I got a box from Case today addressed to Daniel Sample.  Great!  My grandson's Junior Member annual knife is here!  I opened the box with great expectation.  GROAN!  There was no knife in the box, there was a cap!  It is a nice cap, but I didn't order a cap, I ordered a knife.  The packing slip stated it was the knife, but there was only the cap in the box.  I emailed support at customer service telling them of the error and requesting they send the knife as ordered.  I will also call them Monday.


I think they ought to let me keep the cap also for my trouble.  What do you all think?

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Replies to This Discussion

I'm with Max on this....I also get a "little heated" with the assorted Case bashing across the various forums. 

I know Case is like the 300lb Gorilla. Its so big that no matter what they do 50% of the people won't like it. I am sure they are in a delicate situation most of the time! Its hard to say but any big company seems to catch it for something. Although I don't think this post was intended to explore that, it does get me to wonder what is in store for this venerable brand?

lol..idk, purtty sharp looking hat!  ;-}  lol
Ron"TUNA"Dumeah said:

I think so! Heck you cant cut anything with that cap!

all 3 of my case hats say "made in america" on the tags...but, either way..when you're expecting a knife, no matter how sharp of a hat,,  can imagine it just would'nt fit the bill...lol  never have had a problem with case other than issues with certain knives, but i'm sure by the time you get it lined out, your grandson will be smiling pretty!  it is GREAT  that you are involving him in this time honored tradition, keeping collecting alive and making a yound boy very happy!  HATS OFF TO YOU! 

If case ever shuts down it wont be because of me. I think I've already paid someone's salary this year. I always get great service and a quality service. If it breaks they fix it (with in reason). Have a question they answer it (with in reason).

I really didn't mean to bash Case.  I guess I should have worded my title differently.  My disappointment was opening the box and not seeing what i expected.  I am still a Case fan and will continue to collect their knives.  And I do think they will make things right.

And I do like the hat.
Max McGruder said:

I don't know Ford let people die in the Pinto and theyre still around and I own a Ford!


I guess I just get heated easy with all the Case bashing over this and that, it just seems now days Sorry doesn't work for people. It was your title that got me right away. I do understand you being disappointed expecting one thing and getting another that you didn't even order. I guess i'd be a bit po'd also!

So I'm sorry if I came on a little strong.


It is a darn nice hat though and I look darn good in mine and it's American made! Not saying it's made by Americans but it's made here I'm told!

My personal opinion is, Case has FANTASTIC customer service. I'm sure it will get all straightened out.

Charles, I can certainly appreciate your disappointment. But, from reading your comments, it sounds like you still have about 15 years to let Case make this right for you. I mean, since you didn't plan to give your grandson the knives until his 16th birthday n' all.

Or, perhaps I misread what you wrote?

In any event, I'm sure that it will all get sorted out. These things usually do. Please keeps us posted how Case's customer service handles it for you.

Oh! And, I have to add that your grandson is a very lucky boy!

LOL, no bashing here guys.  

Your right there is some serious bashing of different companies on the forums.  iKC's commitment is everyone's opinion is of value but bashing is just wrong.  Charles, I didnt mention your heading as too strong because I know our guys here are pretty level headed.  See I am right again LOL

Please let us know the outcome so we can all celebrate the success of your knives coming home too 

I don't think anyone was bashing except me bout ford, and it won't happen again!

You are correct about everyone being level headed and it showed thru this I believe.


I kinda liked the Ford reference.  We both drive Fords and I have in the past owned Pintos :)

One of the best vehicles I ever owned was a Ford....and one of the worst.

The level headedness is one of the things I like the most about this joint.


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