Getting around in iKnifeCollector.com

A good many times I have heard, you’re not set up like a forum and I keep getting lost.  So I have decided we need a cheat sheet.

The main page of iKC is where everything has its roots but from any page you can reach the navigation bar at the top

You can bring yourself to the main page from anywhere by clicking main

Once there the set up pretty much stays that same

THE LEFT COLUMN              THE CENTER COLUMN                              THE RIGHT COLUMN

WHAT IS HOT                        GROUPS                                                     INBOX/SETTINGS

FORUMS                               PHOTO SLIDE SHOW                                 LATEST ACTIVITY

BIRTHDAYS                           BLOGS                                                       SPONSORS




Notice the navigation bar at the top will also take you to the same places.  The biggest different is when you come in from the main page of iKC, it shows you the latest in each of those categories.  There are more tabs at the top that you can explore but this is the basics for navigating around our site.

Have some fun, visit a portion of the site you have not previously seen.  Did you know we have over 70 specialty GROUPS to talk about your favorite brand, outdoor activities, survival, shooting, repairing knives or even the beginning builder.

As always, Thanks for being here with us.  The members are what make our site a home

Jan Carter          

Tags: Navigating, iKnifeCollector

Views: 5488

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Robert, friend requests need to be sent individually.  Sorry I am so late answering got hit by Zeta and waiting for internet to come back on

Robert Doss said:

How do I send out friend request to everybody and that is a beautiful knife?
How are you doing tonight Jan Carter

Hey J.J. and all.  As you know, I'm new around here, and I was just trying to find something.  Where on iKC a member would go if he/she is a collector who is looking for a specific knife, and would like to ask the iKC community if there is someone who has one to sell.  Like the want ads section of the news paper under "wanted to buy".  I'm sure there must be an easy way to do that here, but having only been here for 2 days, I've not yet found it.

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