were able to spend time just being a family of hot metal and sharp objects aficionados.  Okay, we were just having a relaxed and awesome time LOL


Igor and his son really brought some great work for us to see.  I am very impressed with his young man and his diligence in making the BEE Knife (he gets it from his dad


The most fun is watching the kids and it happens to be Donnies specialty

I have never gone to one of these that Mr Jim Hammer doesnt bring me a lovely lady to sit and chat with and a beautiful knife to OOH and AAH over

All in all I have to say Covid did not ruin our day.  We pressed forward, stayed as distanced as we could and had the opportunity to watch one young man turn into what I believe will be the next knife maker.

the youngest of 3 at first did not want to make one, he was afraid he would hurt Donnies stuff LOL

when he finally figured out he wouldnt hurt it he started to make one and then said, I dont think i am tall enough

After he made it he sent his dad over to straighten the tip and as he walked off I saw a knife maker in the beginning stages LOL! He had that little nail knife held up looking down the spine to see if it was straight.  THAT is why we do these hammer ins'.  Twice a year we get together and if in that year we can entice one youngster to learn to use a forge and anvil as he/she grows, then the skill does not fade away to nothing.

Something that is always fun is the coal forge.  This is a completely different talent and takes someone able to distinguish colors and be able to relate the colors to the stages of metallurgy.


In the propane forge getting an even heat is easier

No matter your age, taking a turn on the anvil is always fun!

One of these years I'm gonna have to show up.

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