After a prolonged discussion on the comment board over on Outdoor Living, Charles, Robert, and I agreed that the the talk on the comment wall probably needed a home  in an actual discussion.   We also agreed that IKC Arsenal might be a better place for it that Outdoor living.  So here is a place to get talk about your air guns, both BB and Pellet.   Perhaps even airsoft and paintball if there is isn't already a place for those.  

I'll get things started.  (but feel free to let 'er rip and post your own images and stories, especially varmint/small game hunts1)

I've owned three BB guns an one BB/Pellet hybrid.  All the lower end Daisy/Crosman variety.  Curently all I own is a Daisy Red Ryder (there is a story behind its ownership, but it can wait.)  I'm looking to step it up a notch and want to get a decent  singal shot .177 pellet gun capable of 1,000 FPS for both plinking and possible varmint, small game use.  But I need to learn more about pellet guns before I start tossing down money.  My two main concerns are

1) spring piston vs. gas piston

2) Break barrel vs. pump

I assume their are trade off with both types of systems but I've not heard much about why one is better than the other or when a person would prefer one system over the other.

Also any opinions on the Gamo Silent Cat or the Crosman 1377 pistol would be appreciated.  Both are on my short list.

Gamo Silent Cat (1000 FPS match grade lead)

Crosman 1377 pistol (Variable pump up to 650 FPS)  Optional stock and numerous upgrades available.

Views: 1691

Replies to This Discussion

Sounds good Data. My guns will shoot a light weight pellet at 1250fps, also. I am sighted in with the heavier Gamo Match .177 cal pellet. So my speed is only 1000fps. Fast enough for me.

There are also videos on YT of people who glue a zippo flint into the hollow point of a pellet.  I have not tried this myself.  I imagine it would be similar to sticking a primer into the hollow point of a larger caliber bullet.  I know people who have done that to hunt hogs.

Here is my pellet rifle.  It is a Ruger Air Hawk.  It is rated at 1000 fps and is .177 caliber.  It cost around $100.  It is the break barrel type.  I have killed four squirrels with it.

Wow, I didn't know Ruger made a Air Rifle. Most people seem to own a .177 cal. pellet gun over the .22. Over my life span, I have owned several air rifles but only 1 in the .22 cal.  It was a Benjamine pump. [ Excuse spelling }.

Well, it is made in China.  I wish Ruger made it themselves here, but I suppose it would cost a lot more if they did.  It seems to be a well made gun.  It cost somewhere around the $100 mark.

Robert Burris said:

Wow, I didn't know Ruger made a Air Rifle. Most people seem to own a .177 cal. pellet gun over the .22. Over my life span, I have owned several air rifles but only 1 in the .22 cal.  It was a Benjamine pump. [ Excuse spelling }.

Hi all,

There are a couple of good airgun forums on the web. The folks there are passionate about airgunning and it's a good place to read about reviews, especially what's good (accuracy, fit and finish, reliability, etc.), what's worth the money (many are more pricey than "real" guns, but price is not a determinant of "good"), what types of pellets work best in guns, what types of pellet work best for hunting, target practice, competitive shooting (like 10 meter Olympic shooting), etc.

Some retail airgun sites also have their own forums and even cover the above in more detail. Sometimes it can become overwhelming  for a newbie. You can talk to reps concerning what you want to do with the airgun (in this column it most likely is hunting); the type of propellent that best suits your needs and pocketbook; best types of hunting pellets to achieve your desired ends. Reviews of pellet guns also exist on Amazon and now eBay also sells airguns. The good thing about airguns is that you can shoot them in your basement if need be and you can also buy them via the mail. Airguns should never be considered a weapon even though there are reported cases of  wackos using them to rob. Nor, under any circumstances, should they be considered a toy because modern guns are very dangerous and always need to be treated as a "real" gun.

Surprisingly some of the best hunting air rifles, at moderate prices, come out of Spain (Gamo), Gamo has been in business for many years. (FYI, the current king of Spain accidentally killed his younger brother with an airgun!). Hatsan, of Turkey, also makes good moderately priced airguns with good reviews. If you want target accuracy and don't want to pay prices for German guns the IZH of Russia is an excellent choice - almost Olympic quality for some of their pieces. China does import their own brand into the US under the Tech Arms name. Compasseco out of KY used to be the distributor but I believe they are no longer in business. For a "cheap" wood stock air rifle they were pretty good, not great. You didn't care if you banged it around....

Most airguns are .177 cal. but one of the best .20 or .22 cal. manufacturers is Benjamin (part of Crosman & made in the USA). Personally I'd stay away from BB guns - even for basement shooting!!!

I hope this info is useful and will help those who need to bag assorted varmints and sundry pests.Airgun sites cover hunting in depth even to the point of where to efficiently kill your prey. Hopefully we'll be hearing about your successes on this forum.

Ruger, a great gunmaker, does have airguns but their pistol, for example, has received mediocre reviews. Winchester, Walther, Colt, S&W also sell airguns under their names. They are made in either Turkey or China.

Thanks for the post Michael.  Some good info there.  Definitely no pellet or BB gun, even Red Ryder, should be treated as a toy.  They are capable of injury and even death.

i agree ..nothing that fires any projectile of any sorts should be treated like a toy.


thank you very much for the post above mke. i love it when folks take the time to write. thank you for the much needed information.


i wanted to follw up on what im sure most will consider da dumb idea but since i can have these 2 items in the same desk next to my bed. i would at least have a sigle shot.i may be judged of course for having it after i was attacked in my home{as i would not walk the streets like a fool with a gun...ESPECIALLY IN nj AND ESPECIALLY SOMETYHING "HOMEMADE"...


basically with knives im ok. with guns im a dyummy!...LOL.. but this looks to be my only real way to have at least a single shot "is what theyare called here in nj"" for that one fool that sticks his head in my house...well in NJ i have to wat until he is basicaly attacking me. so if yo9u are wondering why im looking at sych measures..its not so much for the fun and games of it... but that the pieces are legal 100% sperate...i already am lookig at the GECCO METAL FLARE GUNS... i would never go plastic..thats kind of crazy-IMO.  anyway i happen to love these guys. i am not asking for anything but your opion on the idea with keeping in mind that i cannot get a  firearm . i can own the ammo,the kennnessaw insert and flare gun though.


here are a few links one is o the video directly... and one is to their channel on youtibe... i am not someone preaching this method...im curious if its honestly going to work? i know of course if i did have to use it i would be stuck explaining myslef..BUT I WOULD BE ALIVE!!{rather be judged by 12 the carried by 6 ..as they say}

so i guess my question is.invest the 90$ on something that will fire of at least  2 different single shots{please watch vidoeo,i think you will be surprised} moving out of Nj/PA is not a choice i have riught now. so thats off the table.


so your opinions... HELP ME PLEASEEEEE ...lol... i understand its not the greatest and a GUN would be better.am i foolish for even thinking this?.. thanx everyone. 


vid of flare gun tests. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vfQwdszJYM  here they are only firing flares.even they do damage!

part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cWROn6d40I  fires .45!  ...this is what i would be doing....

and their channel if you like it. http://www.youtube.com/user/Iraqveteran8888?feature=watch 

Thanks for some very helpful information Micheal.  It will help when it comes time to step it up to the next level.

Probably my only disagreement with what you said is to stay away from BB guns.  I'd agree that for shooting varmints it would just be cruel torture but they can be quite a bit of fun and really inexpensive "plinkers."  They are also easier to load and fire quickly, especially lever acitions like a Daisy.

However, BB should not be used on steel targets or anything else that could cause ricochet.  You could shoot your eye out!  Yeah it is a over used phrase but I had a BB bounce off a  penny mounted on a board that popped me in the cheek when I was kid. an inch higher and it would've got me in the eye!  I learned a valuable lesson that day.  The bruise from the BB was there for a week or more.

Peter - what IS legal in New Jersey?

Tobias - I don't know if you have decided yet but I just saw this on Seattle Craigslist . . .


Data. that looks like the Slent Cat. It is about $50 lower than the new price on  Amazon.

Not sure if it is possible to do a poll or not but out of curiosity  between the two biggest names in USA BB guns which do you say is better:




Note I said BB guns.  Let's not consider BB/Pellet hybrids or Pellet only air rifles.


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