Recently came across this and I hope its not true but I am afraid it is. We need your comments and your support.


Tags: bans, gun, ownership, restrictions, seizure

Views: 886

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POTUS has finished laying out his new "Executive Actions". 

Take a gander at #16 &17.  He now wants to have doctors report any guns in the household.


There is nothing here about gun control. Reading through the entire 23 Executive Orders 80% of this is already being done. As a law enforcement officer of 40 years on three continents I can tell you we already run a full background check prior to returning confiscated firearms. All State are required to pass on all felony and domestic violence convictions to the FBI so the States already submit this information outlined in order #3. In fact law enforcement goes further than these toothless executive orders in keeping firearms out of the dirtbag's hands.

As far as #6 "Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun
dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers." They can furnish the information to me if they want but I don't have to do any background checks before selling a gun to my friend or neighbor. If I don't what is the recourse of the government? Nothing will happen without legislation and law so an arrest can be made and a judge and or jury can convict to restrict or take away my freedom. This is clearly to appease the anti-gun people.  My suggestion....report to your law enforcement anyone you feel could be a danger to others if they have a firearm or not. Our first line of defense for gun violence is....us! I also recommend you join the NRA. The NRA provide firearms safety and training and gun awareness and safety programs for students.

Obama and friends, has asked gun owners like me, with a double barrel shot gun and a six shot revolver, to go against gun owners that enjoy military type fire arms. Not gonna happen here! I have been an NRA member for years, like my father and grand father before me. Enforce the laws we have now, don't add more laws that the crimenals won't follow anyway.


Yep just more of the same laws, no plan for enforcing them.   The NRA is being aggressive against this aggressive attack, join and help them.  WE are the people they are working for


You are so right.  I do not own a gun (Donnie does) but I will be darned if I will support any one taking away the rights we were founded on.  Our forefathers left oppression, knew what it looked like and planned ahead to keep it from happening.  How sad they must be right now

Did anyone say, "lets give law enforcement more help"? No, just tact on more laws that the bad guys ain't gonna folllow anyway. Sad.

No more laws will be passed...if we all (I have already done this) write our people in Washington D.C.  Join the NRA is another good tool.  I am an endowed member which is one donation above the life membership.  They have some great programs and insurance.  I believe they still have this "If you are at a NRA approved range or shoot you are covered.  If you are hunting and accidentally shoot someone they cover this.  If you shoot someone legally in defending yourself or other they will back you on this too."  Check it out.   http://home.nra.org/#/nraorg

Joining the NRA and supporting their actions may be our only option at this point in order to be heard. I really don't think we have a voice with any politician. 

Steve here is how this goes. If we are so gone as not to expect our politicians to take notice of what we as the ones who put them in their jobs, then we need to become activists and remove them from their jobs.  Both of my Senators and my Representative are 100% behind the 2nd Amendment but I wrote them letters anyway.  Most of those in Washington has a rating system wherein if they get an email then this will have a lower value than say a phone call and the highest value would be the physical letter.  Of course personal contact would be the best.  Basically war has been declared on our constitution and we need to rally to the flag and fight within the system we have.  We must make our elected officials be accountable.  I will be joining the movement for limited terms for all elected officials in Washington.  We need new blood without the old guard being there jacking with the new members.  My belief is eight years total as a Senator/Representative/combination there of..and here is your retirement check and don't let the screen door hit you in the ass as you leave.

Ok it is getting dizzy up here on my soap box so I better get down.

I join the NRA every year, I guess I should be a life time mmber. I think my father was. It's better to be a life time member?


Check to see what the cost is.  I paid $200 in 1969.  I hear they give discounts for seniors.

Thanks, good buddy.

Limited terms!  No more careers on the back of folks that are supporting you and the country.

I have never been afraid of a gun.  I have never been afraid to be out in public because there may be a fool with a gun, bomb...whatever.  For the first time in my life I am afraid of my own government and I am afraid of the apathy of the citizens in our great country.  Putting our heads in the sand and hoping someone else comes to our rescue is not the American way.  

Join, talk, become involved before we are telling our grandchildren about the freedoms we enjoyed in the good old days 


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