Just a short "getting to know each other" survey.    I like to ask simple questions that help break the ice, so to speak.   Typically I limit them to seven questions or less.  This one is just some very basic, general questions:

1. Where do you buy most of your tackle?

2. What type of fish do you normally go after?

3. Are you more likely to use live or artificial bait?

4. How many times a year do you do on a prolonged fishing trip (longer than a week-end)?

5. Does your spouse or a significant other like to fish and if so do they like to fish with you?

6. When visiting new places do you seek out bait shops even when you’re not fishing?

7. Catch & Release, Catch & Eat, or both?

Views: 312

Replies to This Discussion

Charles- I don't want to get too far off the original topic, but as the old saying goes " You can't judge a book by it's cover." I was the store manager of Pic N' Save Drugs. a large dept.store in Ocala, FL .Our "BEST' customers , even considered so by my District Manager, were a well to do couple who arrived either in their new BMW or their new Mercedes- He was a retired well-known lawyer and she also a very successful business woman- They spent a couple  of hundred $$ a week in my store for many,many months. One night at closing time they made the mistake of going through my most experienced cashiers checkout line--She knew the prices of darn near everything in the store and realized that they had switched price tags for literally everything in their cart-- They had ripped us off for literally thousands of dollars in merchandise over the previous months. I thought my District Manager would have a heart attack when she first challenged them til she proved her self correct.

Didn't have a Carson, Pine & Scott, but we had "Cross Horlock" department store down the block from Western Auto. My first guitar came from S&H Greenstamps, and we always had stamp books sitting on the kitchen table, (I remember the green fingers too). It was exciting handing in a book(s) of stamps and waiting for them to come out of the stock room with your prize.

Not surprised to hear that a guy with a Rolls would steal those stamps, some people who get rich don't get that way by being honest. Some of those with such means consider themselves "entitled", so in their minds they are "entitled" to steal because they're rich. I managed a clothes store in a mall for a while, and one day noticed a well dressed guy shoplifting. When mall security came I found out he was an off duty cop from a neighboring small town. They just took the stuff back and let him go, never learned whether he lost his job or not. Different world nowadays.

Syd-Once again, hoping we can veer back to the original topic- BUT, I stopped a guy for shoplifting at a Venture Dept. Store in Decatur, IL years ago- He had systematically punched a hole in the clear exposed portion of boxes of Christmas lights and stolen the "extra" replacement bulbs.-- When I had him in custody and asked for his ID- He was a San Francisco Homicide Detective- Shot his career to heck with that arrest---

LOL Charles the guy in the rolls stole the trading stamps!!  I used to love it when the S&H catalog came, it was a big deal to see how many we had and how many we needed to get that one "splurge" peice

1) mostly at larger dept stores.. for price reasons, but some at smaller bait shops.

2)salt water... mangrove snapper,grouper, tarpon  {for fun},and many assorted fish.  fresh water,-- bass,walleye,catfish

3)salt water..live or dead for snapper and assorted  fish... artificial for tarpon and other game fish such as bone fish, barracuda,and others.  dolphin and mahi mahi take more rigging but still I use flying fish and needle fish rigged. but I use many, many different versions of riggs and hardware depending on situations.. (out riggers) (downriggers) (flatlining) and such.

4)up untill 10 years or so ago.. I used to take prolonged trips at least 6-10 times a year.. but location changed all of that and now once a year if I am lucky.

5) she loves to fish and yes she loves to fish with me.

6)somewhat..not always, but I do always end up in fishing departments everywhere I go. new and old.

7)both, depending on fish type and amounts.

1. Bass Pro shops

2. Bass but many others - Largemouth - but my favorite is Smallmouth

3. Both but more artificial

4. I use to do that several times a year. But lately I'm slowing down.

5. Yes and Yes but she won't take the fish off the hook.

6. no not really

7. Both, but mostly catch and release

I just had back surgery and am healing well. I have got to get back to fishing.


Praying for a quick and complete recovery from your surgery. 

Ken Spielvogel said:

I just had back surgery and am healing well. I have got to get back to fishing.


I also pray your feeling good soon and can get in some spring fishing!

Thanks Charles and Jan, I am doing very well. I had two pinched nerves. I am in much better shape now. I have my legs back. Dr said healing will take 2-3 months to see full results. Thanks for the prayers.


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