Since I became host of the Arsenal Group, we have gone from 38 to 91 members.  But I want to see 100 members in the group and to see them post.  So I have decided to run a contest to give away a knife.  The knife is a Smith & Wesson SWLFS "24-7".

When the 100th member joins the group, I will put every member's name that has posted to the group in the previous year (excluding mine of course) in a hat and have someone else draw out the winner's name.  So be sure you have posted to the group in the last year and urge anyone you know who isn't in the group to join and post.

Here are a couple of pictures of the knife.  It is a liner lock with double thumb studs and pocket clip and has never been carried, sharpened, or used.

Views: 789

Replies to This Discussion

Very nice knife,thanks for the opportunity!!!

hope i'm lucky for once..

Thanks for joining the group Thomas and good luck in the contest.

Yoohoo!  Just two more members and somebody wins a knife!

Getting closer. Good luck.

One more to go.Thanks for the chance.

hey charles i juust sent out an invite to a person i know i can count on ..youll have the 100 any minute!

well i sent out a few more invites and i hit a FACEBOOK LIKE so its on my FB wall...

OK....i jumped all over FACEBOOOK abnd found one of our members BRUCE GODLESKY.. he is number 100!..

Yahoo! !00 members....Congrats!

Persistence has paid off!  That's a sweet looking S&W!

yup thats BRUCE GODLESKY of WWW.BIRDOGFORGE.COM.. he is an IKC member but was not on this club... i went right to him on FB... FB is a great resource for site traffic!...sent him the LINK one on one in a chat.. and poof all he had to do wa read about group and hit join.. i set out a few more invites as well as a few more one on ones..NOOT should be by here soon!

Robert Burris said:

Yahoo! !00 members....Congrats!

Thanks for joining the Arsenal group William.  Now somebody is going to win a knife.  And it might be you!

William A Sanders said:

One more to go.Thanks for the chance.

Since we now have 100 members in the Arsenal group, the winner of the knife will be announced tomorrow (Friday) around 6:00 PM Eastern time in the chat room and shortly after here.

And thanks to Peter Force for helping to reach that hundred mark.

I also want to thank all those who signed on to the group to bring the number from 91 to 100 members.  I hope to see everybody's posts in the group.  Let's keep it active!


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