I think we've found a loop hole with  these new assisted open blades. I've  got a benchmade auto that I LOVE. My son brought it home to me from IRAQ.It's part sarratted blade,the steel is 154CM. The handle is mat black aluminum I think. I say aluminumI'm not sure It just light feels good in my hand but Im scared to carry it in my pocket for going to jail. I can carry a gun concealed legal but scared to carry an auto. I think the assisted open blades may be the smart way to go!  Charles Parnell

Tags: assisted, benchmade, blades, open

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Replies to This Discussion

I think you're more likely to just have the knife confiscated than serve a jail term, Charles. Around here if you're caught with an auto they simply make you break it right there in front of the officer. Of course, if you refuse to do that, then you get taken in.

The best reason not to carry a prized auto in public is to minimize the chances of losing it or having it taken from you. I wouldn't want to lose any of mine. Too hard to come by.

You need to check your state and local laws regarding owning and carrying automatic knives. There are more states that is LEGAL to own and carry an auto than states where it is illegal. Also, there are states that you can own an auto ...but just can't carry it in public.
Good point.
However, regardless of the particular laws involved, I just don't carry an expensive automatic knife in public. Period. Much of the reason for this is the lack of confidence I have in my local law enforcement's knowledge of the law and if push comes to shove on a street-corner the cop has the firearm, not me.
Regardless of the laws....if your not comfortable carrying an automatic knife..then carry what you are comfortable with...like an assisted opening knife or just a manual opening knife. I still would research the state and local laws regarding automatic knives in your area just for the knowledge of knowing.
I do not know where u live,but if u may carry a concealed, loaded firearm,legitly,u should be able to carry an edged tool the same.Concealed or showing.I'm not a fan of assisted openers,but the new BM/assist models I have opened up make me lean toward assisted openers( for that company.)Where do u live?What state/country??I am truly gifted to live in Arizona, where our constitutional 2nd amendment right, to keep/bear arms for the right 2 defend our family n homes against tyranny still holds merit.I used to love California,now I only miss the weather.I just read that one in the state of California cannot defend themselves legally if their life is in grave danger,w/out possibility of jail time or criminal charges, if bad guy pushes the issue,which happens a lot,letting bad men go free and defenders of freedom get punished!So is California really that great?When I cannot fight 4 my family and my life if threatened,I lshall no longer be breathing!!!


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