Recently came across this and I hope its not true but I am afraid it is. We need your comments and your support.


Tags: bans, gun, ownership, restrictions, seizure

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Even in prison with total control of people, those who want to do harm or force their will on others manage to make weapons to get the job done.  I have a neat auto knife which was made in a Ukrainian prison.  The guards looked the other way and then trade cigarettes for the finished product.  Well the prisoners started getting fancy and the product did too.  Mine is very cool and engraved.  I will post a pic on the Box of knives section sometime to day.

That's the reason that I posted that.

I can remember the time that you talked about, when we had firearms and were taught to use and respect them.

Seems to me that when the government took prayer out of schools, common sense went with it.

Exactly, you can outlaw whatever, people are still people, they will still find a way to kill. It's our human nature...

J.J. Smith III said:

Hey Clint,

I spent almost 18 years in an environment with TOTAL gun control. 

None of the residents were allowed firearms of any sort.  In all that time I can only recall 1 instance of a firearm violation.  Knives and edged weapons were also controlled, however homemade blades were common.

That being said, killings and assaults still took place.



Well that was certainly an interesting letter LOL.  Not a word!

As advertised I posted the picture of this prison made auto knife in the Switchblade and Box full of knives sections.  Thanks J.J. for your impute.

I saw it Clint.  That was cool. 

My Fellow Patriots..........

I have wrote to my Senators and to my Representative about the gun right issues.  Recently I was told one Senator voted to bring the latest gun rights legislation to the floor for debate.  For expedite contact I emailed him a stern warning.  Here is he reply:

Dear Mr. Thompson,
Thank you for taking the time to write me to express your opinion and concerns about the various gun control proposals. I am encouraged so many Oklahomans are making their voices heard. I have received an overwhelming number of letters, and in order to respond in a timely manner, I am writing a response that encompasses my entire position. If you have additional questions or concerns, please write me again.
  I want to be clear: I remain committed to defending and protecting our Constitution; namely the Second Amendment.  I have long protected the rights of law-abiding citizens to own guns. I am opposed to a ban on assault rifles and I oppose limiting magazines. I will not vote for any bill that limits the gun rights of law abiding citizens.  While I support a debate in the Senate on gun related issues—including reaffirming these rights and forcing gun-control advocates to have their votes on record and be held accountable for their votes—I will not only support, but lead a filibuster to prevent the passage of any bill that limits the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.  
The news reports are correct that I have been involved in discussions to write legislation improving the existing background checks to enable private citizens to check a database and ensure the person they seek to sell their gun to is legally allowed to own a firearm.  I believe it is good public policy to make sure that those who are mentally-ill or a felon (both are already prohibited from owning a gun), do not have access to a weapon.  However, I oppose record keeping and will not agree to legislation that expands record keeping to private sales.
The concern I am hearing over and over is not just about people maintaining their right to own firearms—it is a concern about how to preserve liberty.  When our Constitution was adopted, we had just won a war fought largely by Minute Men and localized, or unofficial, militias (Sons of Liberty, etc).  The first shots fired at Concord were, in part, to preserve a local supply of firearms that the British sought to confiscate.  Our founders believed very strongly that the individual right to bear arms would preserve the independence and freedom won in 1781, just as they had enabled our founders to win the revolutionary war.  They feared tyranny and centralized power—which is why our Constitution was established.  In addition to the checks created by balancing power between a legislature and executive—and checked by a judiciary—the Bill of Rights sought to limit the federal government and clearly stated that those powers not enumerated in the Constitution and delegated to the federal government would remain with the states and the people (the 9th and 10th Amendments). 
Yet, our federal government regularly legislates on matters that belong to the states and the people.  Our freedoms are being gradually encroached and choked by ever-increasing regulations, laws, agencies, and overspending.  This concerns me greatly and I fight daily to rein in the size, scope and spending of our federal government.  I believe the greatest threat to our Republic is apathy as our overindulgent federal government, through indebtedness, spends the money of future generations.  James Madison, the architect of our Constitution, said something similar in 1788 in a speech in Virginia when he said, “Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
I am aware of this and I work to push back on all attacks to our Constitution, including those to our Second Amendment. Congress must be careful not to legislate in a way that makes criminals out of law-abiding, gun-owning citizens.
Thank you for being involved and allowing me these last eight years to fight to protect our Constitution.  I daily think about the sacrifices of past generations and I am grateful.  In these last four years, as I finish out my second term, I remain committed to protecting your Second Amendment rights and working to limit our federal government and reduce federal spending. 
Tom A. Coburn, M.D.
United States Senator

In a reply a while back I stated how easy it is to express your feelings on gun control laws against our second amendment via the internet. We should all have letters from our legislators responding to your protest. At least I would hope that be the case. Clint Thompson is here for the fight. I hope we all can stand as tall. 

My Senator voted to bring it to the floor, also.
He's definately a RINO, and just announced that he rsised a million dollars, allready for his re-election next year. (more than likely from people like G. Soros and the lot.)
As far as I'm concerned, he's gone.
He sure has disregarded the voters in SC.

Guy, you are so right and I appreciate the reply that Clint received.  Well thought out by someone who understands it is not about guns but rights and our constitution.  JJ, I am sorry to hear that, I am hoping that in your area and MANY others 1 million dollar spending spree on campaign ads wont get them re-elected but their lack of caring about what the people in the State wanted will get them sent home


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