I got a box from Case today addressed to Daniel Sample.  Great!  My grandson's Junior Member annual knife is here!  I opened the box with great expectation.  GROAN!  There was no knife in the box, there was a cap!  It is a nice cap, but I didn't order a cap, I ordered a knife.  The packing slip stated it was the knife, but there was only the cap in the box.  I emailed support at customer service telling them of the error and requesting they send the knife as ordered.  I will also call them Monday.


I think they ought to let me keep the cap also for my trouble.  What do you all think?

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Joint? I like to think of iKC as an asylum where all the knife nuts go.

I have owned several Fords including two Pintos.
Jan Carter said:


I kinda liked the Ford reference.  We both drive Fords and I have in the past owned Pintos :)

I received an email from Case this morning about my knife.  They didn't mention anything about sending the cap back so I am not going to either.  Here is the main part of the email.

Thank you for contacting us regarding this error.  I have spoken with Lisa, the Manager of the Case Collectors Club, and she wanted me to let you know she is going to meet with our Shipping Manager, and see how this error happened.  It may take a little time, but we will get this straightened out for you and you will receive the items you ordered

Well it sounds like they recognize the error, are investigating and will send the items you ordered....which is all pretty good if you ask me. When its all said and done though it is all about the hat.........

Well nice to see they're on it and the hat would be a nice gift for your trouble, hopefully this will be resolved quickly!

Steve, mighty fine lookin' hat! but someone wrote on it! LOL!!

Just a couple of mine!

If I can ever get Danny to hold still long enough with the cap on, I will take his pic and post it.  I tried this morning but all I could get were blurs!

Good to hear Charles!

I want one of those!!  That has the mesh back that I like. I'm a hot head. LOL!

Max McGruder said:

Well nice to see they're on it and the hat would be a nice gift for your trouble, hopefully this will be resolved quickly!

Steve, mighty fine lookin' hat! but someone wrote on it! LOL!!

Just a couple of mine!

Lisa from Case called me today.  She said the knife is shipped and told me to keep the cap.  She thanked me for telling them of the problem so they could check to see if any other orders were incorrect.

There ya go...

That's great Charles!

You'll have them in no time. Now, patience Grasshopper. LOL!

Never a doubt in my mind.


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