I currently have a small spyderco attached to my key ring.  It is a fine little knife but it tends to open from time to time and bite my clumsy  fingers.  Any thoughts on the best knife to put on the key chain that doesnot open and bite the hand that feeds it .

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i use a leatherman micra and one of the other leatheman variations of the micra, s2 or p2 somethinglike that, on my wifes keys

i have tones and tones of knive sthat you could toss on a key chian.


but here ys go I DO NOT KNOW ANY OF THESE SELLERS and using links to  show knives and how cheap they can be had for.

i do love just attaching a single small 2 icnh closed- 1 inch blade vintgae pen knife with a little lanyard to my key chain but they all ten to just turn into nail cleaners.

here ya go as far as practial and can be had for under 5$ if you hunt enough and care only about perfeomance since it only goin on your keys THE BUCK 759 {tawain} nut i have owned 2 and love both and i pid less then 10$ for the total! http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-25-Buck-759T-pocket-knife-1-125-lockblade... 

what i like about that knife the most how easy the blade slides out but stays nice and tightly locked.

my other favorite is a buck.{USA }  simply known as the Minibuck or model 425. i also have one o the but mine is a sorta keep sake as it is was signed by CHUCK BUCK in 2003 when i met him... here is the knife though and it can be had cheap.. fora ssmall  USA blade http://www.ebay.com/itm/Buck-425-Folding-Mini-Pocket-Knife-/2910244...

IN THE END- i  carry 2 small pieces on my key chain. a multi-tool and something seperate from the muli-tool with  just a blade alone or a few extras such as swiss army basic knife.BUT i LAWAYS have a MULTI-TOOL..normally a little GERBER i found on walk one day.

Well I think Larry has a very unuasual key chain knife!

I like the Leatherman PS4 myself.

That does have about everything you could ever want for a key chain! Never tested the scissors, wonder how those work?

Very good suggestions here. I already have too much on my key ring so I decided to go with a very small one. Including the key ring I carry for work, I also have my car keys, with a few others on a ring. I recently added a small flashlight and this Victorinox to my key ring. I also carry a larger knife in my front pocket, for larger needs.

I EDC a Leatherman Micra.  Although I don't put it on my key ring, it would be good for that type of carry.  You don't have to worry about it opening before you want it open.  Also the scissors will cut even thin paper.  I often use it to cut coupons out of the newspaper.


Victorinox on the keychain! A classic Jeremy.

Charles, I really do love the Micra!

Another Micra vote!
l.lantz said:

I like Leathermans Micra or Squirt Ps4.

No, not Micra, the PS4 has both scissors and pliers, the micra only has scissors.  Steve, the Leatherman scissors are very strong.

Stainless Al Mar Osprey

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